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Everything posted by BklynBoy8

  1. Jollyjones, So sorry to hear of your various disappointments with you crossing on the QM2. Queen Mary 2 is our favorite ship to sail after disappointments with HAL in the past that we once enjoyed to sail on till changes took place on that line. We enjoy sailing out of Brooklyn Cruise Terminal since we live in the Boro of Brooklyn. And happy not to have to sail out of Manhattan after we found it to be stressful to travel to in the past. Having sailed with Cunard Line from the QE2 to now the QM2, we would not think of not continuing after decades of Cunard service. We too do not like or think of sailing on these now a days Mega Ships because of the size and number of passengers on board. Even though we don't think that the QM2 is oversized or classed as a Mega Ship, we enjoy how they used the space to design her and all that is offered to us to enjoy. Just enough activities to keep us busy, Out of all the sailings we did on the QE2 & QM2 we too had situations that occurred and we dealt with it in the operations of the ship or the terminal operations. For instance, we were part of the 4th of July Sailing on the QM2 last year and never thought we would experience a embarkation like that. Yours were 4 hours delayed and our 6 hours. And much more chaos you can imagine. We didn't leave till 230 AM in the morning. But we still looked forward to the cruise and enjoyed. See if you wouldn't give Cunard another chance. On another Cunard ship, on a different itinerary and out of another port.
  2. She is suppose to go thru a half life refit in 2025 which should give her more years of her life delighting all and continue sailing.
  3. We were on the September 2022 Canada NE Sailing and weren't happy with the Chicken and Beef dishes served in the Princess Grill. With the Beef I know the M'd noticed the amount of the dish that I consumed and agreed that it wasn't that good. This was at the beginning of the meal so I don't know if others by that time commented. Or did they know what was going to be used for Beef dishes ahead of time and the results passengers were going to comment about. Knowing the to be used at that meal brought on board. With the Chicken dish, DW wasn't happy with the quality. She is not a complaintor but it was noticeable to the point that again the staff brought it up about the quality. So then we saw a difference and again this last July in 2023 we saw one dish that was questioned. So meat products are questionable obtained.
  4. Thank you.... not unusual when one thought leads to another thought on these threads. I was blessed to have been exposed to many restaurants and also a father that was a chef. I was actually suppose to go to the CIA but a different direction was meant for me. Trying to keep it short, we enjoyed many Christmas times at Luchow's with the Tree. Neiderstein's was a hang out we enjoyed. Yes CTK is next door with the last stop of the train. Visiting my mother's aunt in Greenpoint, many times past Domino and smelt the hot sugar and Rheingold Beer the hops. Luger's we are schedule soon to return. Always got the big dish Shalog (whip cream). DW boss from Wall St went to S&W for dinners. That is why I enjoy the food services on the QM2 during a lengthy voyage. Once again, thank you. Mangia!
  5. The passengers are responsible for their own luggage to the point of turning it over to the longshore men in the front of the terminal. There is no help from the ferry terminal to the front of the terminal.
  6. You Bet ! Same as the Original Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth, SS United States, SS America and many the Won the Blue Ribbon racing across the Atlantic Ocean for Speed. Also style which is very, very noticeable. Once you are on her you will know the difference.
  7. We too sailed many times on the QM2 since 2006. I remember the days we use to come to Brooklyn at 11:15 since we live 12 minutes away, went thru the route of the terminal, sat in the Grill Lounge till 12 and 1210 were in the room. Not like what we hear today and what we experienced last year. Times have changed or just circumstances...
  8. The best sailings we do are on the Mary 2 to the Caribbean like we will do next March. We even look at the Crates coming on the Pier and/or our ask the M'd in the restaurants what will they be being on if any from whatever Ports we will be coming to next. In a day or two we will enjoy those fruits at our table. A real fresh treat from the islands. Sometimes it interesting to ask.
  9. We use to sail with a CC'er called Jim's Girl from Florida. She sailed ? ? ? ? times on the QE2 and QM2 and use to come to the Qx Rm Tea with us. When she saw something difference than traditional Clotted Cream, she use to tell the Waiters to go back into the kitchen and bring the real stuff out. There Clotted Cream appeared. So there are ways around differences.
  10. The source of food taken on board in Brooklyn is abundant. Once we counted about 25 trucks. Btw the Bronx Fish Market, Main Produce Market of about 32 Purveyors also from the Bronx and Lower Brooklyn and miscel other sources, there is no shortage of food products taken to the BCT. One good point the also the abundant of highways that make their way to Red Hook for also all the restaurants, markets and local store in Brooklyn. Also many sources of meat from Queens, Upstate and also New Jersey. I believe the food on board is fresh IMHO,,,,
  11. The Brooklyn Cruise Terminal was intentionally built at the Red Hook - PANJNY Piers for the QM2 and Princess Line for it's arrival in 2004. The QM2 only docked for a short period of time in Manhattan. The Cost of the USCG and NYPD to guard the Aft section sticking out into Harbor was not reasonable. Alternate site was agreed upon with the American Steam Dores which also operates the Red Hook Container Terminal next Door. In the reason past, another Cruise Terminal was in the works but the American Steam Dores denied it and extended a 10 add on lease for the property with the PANJNY,
  12. Follow the documentation and directions from your Cruise Line will supply to you for Embarkation. Depending on the Class/Category you will be sailing on the Ship, upper class have a lounge to wait in. The regular class cabins have a General Terminal Waiting Room all others will be waiting to be called to board. Bring a snack if you need to. No Food Machine. No Soda/Water Machines.
  13. Joe, Seeing you pass the Rockaway's and Heading to Coney Island and the Narrows. Welcome to NYC, the not so nice weather entering the "Big Baked Apple". Soon we'll see you sailing under the VZ Bridge.... Enjoy!
  14. @Joe33472 thank you for your response on this most interesting crossing. Enjoyed all the photos, programmes, menus and photos. We enjoy Britannia Club and Princess Grill classes. Not really QG people. Looks like still a good day for you tomorrow. Cloudy 80/74 10% chance of rain. Sounds like a typical NYC day. Again, you can try to see the Bridge from your QG balcony. Hope to meet you one day on board....Safe travels home.......
  15. Well it all depends on many factors. When a ship arrives early in port, within an half hour those assigned to tour groups will be making their way to land. Followed are those that will be self touring and investigating the island. Ships should be quite quiet with limited activities and plenty of space for sunning and relaxing. One thing to be aware of is that those on land will be informed by announcements and daily programmes the time to return on board. Typically in our past experience, safely 1 hour prior to the departure to no less than an 1/2 hour before the gangway will be pulled on board. Those as mentioned, tour groups will always be brought back to the ship on time. Others many have other thoughts.
  16. Tallecoram, Talking about Old German Chophouses....How about restaurants, to name a few? Luchow's on 14th Street Manhattan (Closed) Niederstein Metropolitan Avenue, Middle Village Qx (Closed) Zum Stammtisch in Glendale Queen (Very OPEN!) I was blessed to have been introduced to many wonderful restaurants as a resident of NYC. But First....I agree about the Creamed Spinach in Luger's bought outside. Never the same. But they try to share it with you. Also their package bacon not same as cooked on their stoves. Their bottled sauce, on the mark! So much history in the NYC restaurant scene. Luchow's was wonderful first started as a Beer Garden on Horse Drawn 14th Street. We loved all their dishes. Especially DW & I German Pancake w Lingonberries. Niederstein was another wonderful place to enjoy German Cuisine. Zum Stammtisch still going strong. Love their Draught Beers from the Old Country and enjoy all the time their Jaegerschnitzel. Strudel a must after dinner.
  17. Total Agree! Watching the style of ships sailing out of NY Harbor under the bridge now a days is shocking. So glad we don't get to see Mega ships that come out of the Ports in the south that look like part of Manhattan Apartment Complexes ex. Starrett or Tudor Cities. So large and so..so many passengers (people) on board unbelievable. And the way the "hardware" looks and contains in the form of activities too too many to mention. Talking to my DW recently, will there be a day went land base vacations take the place of cruising with dissatisfaction with the choice of vessels.
  18. Joe, I understand your thoughts of meeting and saying "Hello" to NY seeing the Bridge around 430 - 5 with the start of a Beautiful Sunrise over Brooklyn. But we too see it a challenge when sailing at that time of day. Trying to get every minute the night before in before, Goodbye! Where we live by the Bridge, we could even jump off the ship several minutes before and swim to land where we live by it. I can remember the challenges of others coming out in chilly weather with blankets and hiding from the strong winds just to experience that entrance. We too know what is at the end of a cruise, "Home, Sweet, Home"! But yes we will have to deal with the Post Cruise - Disembarkation process before heading home. For us, only 12 minutes to home.. But please savor every minute on the final days to come.
  19. We get the same thing at Peter Luger's in Brooklyn. Giant Steak with small plates (ala carte) with potatoes and cream spinach. No other veg's offered as extras. Yes before, the Tomato & Onion Salad and Mixed Green Salad. But no other veg's. Their famous sliced bacon, but another meat. But we do adapt to it and enjoy it. But additional veg's, no veg's.
  20. As @3rdGenCunarder mentioned in her posting, we too agree with the suggested Dress Code of the Cunard Line. Our history goes back to the Chandris Line and now with the Cunard Line which is what attracted us to sail with them for the properness and elegance of the experience. In March of 2025 we will be sailing again another 14 days voyage which is due to heading to the Caribbean which we are counting the days and looking forward to repeating again after a Long...Long time. We (my DW and I) personally look forward to the Dress Code which use to be Formal and Informal in terminology. I personally don't mind looking forward to taking that extra time to prepare for After 6 Gala Evenings. The one thing that is part of this subject which we hope will be upgraded on our sailing are the number of Gala Evenings. We are scheduled at this time to ONLY have 2 Galas for the total 14 days. Disappointed, YES! I personally am looking forward to the number being possibly up'ed and enjoying more. We really don't understand why only 2 for 14 days. True we are landing after a three day sailing down from the Big Apple but maybe which I don't understand. We will be landing 7 times day after day at a Caribbean Island? But returning with a another three days returning home NYC. Couldn't additional Gala's even with a Tropical Theme happen like we use to experience on the QE2. To be continued......
  21. Hello Joe, I know time is getting short but please take advantage of the time you still have to enjoy. Watching Weather Channel and wanted to share Brooklyn Weather for Saturday for the Day of your Arrival. BROOKLYN, NY Mostly Cloudy 81/74 with 20% Rain for the Day. Wish you Smooth Sailing with your Arrival into NY Harbor...
  22. That is one of the many activities we enjoy on Cunard - lectures. Never know what interesting subjects will pop up. But really enjoy the production numbers on each of our cruise since we don't get to enjoy them at home except for Bdway. Not much in to trivia but as said, many more including BINGO and casino are enjoyable. On the same 14 day sailing mentioned in the past, after dinner before the late show we enjoyed the musical groups around the Grand Lounge. A pleasure to sit there after dinner and enjoy classic selections just sitting there. Really first time after all the times sailing. Yes, not like the Mega ship out there but there is plenty for all to find to occupy time. Even the selections especially in the Chart Room in the evening. On our bucket list in 262 days from now.
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