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Everything posted by markeb

  1. To be clear, we have one more Retreat booking from before prices increased so dramatically. We've enjoyed the Retreat for what it provided coupled with a level of activity that Celebrity provides. We're unlikely to book another at the current price point, and when we eventually decide to book another cruise it won't automatically be with Celebrity or even RCG. Land trips to Tuscany or Portugal or a flight to Iceland would win out. Maybe even returning after thirty years to a much more modern and exciting Korea. I don't know this is right thread, but the question wouldn't stand alone on a Celebrity board. What is life like on Regent? What's the evening dress? What kind of activities? What kind of music? I know when Celebrity cruisers on this board look at Celebrity's marketing, there's a certain "yeah, right" factor that kicks in. Celebrity is promoting a younger but affluent lifestyle cruiser. The reaction around here is largely "that's not me". Well, at now 61, and looking statistically, not necessarily personal perception, that pretty much is me, albeit on the high end age wise. When I look at Regent's marketing I see a degree of Thurston Howell and a level of old money country club pomposity that I'm not the least bit interested in. I'm not saying that's you, but that's what I'm receiving from what they transmit. The staterooms look amazing, I agree, but I somehow don't see a house band doing Van Halen and The Foo Fighters like we had on Equinox two weeks ago. I don't cruise to listen to lectures; I know some do. I have a doctorate and now three masters; I've been to enough lectures! But I enjoy my music and dancing with my wife, just not well. But my music generally isn't a string quartet or a piano bar. Much of what you describe sounds great, but what they project in their marketing frankly bores me to tears. Maybe in ten more years, but not now. And if Bruce is still touring at 74 and Mick and the boys are still rocking at 80, I'm not sure I'll be ready for that at 71. But some of that is perception created by Regent's own marketing. And that perception is why I'd rather sail Celebrity in Retreat, but only if prices normalize. And if you're comparing Regent's pricing to Celebrity's current Retreat pricing, I'm out either way.
  2. I’m guessing the same since it’s almost impossible to differentiate them anymore. And from another thread I’m pretty sure they’re in Aqua and evening chic doesn’t apply in Blu (or Luminae).
  3. I have to say this wasn't something I'd really done, but it was pretty amazing on Equinox this month how many men were wearing some form of (clean) athletic shoe for smart casual. I'll probably still throw a pair of loafers in for most cruises, but it was something I hadn't noticed before on Celebrity. Solved the last night shoe packing! Go for it!
  4. My wife and I almost always sit at the bar. On a cruise ship, in a hotel bar, etc. We both just find it more fun. We have been to a few places that didn't have bar seating and were staffed to deal with that, but in general we'll sit at the bar. And if I'm traveling by myself (on land) I pretty much universally sit at the bar for drinks and food. And I think your two posts highlight why some love Michaels and some love the new Retreat Lounges. Glad I'm not in the business of designing ship's lounges!
  5. I think they’ve go an AI package, so minutes won’t matter. No need to log off to save them.
  6. Sushi on 5. Our 10 day cruise was the first time we've not eaten pretty much every dinner in Luminae (other than San Juan with the crazy late arrival time). But we really enjoyed Sushi on 5. Tuscan was fine, but the servings were just too big. Next ship doesn't have Murano.
  7. Yes. You create a logon and password (PIN) and then share it with him. He's "you" as far as the system is concerned.
  8. In the country, yes. On cruises, still not as much. There was an OK selection on Equinox last week. I honestly really didn't have but one or two. They had Angels, but I'm not sure of the price. Honestly, even their Scotch Whisky selection seems to have diminished. Rum and vodka, and largely gin (thanks to the martini bar, probably).
  9. They had 101 in Craft Social on Equinox last week. Edited: Not sure if it required an upcharge or not. Whisk(e)y just isn't a big thing on Celebrity, IMHO.
  10. I'm sure people are giving feedback when they feel reduced service. I put it on my post cruise survey. But honestly, for us, not necessarily for anyone else, we got the service we expected. Our breakfast was NOT cold. He did chill the (admittedly horrible) sparkling wine when we asked. We didn't have issues that needed resolved. For us, and again, not necessarily the same for others, the service differences we saw were things that were offered in the past (afternoon cheese plate and dropping off additional bottled water and diet coke) and HOW the service was provided. We felt we got what we paid for. Maybe we're just not picky enough...
  11. I won't say it's all gone, but it's definitely different. Oddly enough, we probably saw our Retreat Host more last week than when we had a true "butler" but it was because he was out and about cleaning rooms. That wasn't a butler role before. But he did always say hello, ask about our day, and ask if we needed anything. But in a different setting. But yeah, we had room service breakfast twice and it was a different room service person both times. Not the butler like before.
  12. Thanks. I seem to remember much worse fares. Or people complaining about budget carriers, which may be stuck in my memory. Glad to be wrong on that. I have had carryon concerns in the past on flights within Europe with sometimes tighter restrictions than in the US. A lot of connections from the US were on regional carriers from Munich to Prague or Naples. The checked bags transferred fine but carryons were a pain. It got complicated at times. London City does seem like a great option. Have to remember that if we fly from London to the continent in the future.
  13. Given what can be fairly expensive checked baggage fees for air travel within Europe, this seems on the surface to be a very good option. It might take longer than flying, but the Eurostar was so nice the one time I was able to take it. Your thoughts?
  14. Such as? What are you looking for from the butler? I'm seriously curious. We've found it much simpler to schedule specialty dining with the Luminae maître d' and most other services with the Retreat concierge when we stopped by for a drink. The only thing I really noticed as a change was the butler/retreat host no longer delivers room service breakfast. Again, the minifridge has never been included in any of my SS cruises. In one, the butler made a point of replenishing the water and soda even though it wasn't officially included. The other two it was clear they were not included, going back to 2018. On our most recent SS cruise, a week ago, we had large bottles of Evian constantly replenished in the cabin. But on all three SS cruises the official policy was that the minibar was NOT included. This isn't a change.
  15. I get all that. What's the butler worth to you? In dollars? Beyond the emotion? When the butler was fully in place, I'd guess we valued them at no more than $10 a day, for the cabin, not per person. We've had mixed results in our three SS cruises, with only one where the butler/retreat host really exceeded expectations. Again, if you were really planning to use them a lot (what does that mean to you?), then I kind of get it. But our Equinox cruise last week was not radically different than our previous Equinox cruises in a SS. I can't assign the service differences to the butler differences (other than room service breakfast, which was different, but the end result was the same). I viewed the butler change as less than ideal, but not a reason on its own that I wouldn't book the Retreat. The crazy stupid prices going forward are a different issue, but the value of the butler wouldn't even cross my threshold for that. We're all different. Hope you enjoy your cruise.
  16. But it’s what they’ve repeatedly stated. So it appears to be the primary driver to them. It’s the difference between the alternatives. It seems very important.
  17. I suspect in either case most of them end up in the trash, so does it really matter? One of the last occupants of our cabin on the Equinox actually stuffed their bag in the inch and a half space on top of the closet... We didn't get chocolates last week, though. Those were nice on our last cruise.
  18. Exactly I probably enjoyed Michael's more than the current Retreat lounge on Equinox. Admittedly, a lot of that has to do with the passenger population and their interest in the lounge, which is beyond Celebrity's control. On our first suite class cruise on Equinox in 2018 Michael's was busy every night and you met people simply by finding a seat. The Retreat lounge on our last two Equinox cruises has largely felt empty and sterile. I don't dislike the decor like some, but the feel of an old school club in Michael's seemed to produce a better experience.
  19. Was the butler the primary driver in your decision to go with the SS? If not, why should it be the primary driver in a decision to move to a different category? I'm reasonably confident you've done the math. What's the actual delta from a sky suite to Aqua once you calculate in the lost OBC, tips, and the cost of upgrading drinks and Wi-Fi (assuming you want to compare apples to oranges here)? Does the SS provide value to YOU (value, not cost, that's a judgement call) that exceeds that delta? We did this calculation for AQ vs SS for an Alaska cruise next year, before the changes in tips and OBC, and while the difference was certainly not zero, we've enjoyed the Retreat enough that it provided value to us. Maybe not anyone else, but to us.
  20. That's what I was wondering and suspected. Had a geometry/trig professor years ago who loved what he called the "looks like theorem". Two lines, look the same length, angles look the same, etc. and must therefore be the same. Obviously not true. I find that disturbingly true with electricity on a ship. I "looks like" my outlet at home, it must be the same...
  21. Thanks for the correction. I've gotten so in tune to this that I can get off track. Looks like I did. Is there any need for or harm in a traditional circuit breaker on ship's power? I'd get the details wrong, but as you say that should be a totally different mechanism than surge protection.
  22. So are any of them complete Submariner knock offs? Which is what this one is. Complete to the cyclops and a fake oyster bracelet. With a Malaysian made Seiko licensed clone movement. I'm OK with Invicta when it's something that's their own and they charge what it's worth (less than $50, probably closer to $14.99). But not creating a watch to exactly replicate a Submariner. Even worse if someone gets robbed for their fake sub...
  23. No. Do not get that. At all. Those are all buzzwords for Surge Protection. Which you don’t need and is a fire hazard. And 3 of the four USB ports are horribly underpowered USB A ports. For the rest of our sakes, that should be confiscated immediately.
  24. The 12th deck only has Sky Suites and now Aqua Sky Suites (and something called "prime concierge class". Looking at the deck plan, they were probably Aqua Sky Suites. That didn't exist that I can remember the last time we were on Equinox. I'd have to look at the different perks, but maybe it's a perk of the Aqua Sky Suite? Which is kind of funny because I liked our location much better than those cabins...
  25. Same as MLB and probably every other sports venue in the US. For MLB, it's all AB/INBEV so the "standard" beers (which are also badly overpriced) are Bud/Bud Light/Michelob/Michelob Ultra. Blue Moon is a premium beer. In some bizarre parallel universe. Don't get me started... Celebrity is no better or worse.
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