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Everything posted by jpalbny

  1. M, I have seen this one earlier and it's spot on.
  2. Yeah, it's nuts. I'm looking at flights for our Kimberley cruise next June. They are making my AMEX melt just looking! Europe flights are still reasonable at times. I did find a decent fare to Paris for Christmas, and to Lisbon in March. But still more expensive than they were, even just a few years ago. And the most annoying part is that once you buy the tickets, the itinerary invariably changes - sometimes very significantly! That makes me cringe. On our very first cruise on SS Norway in 1992, we visited their "Private" island. Don't think we've ever repeated the experience.
  3. That's a reasonable start. I've found them true to size, much looser than a comparable shirt of the same size, and they allow for layers underneath (within reason!). If the size provided on board is not to your liking they will have a parka exchange early on - usually the first full day after boarding. Simply try yours on when you board (it will be waiting in your suite). If it doesn't fit to your liking, leave the tags attached to your parka, and exchange it for a new one in the size you'd like. I wouldn't hold my breath. Just go online and order yours. Here is the website: https://silversea.shiptoshoretraveler.com/parkaorder1
  4. Have a fantastic trip! Looking forward to your updates. I'm sure Silver will leave the Dawn in perfect shape for you to enjoy.
  5. Looks fantastic! And perfectly done. I bet the wasabi added a nice kick. Oh now... Try it, you'll like it! You just have to be quick with your fork so it doesn't run away.
  6. Yes, less than an hour north of us. We've been hiking there. Glad that they found her.
  7. Probably Aimée. I may have had a truffle stuck in my ear when he said her name! We were on Uniworld, SS Catherine, March 2015.
  8. That excursion was a lot of fun! Truffle sniffing... So you know what you're looking for! Our farmer Serge laments the big truffle that got away... And Evée, the "Lamborghini of truffle hunting" AKA a Lagotto Romagnolo. The pigs can't be trusted to not eat the truffles. Have fun!
  9. I'm waiting for the version with your tasting notes.
  10. Obtaining it, or tasting it? Cheers! 🍷
  11. Wow some good choices. #1 has South Korea and Sri Lanka which I'd love to see in depth. And the Red Sea. I don't need the Caribbean and so much South America though. #2 is nice but spends a lot of time in Europe at the end. Would like to visit Nordkap though. #3 looks very interesting to me, though it does skip South Korea. I may be delusional after rehydrating with too much beer after the Oktoberfest 5K this morning. None is perfect, but I'm sure any would be wonderful!
  12. Sailed on Silver Wind, suite 523, in June of this year along with a bunch of other CC posters. No issues.
  13. With all the time you spend on CC, when do you have time for that?
  14. A very interesting building. Thanks for sharing those pictures. Those glass walls and walkways always make me weak in the knees too. But the views are pretty!
  15. That is distributed to everyone free of charge. In ancient times it was $150 (as in, our first few expedition cruises in 2009 and 2011) but not recently.
  16. After having taken five cruises each on them, I can say that we adore Wind and Cloud but reluctantly agree that they are getting a bit long in the tooth. We had a fantastic voyage on Silver Wind just a few months ago (with daddyo et at), with no hiccups, but can't turn a completely blind eye to the serious issues that these almost 30YO ships are having with their mechanical systems. Guess age catches up to all of us. It will be sad when they sail their last voyage, but we do have an Endeavor cruise booked for July 2025!
  17. Not far behind you, M! But I'll happily raise a glass to you when you hit that number.
  18. You can rest your camera and/or lens on it to hold it still while taking pictures. Helpful on safari with long lenses that don't have wide aperture, where you need to do a longer exposure. You can avoid blurry photos. Much less bulky than a tripod.
  19. Who burned that steak? For shame. Thanks for posting your nice synopsis. Having migrated to SS from Princess and Oceania some 14 years ago I have to agree that it's a very pleasant step up. The problem becomes, that it's hard to go back after this!
  20. Beautiful scenery - love that waterfall! I'll put that on my list.
  21. Don't let Chris see this. She already thinks that I talk to you more than I talk to her...
  22. Not likely. You average my consumption out, so they need to make up the loss! Much appreciate the kind assistance.
  23. It's been 12 years since we visited the Galapagos and you're sorely tempting me to go back. Thanks for taking the time to put together this great report! And the pictures were spectacular. Much appreciated.
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