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Everything posted by Steelers36

  1. Don't worry about it. Don't download that piece of trash. Cost us taxpayers over $50M CAD. It is probably Princess not updating boilerplate text going out in the pre-cruise emails.
  2. You can even order a virgin rum & coke.
  3. Last time, I believe Canada was included as we are part of the N.A. market sector. This time, not. Too bad for our healthcare workers - or any other country - would be deserving of it.
  4. Correct. The single day rate is $20 for 1 device. The voyage rate on board is $15/day for 1 device. $25/day for 4 devices.
  5. You could be right as not all ships are the same. Both ships we were on this past month+ had CC dining in a new location. Both on Deck 5.
  6. Left home on Sep 28 for Europe. Cruised for 23 nights on Regal (out of 25 possible). Travelled around Sicily on our own. Another 14 nights on Island. Flew home. Our flights connected in Paris first and then London on the way back home. We had masks on for about two minutes after entering Toronto Airport and saw that most people decided the mandate was dropped already instead of two days later, so we stashed ours and never had one on again for the entire trip. In Europe, locals were clearly done with wearing masks as they were about as rare as a snowflake in July. Life was going on pretty much normal, although there were signs here and there concerning Covid-19 and masks. Mask wearing was optional on both ships, with crew released from obligatory wearing around mid-October. Very few passengers wore masks, somewhat more so on Island than Regal for whatever reason. Our friends, OTOH, wore masks all the time and everywhere - even outdoors. Except when with us at dinner or playing games on board. None of us caught Covid-19 (AFAIK). PS - I have some FFP2 masks for sale that were never opened in Europe. Real cheap. LOL.
  7. I could say I had a similar initial response when I approached the DR Mgr for our DR on the Island. Once he understood it was important to our group and I had mentioned the Princess promise, he accommodated us and a day or two later moved us again when we wanted a warmer location. He was quite warm and helpful through the process. IDK if they try to sway people off it due to HQ edict or just to save the work, but I would give him 4.8 stars for the interaction and accommodations after. Funny trivia fact - we ended up at the very same table the four of us had for 60-nights around South America in 2018.
  8. The two DR thing. This is not uncommon. The DR not in DMW is likely the one with Club Class section. Presuming your cruise is going to be sold out or near full, that third DR will be open when you are on board. Since no one could book it before the cruise begins, it affords an opportunity to get what you are after. Just act as soon as convenient to get your request in with a DR Mgr or DR Host. There is often a Host type person who can work the magic with their internal reservation app. Your cruise planner (not sure if that is Princess or external TA) is not going to be able to arrange or do dining. Sometimes an OCEAN Navigator specialist can help, but they really see what you see and are more there to help setup reservations in the system when a guest cannot or when a guest has system issues. Use the Princess phone tree options to be directed to a DMW specialist if you want to call in. On your dinner time. The main showtimes can vary from ship to ship (I presume you mean the main theatre shows which we don't always attend any longer). I saw primarily 8pm & 10pm and 7:30pm and 9:30pm pairings. If you are dining at 6:30pm, not going to be ready to make it to a 7:30pm show. Even for 8:00pm it is pushing it somewhat for two reasons. It always takes longer for a larger table to complete dinner service. Often, you need to be in the theatre ahead of showtime to get a decent seat if show is popular. This is especially true for the early show, so something to factor in. Unless the DR Mgmt is being obtuse for some reason on your ship, I would say you have a very good chance on getting what you are after, notwithstanding what DMW is offering.
  9. It is likely an App glitch. That said, the Web version should be accessing the same database as the phone App. Perhaps they will re-appear in a day or so (have seen this and read it before). Cannot say if this is the case for Ruby, but Deck 5 DR seems to be the new home for Club Class - at least for some ships - and that DR may be kept from DMW pre-cruise. I have seen this happen and then the idea is they can fill the non-CC area with walk-ups or on-board table requests. I just don't see consistency across the ships anymore with DMW in place. Some DR mgmt are going out of way to help guests who want TD-like experience with same table and waiters and some are resisting helping out and defer to the DMW system. I do have a sense (cannot say for sure as have only been live just now on two ships) from my experience and reading a LOT of other experiences, that the DR mgmt in general is trying to accommodate same table/same waiters requests even though the App cannot deliver it. Hats off to them for sure.
  10. YES. I forgot to add that a photographer showed up shortly after the table was setup and we had the canapes and champagne. We had a casual photo taken at balcony railing and he was gone in a couple of minutes. Thing is, I never heard back from that Dept about our photos and forgot to inquire the next day (which was final day of the voyage).
  11. Oh, I did forget. A photographer showed up and took a picture of us at the balcony railing. You could whatever you wanted in terms of a pose, but we didn't want a big photo fuss. In fact, we had the UBD on second last night of voyage and forgot to follow-up with photo dept the next day and we never heard from them about our photo. I might initiate an inquiry, but I imagine it will be a challenge. I have no emails for anyone on the Island.
  12. I got fooled by not checking the top of the page as to what forum I was in. I had simply clicked into this post because I was alerted on CC that you had replied to my message. In my defense, you replied to a message I posted way back in August because this thread was on the main Princess Forum pages. Obviously, the CC M*derat*rs moved this thread to where it belongs, so your reply was redundant. Okay, I get it now. As I said, I didn't notice the forum where I had a reply notice from you and so I responded out of context. This thread was moved several months back to the correct location.
  13. We had the TBGCS as appetizer once on the Regal voyages among OCT 1, 8 & 15 (it was only on the latter 11-nighter). Otherwise, one of the DR HW's (supervisors) was ready to have it made it for our table. It was not exactly as I recalled, but then I was not all that impressed about the galley production on that ship. It was not offered on ISLAND over 14 nights and I did not inquire. The SF Cioppino was offered multiple times over 5 weeks of cruising, but I did not order. They had a fruit sorbet on every dinner dessert menu that I recall as H ordered it a lot.
  14. After 5+ weeks on ships in the past 6+ weeks, I have the same answer I would have had before sailing. Food is personal preference and people have a wide variety of interests and favorites, so it seems to me an impossible question. It might have some relevance if you knew you were asking someone who has very similar taste in foods as you do. I have observations that confirm what some others have posted. REGAL - I found the quality of ingredients to be less than what it was pre-Covid (without going into specifics). I found the large buffet this class of ships have to be lacking the variety I used to see. I found that both in the buffet and DR that MANY proteins were over-cooked with the exception of beef items where you could request desired temperature. I tried to advise my wife to NOT order her typical beef request of MW because you can end up with crummy ends or actually more like Well Done instead. ISLAND - It was remarkable the difference in variety at the buffet as well as the cooking of proteins was much better. Many nights there were off-menu specials offered in the DR (kind of felt like being in Club Class). Overall, a superior food experience in all meals (breakfast and dinner in DR).
  15. You should have posted this in the sticky at the top of Page 1 reserved for ship officers. Perhaps you did, but that is the proper thread.
  16. Could be, but if one knows Captain Tuvo, it's hard to confuse him with anyone else. Nevertheless, at least someone thinks he has left the fleet. If so, I wish him well and a fond "bye-bye". ETA: There is never really one captain per ship because two are rotating on/off and then they also switch ships.
  17. Cruise Critic had dedicated forums for various port calls around the world and is the appropriate/best place to seek advice and info on beaches, hotels, transportation, etc.
  18. Can you please supply a definitive source for this information? Some Google effort and checking his Facebook page indicate no change from working still at Princess. And his name is Michele Tuvo, by the way.
  19. IDK. His Facebook page doesn't indicate anything other than that he still works for Princess.
  20. I am surprised that a replacement mattress was not better for you. In the days of the old beds, we had to request a replacement for my side one time. It was just bad. A hotel supervisor was involved and we were surprised to get BOTH mattresses replaced. Sorry it didn't work out for you, but most certainly, mattress type (traditional, foam) and firmness is always a personal preference thing and some organizations manage the "just right" for most people better than others. When the Princess Luxury Bed first came out, we thought it was great. Now, I am wondering if the lifespan of the mattresses is not as long as one would expect.
  21. I use Windows OS (version 10). If I select all the text in the post and then right-click on it, one of the options is "Print...". Another option is to select the text and copy it. Then, paste into a Word document and you can play with the formatting before printing.
  22. I would confirm that it is still the situation in the Mediterranean that you will find more guests dressing up than in other world regions such as Caribbean. Not to say a LS shirt and dress-style pants are out of place, but if you like to dress it up (either suit for guys or a jacket over shirt for guys), you will be far from alone. I would say well over half were dressy to some degree beyond pants and shirt and I am not of the suit or jacket group anymore so not at all looking to bias the numbers. Still gowns in play for some women, along with dressy dresses. My wife prefers pants and LS tops or sweaters since the DR's can be cccccold.
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