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Everything posted by Steelers36

  1. If you get bo help from OCEAN support team, you could try this workaround. 1. Remove wife as auth CC user. 2. Add one of her unique CCs to her res. 3. Order MedallionNet. 4. Remove her CC. 5. Re-add her as auth user. No guarantee, but it might work.
  2. I don't believe Medallion Net ordering is there. ??? Didn't used to be.
  3. Of course you can. Don't listen to the naysayers.
  4. You should be able to order when logged in as wife. She should have the same two options you have. (It used to be easier before price increase as I would order 1 4-device plan as it was the same cost as two 1-device plans).
  5. Ships are also in the Princess App if you carry a smartphone. Once connected to ship's wifi and INTRAnet, you can use them. There is also a feature to "take you there" from where you are.
  6. It is also a timed event. The group or "team" only has X minutes to solve all the puzzles. If not, you lose. If solved in time, you "escape" and win.
  7. I would not assume that. There are more Android phones in use than Apple. But the ones claiming to text would have to be on Apple, or have large pockets of cash.
  8. BUT, to get everyone you know to change over is huge. Plus so many travel tour providers also use WA and it is so much easier to reach them this way to talk/text about tours. If you only use ship tours then it wouldn't matter.
  9. WHATSAPP. If everyone has iPhones, you can use iMessage without MedallionNet apparently (could be device model dependent - IDK as I don't do Apple products). Otherwise, you do not do cell SMS because that will cost a fortune at sea.
  10. You can probably get one at Guest Services, but none were left in our cabin on two different ships last Fall. Didn't give it a thought as we know our way around those ships.
  11. Yes, they do have designated formal night. Although, they might designate one on your route as "dress to impress" or "white & gold". Mexican Riviera and Caribbean sectors are going to trend to the more smart casual than night suits or even day suits. Go with what is comfortable for you as you can dine all nights as smart casual if that is his preference. Guests will have a range of attire, including suits and tuxes, but they are not required.
  12. You will still be able to do this, but do agree it takes a bit more effort.
  13. Seems like those original Princess Bed mattresses are already wearing down in many cases. Considering The Pause, it seems they didn't have much life service.
  14. Are you aware of the web version of the App which has a link in the Cruise Personalizer. Also, if the App shows Blue Lane with Ocean Ready items checked, you are okay. What you see in Personalizer shouldn't matter based on what you wrote above.
  15. But the !@$^/÷/<&%/ App should work as designed. It's only been out there since June 7, 2021.
  16. This post came after mine, so again, calling the clothing recommendations "rules" is incorrect and sets a whole different connotation. This may not be you, but some posts about formal wear seem to be complaining because they followed the recommendation and others didn't, so why did they have to? IOW, they would have also dressed smart casual if they had realized not an actual rule? But I do agree PCL ought to re-word the FAQ as I have said over recent years. It's not about making the recommendations as written a rule because that just won't fly. Anyway, I hope you have a relaxing and enjoyable experience next time you cruise with Princess.
  17. I had a post all prepared and putzed it by hitting the wrong key. It involved copying in some quotes from your many posts in this thread. SO, I will keep it brief now ( probably much to the delight of fellow posters here). In your early Post #31 and in the above #64, you do state the Smart Casual is okay by you for formal nights. However, in posts in between, you write rather insistently that folks ought to comply with the "rules". But the clothing recommendations/requests are not "rules". The only "hard and fast" (supposedly) is the list of excluded items such as shorts, ball caps, beach attire, flip-flops (non-shoes). In one post, you stated you don't want to "force" anyone, but it was clear from most of your posts that you expect others to dress formally. I am not sure how this spoils a night. PCL only has the formal dress recommendation for the DR's and nowhere else on the ship. In another post, you suggested the poster (perhaps others too) are looking to go to the lowest common denominator of dress. I don't think that is fair as most folks are good with Smart Casual and I glean this from reading many posts over the years here on Cruise Critic and also from on-board observations. I see very little LCD dress if you mean casual t-shirts, shorts, sweat pants, or whatever at dinner. Sure, there may be the odd bloke dressed for the greasy spoon that you referred to in Post #72. But this is far, far from the norm on Princess. In conclusion, PCL is never going back to the way it was on formal nights. It is high time they updated their clothing recommendations to reflect actual practice on the ships while still supporting a formal or dress-to-impress night. Thank you for clarifying in a couple of your posts that Smart Casual is okay by you if guests do not wish to dress formally. I hope it doesn't spoil your cruise - I know that folks dressed formally on any night do not spoil my cruise (and I have seen formal wear on non-formal nights as well).
  18. I do know X got rid of formal nights well before Princess started relaxing their take on dress. Might have been a factor for all I know. But let's not go fuzzy here and try and fool anyone (not saying you were doing that). X has "Evening Chic" which has much broader interpretation than PCL and they explicitly state that Smart Casual is acceptable for those nights. Not at all what PCL states, but does match what PCL is doing. My beef with PCL - and examples abound across the website - is they don't document what happens in practice. If they changed the wording to match what they are doing, much of this back-and-forth would be unnecessary. IOW, formal wear is welcome, but not required. PS - Neither does NCL.
  19. You play cards in the 'loo??!! Or wait - you are not a Brit, so WC must mean....? 😁
  20. I am comfortable in my own skin - figuratively that is. 😉
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