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Bell Boy

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Everything posted by Bell Boy

  1. Oops sorry if you found my question irritating , you provided interesting information I'm sure I'm not the only one who would have liked to have seen/hear more.
  2. I'm surprised that you haven't any photos for us . By the way, are these 'so called new cabins' at a premium .
  3. Me too, and even when one has gone through all the trouble of uploading one , the check-agent often takes it again .
  4. Re the 5.15pm 'Senior officers party', it might be wise to double check with 'Voyage Sales' or Concierge (don't waste time at the Pursers desk) to confirm if there is a later reception at 7.15pm . Last month there were two, my travel companion friends received 5.15pm and I received 7.15pm , we were all dining at 8.15pm .
  5. Even departing from QE11 terminal , Check-In procedure is immediately as one walks through the main door , 'Security' takes place after the check -in waiting lounge .
  6. You are correct, passing through Security 'AT Mayflower Terminal' takes place after check-in . Probably with all the excitement of embarking QM2 after the major refit the author may have been confused - unless the ship departed from City Terminal on the day ?
  7. And if you don't managed to use the unopened one, you can take it home with you.
  8. Your are correct, 👍 and not only that ! during the first few weeks when Cunard returned back to regular service in 2021, due to the pandemic and shortage of supply and demand there was an uproar when they were not delivered' to every stateroom on Embarkation Day. Have to admit, I was one who often questioned this to the cabin steward, even though I've never touched the stuff. 😅
  9. Pleased it has now been rectified, Thanks for coming back to us .
  10. Clarification why the 'HALF bottle/s of Pol Acker ; The other month whilst I was onboard Cunard, I was determined to get to the bottom of this new concept of 'These Half Bottles' . Speaking with F&B manager and Snr Housekeeping it appears ( apparently this came from guest feedback 🤷‍♂️ ) Two half bottles over a 'couple of days', during a lengthy itinerary are more welcome than a large bottle, I understand this feed back came from the many 'solo guests' who I expect were unable to consume a large bottle without it loosing it's fizz 🤦‍♂️ lol I wouldn't know, I've never touched the stuff .
  11. The new concept of bidding for an upgrade is slightly different from the occasional free upgrade . Free/involuntary up grades are usually only within the 'Same Category' - and yes thy are still around. Often when we make a face to face booking we are asked if we agree to an upgrade - One needs to think twice before accepting the box to be ticked , whilst an upgrade maybe to midships or a higher deck , it could also be opposite the laundry, under the Lido or a noisy Air-con / white space unit . If you are happy with the particular cabin you have selected - stay with it 😉
  12. Good job you are not on a certain P&O cruise this month ( not suggesting you would) Apparently on this November itinerary guests have been enjoying the concept of 'Tinsel & Turkey' - not only that, have been encouraged in advance to pack & wear Christmas Jumpers 😱 Paying thousands of pounds for this experience sounds more like a Warners Weekend Break 😅
  13. Totally agree with you, neither do I carry a cell phone around with me ( when onboard) Enough of all this nonsense of booking 'this and that' on that new blessed App thingy . Call me old fashioned but I enjoy face to face interaction with the crew member ,especially if it involves a booking for alternative dining , more often than not, it secures me a good table position . 😅
  14. You are completely wasting your time speaking to you cabin steward or the Purser desk. You ask to speak with the 'Customer Service manager' and ask him/her to raise a maintenance issue immediately. re a Cabin Change , Customer service manager is the only person who has the authority to move guests to another cabin ( Cabin changes go through him/her) Good Luck - let us know how it was resolved.
  15. Pre Assigned check-in time were introduced in 2021 as a direct result of social distancing and the lengthy check-in procedures which were necessary at the time . We remember well the extensive 'documentation checks' when, we were directed to at least THREE separate agents/desks in ordered to have all our documentation confirmed . There was also on -site LFT testing and the time taken for the correct results, therefore assigned arrival/check-in time were need during this time to spread out people and to allow for over crowding/social distancing Today those procedures no longer exist, check-in procedures are back to normal and they have been greatly helped by the introduction of the new 'On-line check-in system , reducing the time taken when the guest is directed to a check-in agent. In a previous post I mentioned a former colleague of mine is now working at the Southampton Cruise Terminals. In conversation, ( the 'second time over this last month') she has confirmed that any 'Cunard' guest who presents a boarding card which indicates they are 'Diamond or Platinum' EVEN if they happen to arrive earlier than the time stated on the boarding card, they will be directed immediately to the 'Priority check-in line'. She gave me to understand that this works reasonably well at the 'Mayflower & Ocean Terminals', problems usually arise with the check-in system procedure at the QEII terminal. She indicated that no two days are the same at the cruise terminals , usually it runs smoothly once the first call for embarkation has taken place (usually between 1/1.30pm) and since the new on-line system was introduced, even if some guests arrived slightly ahead of their indicted time, often due to having to rely on train schedules and other public transport. She gave me to understand no one will be turned away, however, on very few occasions one may have to stand line for a short time to allow for check-in desks to become available.
  16. One needs to managed this when onboard , as it's not always fixed in stone. For example, evening meals were served in the Golden Lion pub on 'Queen Victoria' on the itinerary of 1st October - 19th October 2023. Have to agree it was the first time I'd ever notice this.
  17. Yes, whilst the name does not appear in the early cruise brochures, the name appears in the latest editions 'April 2024-Jan 2026' Deck 2 facing the Golden Lion. Don't be concerned with the arrangement of the seating in the brochures , this is only for effect.
  18. No I'm not actually confirming BLS will have a dance floor 'The Size' that you/I may be familiar with in G32/Yacht club. What you and I are seeing in the plans from our brochures are only artistc impressions, I understand the seating on the day/evening (maybe after the early evening performance) will be arranged differently ? The reason I mention this - Last year I was invited to an immersive presentation of QA in London, during the evening we passed through various venues set up in the convention centre, we enjoyed a sneak preview of the full BLS concept - seating appeared to be arranged that allowed for a 'small dance area' - one or two of the guests who were invited appeared to be enjoying themselves belting Raining Men. Not too sure if this was because of all the Fizz constantly on tap . 😉
  19. We have covered this before , here and on various other cruise forums . 'Bright Lights Society' will be the equivalent of what we have previously referred to as G32 or the Yacht Club . In other words, Bright Lights Society will be your Late Night after hours Venue . Before I'm corrected that the above venue is 'possibly a charged venue, the concept 'as far as we understand' - there will be no charge late evenings after early evening performances including lite-bites are over - the venue will be open to all .
  20. Edited to my post above ; BigMac It will be interesting to see if your 'Senior Officer's' reception is rescheduled to an 'Evening Event' as it was on my trip in October, rather than the usual midday event , another Revenue concept 😅
  21. Well spotted Big Mac 👍 Someone has made a clanger here. Over the past several years WC receptions were changed to take place on smart attire evening , the logic being 'Revenue' ! Gala/Formal evenings' being a sense of occasion usually attract folk to the various cocktail bars, whereas, the cocktail receptions attract folks away from the Bars to enjoy a freebie glass of plonk, or for those in the know an occasional G&T . 😉
  22. One doesn't pay Thousands of pounds to take a trip on a Coach 🤦‍♂️
  23. It is , and has nothing to do with those hard working Filipino waiters/bar staff etc . At present Cunard are having a massive recruitment drive to crew QA . 😉
  24. Trends , not too sure of that, as Fixed Dining, in other words a dedicated table that one can walk straight to and a friendly crew member who may often welcome you by name has proved to be still popular in the Britannia category (my observations and feedback from some MD's ) Your experience of an 'open dining time in the Grills' is completely different from below decks , ie not being asked 'occasionally' to come back in half an hour or so , or the bother of that blessed booking App .
  25. Any comments on an 'isolated shortfall in the Cunard onboard service' just need to be directed to onboard Customer services Manager.
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