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Everything posted by luvs2beachit

  1. Me too! I am on the June 27th cruise so will be looking for info from the TA folks and the June 19 cruisers.
  2. Am really enjoying your review. Thanks for taking the time to write about your experience!
  3. Hi tush, Glad to see that you have started a roll call! We were originally booked on the Magic but transferred to the Venezia when the ships were changed. Am really looking forward to cruising on the Veneqia So happy that we will now have a ship sailing year round from NY. I will be sailing with my adult kids and 2 grandsons. Grandsons have never been on a cruise so I am hoping they will enjoy it.
  4. Following along. Looking forward to reading your review. Love the Glory, my favorite ship. Been on the ship 5 times and loved every cruise. Have a great time!
  5. Thanks for taking the time to write your review. Loved your humor and candid comments!
  6. Thanks everyone for sharing your personal experiences and suggestions. Now at least I have some information about what to consider when making my decision about what to buy. I am leaning toward soft sided because of some of the comments about weight and damage as well my familiarity with that kind of luggage. To those of you who took the time to share your experiences with carry-on bags as well as some of your packing strategies, thank you. I do have two Samsonite 18 inch rolling duffel bags, which hold a lot, but because my upcoming b2b cruises encompass two different weather extremes (Panama Canal and Alaska) I wouldn't be able to fit what I would need to take. I don't think I could get away with declaring one of the duffel bags as my "personal item". Besides I am not opposed to checking a bag in order to ensure that I have what I need and want to take with me. Again, thank you everybody.
  7. Loved your review and Patti's pictures, in particular your comments about the Spirit. I will be on the Spirit for 23 days next month and you have heightened my anticipation 2 fold. Thanks for sharing your experiences. I can't wait for your next review!
  8. I love that we no longer are required to drag a separate suitcase packed with a tux, gowns. jewelry and uncomfortable high heels! I love that we can dress casual or formal. No judgement! I love that there are so many dinner options. That our choices are no longer limited to early or late sittings in the MDR. I love the app. I love that there are so many activities to choose from. Most of all I love that there is now a beautiful new Carnival ship sailing out of NY year round!
  9. It has been a long time since I have purchased luggage. Our last set was American Tourister which we bought in 2008. It has served us well through 30 plus cruises and multiple international and domestic flights. The bags are still functional but they have begun to tip over and the spinners are worn. In a few weeks I will be going on a 23 day cruise involving several flights and since I will be traveling solo I want to make sure that my luggage is efficient and easy to maneuver. This past weekend I went out to buy my new suitcase and I was overwhelmed with the choices. Brand names I know but I have no clue about the virtues of hard sided vs soft sided. I need some input from the CC pros! In your experience which is better hard or soft sided? Thanks in advance!
  10. Thank you so much for taking the time to check and post this information. Like the OP my flight doesn't depart until 11:45pm and I was dreading having to drag my luggage around with me all day.
  11. Hi all, Just booked this cruise as part of a b2b. Love Canada cruises! I also have a cruise booked on the Venezia on 6/27. Love that there will now be a ship sailing year round from NYC! No planes or hotel reservations to make!
  12. Hi everyone, Just booked a b2b for 9/8 and 9/16. I will be solo on these two cruises! I am also booked on this ship for an Elite cruise on 6/27 with our kids and grandkids so hopefully by the September cruises I will know my way around the ship! Love that there will now be a ship sailing from NYC year round. I am able to drive to the port so that's a big plus! Judie
  13. I have three cruises booked on Venezia. First one is in June and is an Elite cruise and the other two are in Sept. Canada and Carib. Very excited about being on this new ship! Judie
  14. I did the Canada cruise on the Magic out of NYC last September and the weather was 70's and sunny during the day and 60's towards evening. I layered up and it worked out great. We were lucky. No major weather issues. This was my 7th Canada cruise and for the most part, other than some rainy days, layering worked fine. As someone mentioned in an earlier post bring some rain gear just in case. I have been able to pick up cheap plastic rain cover ups at Dollar Tree that u use and then toss. Not very stylish but they do the job. I have a Canada cruise booked for this September so am hoping my luck holds out!
  15. Thanks so much for your quick responses! Love CC folks! You can always depend on you guys for accurate and quick info!
  16. I have a $500 gift card and I want to use it to book a cruise but the deposit is only $400 so what happens to the remaining balance? Will I be able to present the e-card at guest services to redeem the balance or will I lose the money? TIA for your help.
  17. So happy to see your review, especially looking forward to reading about your Spirit cruise as I will be on that ship for 23 days in Apr/May. Thanks for taking the time to share your experience! Cracker Barrel was also our favorite place to stop when we drove down from NY.
  18. LOL I have you beat....61 mjunutes and holding! Uh.
  19. 91 days for me! B2B Panama Canal full transit followed by Alaska!
  20. Have moved over from June 27th cruise Magic cruise. Am excited to try this ship! Am also considering changing two future cruises I have booked since leaving from NYC is so easy for me.
  21. Thank you! Exactly what I wanted to know. But now I have 2 more question.. What would be a reasonable amount to put on their cards? How much are the games?
  22. I will be going on a cruise with my kids and grandchildren on the Magic. This will be my grands first cruise and one of the things that they are excited about {other than the pool, slide and the "free ice cream"} is the arcade. I have no idea about how the arcade works. Cruise card or cash? And how much would be a reasonable amount to plan for. I am thinking that I would give them some arcade money as a Christmas gift in their stockings. My grandsons are 8,9 and 10. Would love to hear from the more experienced arcade people! TIA
  23. Congrats on your great deal! I am also booked on this cruise as the 2nd part of a b2b. First cruise is a 10 day Greece, Turkey and Italy cruise. Both are casino deals! Initially, was only going to book the TA but when I saw the 10 day one as a casino deal I just couldn't pass it up. There is a roll call already started for this cruise and many of the people are doing the b2b too! Come over to the roll call and sign in. Not very active but it's early yet.
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