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Everything posted by Arzeena

  1. Thanks for thinking about us Dani when you are going through so may issues in your country. Our area in central FL is Ok. We had rain and a bit of wind. I am hoping Karen @Keksie is fine. I know she lives somewhere north west of FL. Dani, you please be safe there. I always think about you.🙏
  2. Is it possible to post these events on the Bella Roll Call please for those who do are not on social media sites? Can you pass on the message?
  3. I too have been assigned for an October cruise. Did not get any notification but I called for a question on something else and the CnA rep on the phone also said they are checking if a cabin # can be assigned. And came back with our assigned cabin #. Great location and very happy with what was assigned. App and website also now shows cabin #.
  4. Ugggh! 😁I am the odd one out. Every time I went, I only ate their shrimp cocktail for dinner and the spinach. Do they still have the steal for one, steak for two, steak for three? Or have they changed their menu.
  5. Royal only has 2 (maybe 3) each summer from FL. And I don't think they have released next summer Florida Bermuda itineraries yet. Before the Adventure it was Mariner. It is a rough ride, but Bermuda is very well worth it. They have weekly cruises from NJ to Bermuda in the season, but you would have to go to NJ. I was also eyeing the 9/13 Bermuda trip.
  6. Bon Voyage to Andrew, Lisa and Owen and Steel City and all those cruising soon! Post a couple of pictures if you can! Bonnie is it time to wish you bon voyage yet or happy clothes picking/packing?
  7. Yes, thank you, I am following. We don't have a cruise booked on the Beyond while she is onboard. But who knows!😁
  8. OH NO NO! I am so sorry to hear this. Please convey my condolences to his family. I have no family contact for Ted. I am so so sorry and very sad to hear this. We first met him years ago on NCL.
  9. Please, Jamie can you mention the name of your fearless leader? I hope it is not the person who I am thinking of.
  10. I think you are going to have to make a spreadsheet. 😉😁 Also add a column for who posted painted toe pictures.😆 (Just kidding) Hope you are good. Haven't read a post from you for a bit.
  11. @HBE4 I just just read your previous post....was reading backwards today!😆and kind of said a combined "safe journey" to you and to Mark. But you do deserve a separate bon voyage wish! So here goes...... Have a wonderful wonderful cruise and a very safe journey. Maybe post a picture or two of anything if you feel comfortable posting. I know what all goes on before a cruise! The packing of "will I need this, will I need that and what if I need those"! Clothes are one thing but all those silly knick knacks that you only need when you do not take them🙄!!!!!!
  12. Safe journey to you and also to HBE. I believe his cruise is also on Friday. I am looking forward to your pictures. Is it the 4 day sailing?
  13. Sorry to read about that. Hopefully your new doctor will take care of you just as good as the previous one did. I hope you are doing good and are getting ready for your cruise.
  14. @sea2shiningsea Helen, I have been enjoying your wonderful pictures a lot every time! Thank you for taking us along. I would never have gone to Japan or Norway otherwise 😉😁 I just wanted to say that without quoting them again and again and jamming up the thread. Where is your next cruise?
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