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Everything posted by Arzeena

  1. As you may have realized, I am reading backward...that is the last posts first, so I will wish a Happy Birthday to all the birthday girls and boys in this post. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
  2. We stayed at the El Conquistador in Fajardo, which had its own private island where they ferried you for a beach break (Palomino). I think that hotel is no more. But it was really really nice. There are many other hotels in that area. Very nice area. But if you are there just for one night, you would want to stay near Condado (Caribe Hilton) or Isla Verde or even in old SJ (El Convento comes to mind). Isla Verde area is nice and has many hotels. Convention Center area is another one.
  3. I'm going to have to learn more (from you and Raye) about this when we meet in February. Over cappucino 😁
  4. Lenny, I have to say....... Thanks for recommending Megan Leavy. I am not at all the "movie crier" but more of an "eye roller" when I see people tearing in a movie! However, I bawled when Rex cried and whimpered while Megan was saying good bye. And could not help myself tearing up after that. What profound effects dogs have on us!
  5. So adorable!!!!!!! I love this baby girl.🥰 I have been following her since she was announced........not following as in creep following....I meant following through your posts and pictures on this thread. How time flies! I still have your pictures fresh in my mind from your DD's wedding!
  6. Secret Harbor is really nice. Make sure you have your taxi confirm a return pickup time. Emerald is closest to Crown Bay and can be hit or miss with crowds. Maybe Secret Sands? via cruise ship excursion considering your time in port.
  7. I am hoping you will do a trip report? I LOVE reading yours and seeing all the pictures of your lovely family. Have a wonderful cruise!
  8. I like their ads on the highway..."Potty like a Rock Star"...😆😁 and their rest rooms are really nice, clean and all that. The store is also very nice. We don't have many where we are in Florida, and the closest one is somewhere on I95 near or above Jacksonville (I think) which is about 3 hrs north of us. We have been to the one in S. Carolina on our drive down. And to the one in north FL for a very quick break.
  9. Enjoy your cruise Dani! I am so happy for you! Tell us about it when you get back. The cats are so adorable, and just look at how Toffee is posing.🥰 You look great!
  10. We have had the same issue. Surprisingly on Oasis as well. We were asked to go to guest services. We were not catching a flight so cannot complain about that, but bothersome and time consuming. Now dh goes to guest services the night before and gets a printed zero bill with account settled with cc..
  11. Thank you. I will check it out. Hope you and Gary and grand babies are well and good. I haven't seen a post from you recently and was wondering what our British cousins were up to.😁
  12. OMG! Those desserts are heavenly! Now I know why they say "eat dessert first"! I was reading that if one eats dessert first, they eat it more mindfully and not eat it all the way, since they are expecting to eat dinner........haven't tried that out.😉
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