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Everything posted by cunnorl

  1. Roy @rafinmd Thanks for letting us all know. Glad there are no fractures. Glad they are keeping you in the hospital. Rest and get better. Charene
  2. Thanks for taking us along. Really enjoy reading your posts and perspective of a first time “worldie” Enjoy!
  3. Good Morning from an overcast but warming day a the beach Thanks Sandi for starting our thread today. Have to admit, it had me confued for a minute as I did not know about Roys fall. Roy @rafinmd Please take care of yourself and get the medical help you need. We will all be praying for you. Buenos Aries is on our scheduled tip in the fall. THanks Sandi for the pictures. My niece is here on a quick trip from Boston. It has been a great visit.. She came to go to the Bruins game in Tampa on Thursday with my local nephew and other friends. It has become an annual event. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  4. Love to hear about the horse racing. That was always a fun and lively activity! Hope to see it on all ships. Now that would be a positive thing! Your hat is great!
  5. Good Morning from a cool and overcast day at the beach A lot going on here! Read the posts yesterday but did not post myself. Have not been to todays port, I believe it is on our booked fall trip? Looking forward to pictures. @ Kazu What next? That is so wicked. Hopefully this will give you relief and start the healing process! @grapau27 SEnding healing thoughts to Sarah. Hope all goes well for her today. @rafinmd Glad you are feeling better this morning. Heading out to the lab for a routine blood draw. Got some crazy news yesteday. My trip to the derm last week resulted in another basal cell cancer. This one is on my lower eye lid. I thought it was a stye. Never heard of one in that location. Anyway I am being sent to an ocular plastic surgeon for removal. Jeezz... Dont need to be on the care list. others need it a lot more than me. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  6. Good Morning from a bright and sunny but coolish day at the beach Norfolk Island was one of our many cancelled/changed ports on our recent Noordam cruise. It was disappointing. @Cruising-along Carolyn- A very Happy Birthday to you. May you enjoy many more. @grapau27 Glad to hear that Sarah`s appointment is this week. Hopefully it will give her relief. Quiet day here which is nice. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  7. @StLouisCruisersit was wonderful that DS was able to join us. He received word of a layoff a couple of weeks before we were to leave. DH asked him to join us and he would foot the bill. Unknown to me, DH had called HAL and was able to book an inside cabin right down the hall from us. So DH and DS shared the inside cabin and DD and myself had the signature Suite. lol. Dh made some deal with our son and he was to go on excursions with me or stay with his sister .it was wonderful having him there as he carried all my stuff . He also pushed his sister up some really steep hills that DH never would have been able to do. So all worked out, he did a few telephone interviews while we were gone and luckily started back to work about a week after our return!
  8. Good Morning from an overcast day at the beach My handwriting is terrible, even though I was thought the “Palmer Method”. Remember that? I am basically a leftie but the nuns made me write with my right. We were in Raitea on my last cruise. My pictures are basically the same as Sandi’s @StLouisCruisers. a very Happy Birthday to @smitty34877. Hope you have a wonderful day. My thoughts are with Patricia’s family as they face a heartbreaking decision today. @Cruising-alongyou have our deepest sympathies. I am off to do volunteer duty this afternoon. Stuffing envelopes for the library’s annual membership drive. We took the boat trip along the Farsi river. Stopped at a riverside stand for refreshments. My DS standing beside the boat. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  9. Good Morning from an overcast but warm day at the beach Anne Frank was a remarkable young woman. I cant even imagine what she may have accomplished had she lived. @ottahand7 Thank you for your uodates on your trip. We will be taking that same trip in October and it is very helpful to see what others have done. Enjoy! @Cruising-along I am so sorry to hear about Patricia. I will continue to keep her and her family in my prayers. @MISTER 67 Dont worry about being upset with HAL right now. Hopefully they will figure it out. The important thing as a fellow golfer is to concentrate on your golf game! I played golf yesterday for the first time in 3 months. I played OK but more importantly I played and enjoyed it. The kite festival was great. Weather was wonderful. It continues today but we are staying put today. Had a really full day yesterday. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  10. Good Morning from an overcast day at the beach Going to play golf this morning, first time since the end of September. Hopefully I wont embarrass myself! Then going to meet up on the beach with DD and DH. There is a balloon and large kite festival here today. 1st time. Should be fun. Just hope the weather holds. Good quote for today. Have not been to todays port. Today is Saturday so its pizza for dinner. I am sorry to be reading that so many of our Dailylites are having health issues. All are in my thoughts and prayers. We need to turn things around ! Stay safe and enjoy today. Off to the golf course. Charlene
  11. Good Morning from a cool but sunny day at the beach. Never make New Year’s resolutions so nothing to break. We were in Tonga for 2 days on our last cruise. Beautiful country with warm welcoming people. The governor and the military band came out to meet the ship. It was very festive! My attempt at pictures. The royal palace, the entrance to the town and and a show put on by the locals.
  12. Good Morning from a very cool day at the beach. We had a very cold weekend but it is January. Suppose to start warming up again today. This kind of weather is not unusual for us this time of year. Luckily it goes not last. We had a spectacular launch last nite. Unfortunately I did not take pictures. It was really beautiful! Lots of people out on the beach . Off to Orlando this morning for the dermatologist. Hoping it will be a quick and easy visit. Although he always manages to find something! Oh well. Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  13. Hi Jacqui Hope you are feeling better! You certainly have had a time of it! While recently onboard we booked the Grand SAmerica and Antarctica trip for October 7,2023 on the Zaandam Looking forward to it! charlene.
  14. Good Morning from a very cool and windy day at the beach I enjoy kites. There is going to be a big kite festival here on the 21st. Should be fun. Have not been to todays port. Going to a cooking class this afternoon. Should be interesting. One of my friends wanted me to go with her. Prayers for all that are struggling right now, especially those in the path of those tornadoes. Terrible! Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  15. Good Morning from a bright and sunny day at the beach I really enjoy a nice cup of tea but I am still partial to “Salada”. My family sends a few boxes at a time necause it is not available here. @grapau27Graham, my prayers will continue for all of you. I do believe she made the right decision to try the injections first. It will probably take time and rest. @StLouisCruisersSandi, thanks for the great pictures. Both of our ports in Indonesia were cancelled. Off to a library board meeting this AM. Slay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  16. @grapau27 Graham, My thoughts and prayers are with the three of you. Sounds like she is in the right place. Hope they find a solution soon.
  17. Good Morning from a cool but soon to be sunny day at the beach I really only like dark chocolate. I do enjoy houseplants , mine were delivered home yesterday I don’t have that many. Have been to Bar Harbor many times but it has been quite a few years . Going to Orlando today for a much needed cut and color. Hasn’t been done since before I left in October. I usually go every 5-6 weeks! We booked the Grand South America and Antarctica trip for October while on board. We were scheduled to do it in 2021 but was cancelled. Have to call my PCC today to verify a few things. Oh happy news, we are all 4 star! Yeah ! Free laundry! Although I think the laundry package is the best deal on the ship! Stay safe and enjoy today Charlene
  18. Good morning from a cool but warming day at the beach I have the utmost respect for law enforcement. They have a very difficult and dangerous job. I have never been to todays port. Sorry to read about that cyclone in New Zealand and that the Noordam is returning to Sydney. Always better to be safe. I am having trouble returning to normal. Can’t seem to get my days and nights straight. Been like a zombie the last few days. Going to go on a long walk on the beach today and hopefully the nice sea air will adjust my time clock, I am so sorry to hear about Kazu and Scrapnana. Praying for a complete recovery. Be safe and enjoy today Charlene
  19. Thank you for taking us along. Really enjoying your posts! They are very uplifting! continue to enjoy !
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