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Everything posted by Gettingwarmer

  1. Yes they are either closing or changing company. We have two and one has become Allied and the other Wellbeing.
  2. @Selbourne Glad to see that you have got to grips with WhatsApp. It is great to keep in contact with home and to send photos.
  3. I have had terrible cabin noise on Aurora in near the bow of the ship and recently on Sky Princess in bad weather but that cleared up when the sea calmed down. Let’s hope your noise reduces as your cruise continues.
  4. Balcony will be a lot, repeat a lot smaller but not necessarily needed on this cruise.
  5. Unfotunately can't find the number of the room but it was internal and didn't front onto the noisy Princes Street. Here is a view from the bar. We ate at Miller and Carter steak restaurant on Frederick Street https://www.millerandcarter.co.uk/restaurants/scotland-and-northern-ireland/millerandcarteredinburghcitycentre?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=gmb# and Wildfire Restaurant Steak and Seafood. Very small on Rose Street behind Princes Street and you need to book. https://wildfirerestaurant.co.uk/ Best part of our stay was the Royal Yacht which we visited by Ho Ho bus from the railway station. We took the bus from the airport to Princes Street.
  6. We have stayed at the Premier Inn on Princes Street. Had a room overlooking inside road. Will look into room number and where we ate tomorrow.
  7. Have a happy cruise and log in when you can.
  8. You know your risk factor for getting a decent cabin below working decks or above public rooms on A or C. Myself I would still take the deluxe mid saver on B.
  9. I think this is a good idea. I don’t particularly like being forward on Aurora and it avoids those D deck deluxe balconies above showroom.
  10. Deck B cabins on Aurora are more open than A or C. The balconies on Britannia are very narrow which is why we never travel on her so have no more experience of her.
  11. Works fine on Essentials. It is great for sending photos home but just use it for text to keep in touch. You just download the App onto your phone and anyone on your contacts who has it you will be able to text. (If you hit the “write” symbol it will show which contacts have WhatsApp)
  12. Just remember D deck deluxe is a larger cabin with a sofa but of course costs more.
  13. Starlink worked very well on Sky Princess last week across the Atlantic. Great to download the paper every day and read CC. Plus see the weather and what’s going on in next port and receive email. Best way to communicate with home is WhatsApp. You can always buy the internet but cancel before you go. I’m not sure if it is on all P&O ships yet.
  14. The balconies are all larger than those on Britannia but as Bin Man says Deck C balconies are the best as they are even larger with half in shade and half in sun. Deck D are deluxe and have a much larger balcony but no shade.
  15. The offer to buy it ends 31/10/23 not when you can use it. If you are prepared to pay now you get 15% discount. If the price goes up you are ok, if the price goes down you cancel and re-order at the new price.
  16. I understand your position and hope you receive replies from people who have taken excursions from these ports.
  17. What I am saying is that you do not need excursions at these ports. At La Coruna you are right in the middle of town, why take an excursion? Check out the sightseeing on google. If you want to see Bilbao walk it as I suggest, if you want to sit on a coach take an excursion.
  18. We had a good selection of speakers on our recent Princess cruise to USA/Canada cruise which was 24 days
  19. La Coruna, ship docks in town and you can walk through to beach or there is a local tour nearby that takes you to the lighthouse (Tower of Hercules) etc. Bilbao get the shuttle into town and walk to the Guggenheim Museum, then walk right along the river to the old town on the other bank. Gijon I don’t know.
  20. Not necessarily. Some people are happy just being fed and not paying for extras just like you like inside cabins and don’t pay for light.
  21. On our recent 24 day cruise we declined the bread from day one and never ate any pastries. Start as you mean to go on.
  22. Not in a suite but on my recent cruise to USA and Canada I spent a lot of my time in my large cabin as it was much preferable to being elsewhere on the ship. I love looking out the window watching the sea even in inclement weather.
  23. Seems that your roaming works in the French Caribbean islands but not in the Dutch Caribbean islands. See below https://www.giffgaff.com/boiler-plate/using-your-mobile-abroad
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