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Everything posted by DragonOfTheSeas

  1. Copenhagen Pass would not be best for us. We are seniors and can only tour and walk so much in a day before we get tired. I found this information that says there is a 24-hour city pass for all transportation for 80 DKK. We would buy the small pass for zones 1-4. I think this is a better option for us. City Pass English - DOT (dinoffentligetransport.dk)
  2. Thank you both for the information. I am not sure I will have any DKK cash at this point. I am going to try to use my credit card for purchases in Denmark. I did some research on the best things to buy to use public transport. It seems that the 24 hr city small pass would be best for us. [zones 1-4] So, following both of your advice we should take the free bus to the metro and buy the 24 hr pass for each of us there. It would be 80 DKK each. We will take a train from the central train station the next morning around 6:15 am. [within same 24 hr period] At a minimum we would spend 24 DKK and 36 DKK to get from the ship to the hotel and the hotel to the airport. So, the pass would give us a lot of convenience to sightsee without worrying about having cash for buses.
  3. OK, now we are just days from the cruise and I am focusing on Copenhagen [our disembark port]. I had more time in Copenhagen, but a flight time change shortened our time for Copenhagen. We are sad about that. We have a reservation for the Radisson Royal hotel, near Tivoli for the one night and fly out the next morning at 9:40am. I noted that several of the train/metro lines left from near the cruise port. [Ocean Quay]. But you would need to walk or ride a bus there. However, I saw that there is a bus that stop near the terminal. It seems to take longer--However, that would be no issue for us. Can anyone give me more information on this?
  4. Stuart--Thank you for directing us here. I found this walking tour very interesting. DH and I would not be able to walk the 7.5 miles that are described. I made note of the areas around the square. We have booked a morning ship's tour that visits 3 areas/places we identified as interesting to us. It will leave us in the central square location [if we want] and we can take the ship's shuttle back when we have visited that area. The shuttle is included in the price of the tour. This is the only city we have booked a ship's tour. It seemed to us that sites were spread out more in Helsinki than in some of the other cities. I am sure there are a number of people who would enjoy hiking this route.
  5. Yes, I do not think we are good at this point. We are cautiously optimistic.
  6. Does anyone have any suggestions for a tour or activity from Frihammen on a Monday? We can go back to the city and see things we missed. However, if there are tour companies that leave from this location or things to see near here, we would be interested to know. We could take the ferry to the Ropsten t-bana station if needed. TIA
  7. We are in the last stages of planning our trip to Europe. We have research most of the obvious things and are looking for the hidden gems. One of the previous posters mentioned the Carl Milles statue/fountain at Necka Strand that we would see on the ferry ride to the Frihammen cruise terminal in Stockholm. I had not heard of him or his work--but, have since researched that. I was surprised to see his home and museum is located within sight of the Frihammen cruise terminal. [across the waterway on the island of Lidingo.] I must admit that DH and I are more likely to go to a historical site or museum than an art gallery. The garden looks like a beautiful place to visit--very serene and good views. 170 SEK entrance fee and open 11am-5pm Tuesday-Sunday. Our problem is the museum is closed on Mondays, which is the day we would likely have visited. . . . However, since I found the relevant information, I thought I would print it here in case it helps someone else. To get there you need to take the ferry 1 additional stop from Frihammen to Ropsten. There is a tram [21] that will take you across the bridge to Torsvik on Lidingo Island and walk from there [ less than .5 km or take a bus directly. [There is a T-bana stop in Ropsten if you want to travel there from the city center.] Buses/tram come every 30 minutes. Here is the link to the Trip Advisor information on this museum. Millesgården - A museum with sculpture park, art gallery, restaurant and antique collection and shop. (millesgarden.se)
  8. You would think that is the case--but, cruise lines have been "voluntarily'" following the same CDC rules even for ships that are sailing outside of the US. [they were desperate to get back to cruising] Most N European countries have dropped covid restrictions. While I was looking for a location to get our pre-cruise-testing in Stockholm local cruise critic posters told me Sweden has stopped most testing for residents.
  9. Our cruise is to the Baltic. those countries stopped testing requirements some time ago.
  10. It may not come soon enough for us. We cruise July 31 from Stockholm. It would be such a bummer to get all the way there and then test positive. Just getting there this summer is a challenge. We have been wearing a mask everywhere for the last 2 weeks. That is not our norm. . . but, we have been stressed over the testing requirement.
  11. We have not gotten our block either and it was a March25-April 2 cruise. We cruise at the end of the month again. [but not on Enchantment] I plan to ask the loyalty person on that cruise.
  12. Thank you for your information regarding credit cards. It is hard to believe they would allow a CC charge for the small toilet charge. LOL However, I am glad to hear that. I am taking the radical step [for me] of not exchanging any money for this trip. 😮 I still have 22 euros left from a previous trip. That would pay for any toilets in Latvia and Estonia. I will let everyone know how that works for me. I agree that the 1-2 hour layovers most of us have for our flights are not long enough. When we booked these tickets [months ago] the allowable minimum time at the various airports indicated these were fine. But the summer of 2022 airport situations are very different. We are expecting issues. Glad you had a good trip!
  13. Wow! That is really a unique itinerary. . . . but, it gets you there. Congrats.
  14. We lost out on points, too. We tool longer cruises and it did not convert well. While people that took 3-4 day cruises got more points. But, there was no solving that problem. We wrote to RCL but it did not go anywhere.
  15. I had read that. However, that is in lower town, isn't it"? We would like to start high and make our way to the lower level. I have developed a knee issue and lots of stairs are not my friend.
  16. Thank you for asking this question. I read there is a shuttle to the viru gate. However, we want to start at the top and walk down. I do not think DH and I would make the climb.
  17. Yes, that sounds terrible. Actually, the cruiser brought a freesia [sp?] bouquet because it lasts a long time. She brought it to dinner each night for the table. On the last night she gave it to the waitress. It still looked very nice. If not, she would have disposed of the flowers. The waitress was a young woman from China. She commented on the flowers a few times during the cruise and seemed genuinely please to get them at the end of the cruise. edit: The flowers did not take the place of an additional tip for a job well done.
  18. They used to sell flowers. However, not anymore. You can bring them on the ship--but, not take them off again. I cruised with someone that always brings a large vase full. she gives them to the waitress when she leaves.
  19. We are glad to hear the staff is able to handle the number of passengers. thank you for this review. We cruise July 31. Was it warm enough to use the pools/hot tubs on this cruise? We think it is crazy Royal Caribbean does not enclose the solarium on the Voyager class ships. That is always a favorite area for us, too.
  20. We still have our fingers crossed we will be fine at the airports. But we are doing all possible to make that happen. [arriving very early for flights, cross packing our 2 suitcases and having paper copies of any paperwork we need.] We will keep in mind the names of airports you have mentioned if we have to reroute. Thanks!
  21. That will be warm enough but will get wet. Here are a few pictures of what people wore. Our TA left the UK on August 31. You may have a warm sunny day. YMMV We were glad for everything we had. You can see from the pictures of other people that we were not alone in our clothing choices. This was near the end of the second day when the rain slowed down. You can see by my svelte silhouette [sarcasm] how many layers I had on. LOL We loved our visit to Iceland. It is like another world. edir: I am not sure why it is showing two of the pics twice. I tried to fix that--but, I could not.
  22. We had an overnight in Iceland on our TA. It rained both days. We did independent tours. We were VERY cold. We had waterproof jackets shoes, etc. But, not waterproof pants. When we stopped for lunch I commented to DH that I was wet up to the top of my thighs. Our Golden Circle excursion was at a couple stops at the same time as the ship tours. So, the experience would be similar. However, the second day we did a Reykjanes peninsula tour. It was GREAT! You get to see the wild side of Iceland.
  23. We had a beach bed at Chill Island in April. We really enjoyed it. The beach beds are fairly close together. However, when we closed the curtains [on sides] we felt like we had our own private cocoon. We spent the whole day there. Here is a picture. We stopped at the stand to check in and get our towels. We had bar service. They came around all day. It was very quiet at Chill island. The Oasis lagoon pool was a quick walk away.
  24. No toilets would be an issue for one in our group. We will need to be careful with him to use the ones available.
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