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Everything posted by ladysail2

  1. Thank you for all the answers. 😊
  2. Thanks for the notice….I’ll be on the lookout!
  3. Thank you for that information. I’m glad I asked. On Royal, any cash gift or OBC given to the cruiser is refundable if not used. Only Royal Caribbean OBC is non-refundable.
  4. Is the ‘gift’ whether OBC or Cruise Cash, refundable back to the cruiser?
  5. Is a bouquet of fresh flowers allowed on Carnival cruises? Hopefully going on Celebration in November and thought it would be nice to buy a bouquet of flowers to bring onboard. I know that no dirt or roots are allowed, just clean stems……I know one can order flowers but…..the price is rather excessive.
  6. Do you have a phone number with a Princess representative that you could stay in touch with starting before your flight? In that way you may get a feel as to whether they are going to show up or not. They will know that you are serious about being at the airport waiting for them. Best of luck to you and your group.
  7. Can always change family tradition….offer to take the g/daughter to McD’s the night before for dinner…..then look for a new ‘adult’ family tradition restaurant.
  8. I sure do…that’s how I discovered Skittles! It was nice to see a whole basket of goodies!
  9. A while ago someone said that the ArriveCan replaced the paper immigration form we used to complete on the airplane coming into Canada. I can’t see going back to paper once an electronic format has been established. I personally prefer the paper declaration..but then I’m not an e-type of person. Most young people are used to electronics and the future is theirs…so we old types will just have to go along to get along!! Maybe for quick trips where the paper version wasn’t used, the ArriveCan will be phased out.
  10. That’s good advice. When you are their own and only customer, they wait for you to come through the doors. They should have your names on a small sign so you can see them too! I also don’t like to have too much to think about after a long flight…let others lead the way!! 👍
  11. Peagreenid…no one will know what you mean by ‘downtown London’, no such area exists. It’s called Central London. It’s sort of like saying downtown New York City. You’re wise to pre-plan your trip from the airport to your hotel. Nothing worse than being exhausted, confused and feeling lost. I wouldn’t get on the tube (subway) if it’s your first time, no need for that frustration. Taking a car service would be your best bet…then someone else can get you to your hotel, you’d be worry free, and relaxed. There are lots of car services available. Good Luck in your travels and enjoy London.
  12. Thank you Harters and JB for all your information. I saw the Wool House on the map, but thought it was a museum. I certainly wouldn’t just go and sit at a table…knowing that one goes to the bar first. I saw the FB pictures of the Red Lion…it looks very nice. I’m certainly looking forward to my visit. Just wished I drank beer, but have never taken a liking to it.
  13. They do seem to be slippery, so perhaps they are the polymer types. I’ve been reading about the usage of credit cards and am surprised. I don’t like using them due to all the charges when used outside Canada. This is why I like to pre-pay most expenditures before I leave home…hotel, transportation, entrance tickets, etc. I will bring a credit card , but hope to use my cash. Mostly it will be used to buy food and for souvenir shopping. What do the people do who can’t get a credit card due to financial stress or other reasons?
  14. The Duke of Wellington seems to be very pub-like, I didn’t get the restaurant feel when I entered. I’m not sure what the Red Lion will be like. I guess it’s always safe to go to the bar and ask what is proper. I love the places with ‘history’ written all over them. If only walls could talk, LOL. I ask these questions because I don’t like looking like an uneducated tourist. I don’t have an English accent so I suppose they’ll figure out that I’m a tourist anyway, haha.
  15. You must have been lucky. I haven’t driven on it since early 2015….and there were lots of them especially as one entered at the East end.
  16. Maybe we should have a PPP….Proctored Pre-cruise Party!!! 🤣
  17. I have lots of those . I’m coming to London in November and just bought £800 worth of money, mostly in £20’s and £50’s. Are you saying that they will no longer be legal tender as of October?? 😲. Please let me know!
  18. John Bull…you are so knowledgeable and helpful. I need some teaching in manners/protocol. I’m staying at Ennio’s in November and am wanting a pub dinner. I went to Duke of Wellington last time, so now I’d like to try the Red Lion. I am a woman, solo. What is the proper way to makes one’s entry while in a pub? Here in Canada, if we enter a restaurant and there is no greeter, then one just finds a table, sits down, and a waiter will come forward. I don’t think it’s like that in pubs, unless the manners have changed. I really can’t remember what I did at the Duke of W….I think I went to the bar and ordered lunch, then found a table. Is that the proper procedure? I want to look like I know what I’m doing or a reasonable facsimile anyway. Also, do you think it’s a reasonable walk from Ennio’s to the West Quay shopping centre? Thank you so much for your valuable knowledge.
  19. Thank you! I think I remember paying $41 back in 2015. When I was on the 407, the OPP weren’t hiding..they were quite visible on the highway…so I minded my p’s & q’s. I didn’t mind, I found it to be a pleasant drive.
  20. Okay….how much is the 407 toll now? Ive taken it a few times driving to Sarnia and liked the less congested drive….but after having to travel at least at 120km/hr to keep up on the 401…one has to slow down on the 407, lots of traffic cops patrolling.
  21. Hopefully in time they will. At least we don’t have to provide PCR testing. From what I’ve read, the proctored tests using the free tests in the green boxes are working out well.
  22. I agree that walking from the coach drop-off to the Premier Inn is not an easy one while pulling 47-50 pounds of luggage plus a small hand luggage. My friend wouldn’t pay for a taxi so we walked and I found it exhausting. I’m taking the coach from Victoria Stn to Southampton in November and staying at Ennios….will be taking a taxi! I’m sure the walk is easy without luggage , as I found out when my friend and I walked from the hotel to McDonald’s, and back again.
  23. I wish there was a better way to evaluate risk factors. Our local news articles will report new cases, how many in hospital, how many died, how many in the ICU….but they don’t break it down between what happened to the vaccinated vs the unvaccinated. Every action has risks but so far it’s difficult to decide on a course of action. Mask mandates were dropped on public transportation so I have to decide, should I or should I not. I guess I still feel vulnerable even though fully vaxxed..so perhaps the best course of action is to continue what has protected me so far until I feel that Covid isn’t waiting for me around every corner.
  24. I just saw it as well. Does this mean one doesn’t have to prove that they have had the vaccinations and boosters? Doesn’t that mean that more and more unvaccinated people will be amomg the vaccinated, and no masks being worn? Don’t know if this is a good idea. I’m thinking if a vaccinated person gets inundated by viruses from 4 or 5 unvaccinated, infected people…then the illness may not be as mild as it should be. There’s not much information about the effects of virus infection from unvaccinated vs vaccinated people. Has anyone seen any data on the protection effects of antibody levels? I know life has to get back to normal again, but I wonder how rough the road back will be.
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