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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. I always get sherbet even when ordering sorbet
  2. I am possibly one of the few people in the US who does not watch the Super Bowl. The last time that I went to a Super Bowl party was in 1990.The last time that I watched an entire game was in 2007 when we went to Atlantic City for the weekend with friends .
  3. Whenever I order sorbet on a cruise I seem to get sherbet.Anyone else experience this ?
  4. I think it would be mustard for me.
  5. We did a 14 night tour of Alaska with HAL.We flew to Fairbanks and spent 7 days touring Alaska by bus and train Then we did a 7 night cruise of Alaska.It was a great trip.
  6. Did you go to an Urgent Care facility ?
  7. I have free lifetime health insurance.It is the best policy available. How did I get this you are wondering ? I was downsized by my employer 6 weeks before hitting 25 years.As an incentive not to sue the company I was given free health insurance for life for my wife and I free health insurance for myself ,free Legal representation for life.
  8. It is much easier for us to get to Bayonne even though Manhattan is much closer.Whenever we cruised out of Manhattan we either had a family member drive us or took a Car Service with the exception of our first cruise in 1973.We took the subway.
  9. My Brooklyn HS had an all years reunion yesterday in Florida.Presumably because there are more alumni in Fla than NY.
  10. My late friend Jeffrey Dane was a Music Journalist who wrote the definitive article on Leonard Bernstein.You can Google Jeffrey if you wish. I never heard anyone referring to Cohen as Lenny or Nimoy (who I met)being referred to as Lenny .
  11. I am not a buffet person.I only dine in the MDR
  12. I have yet to hear of a cruise ship televising the NCAA tournament. I personally would never cruise during the tourney.If the cruise is a must then there is always the DVR option.
  13. We had a TA who gave gifts for each cruise booked with her.For the first cruise we each received Travel Bags. For the second cruise we received good quality binoculars. For the third cruise we received a piece of luggage. Then our TA got married and her husband stopped the gift giving. Our next TA offered free insurance.
  14. We usually do not do summer cruises but we did a family cruise to celebrate my 70th.birthday many years ago.There were hundreds of little kids on that cruise.
  15. The first time we were on the Gem was probably 2012.I have a written list of the cruises I have been on somewhere in my house.Yesterday I was posting to a guy on another thread and somehow we got into a discussion of cruise ships and we realized that we were on a cruise with him in 2010. How is Sarah ?
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