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Everything posted by njkruzer

  1. I had heard that the WJ on Wonder was bigger than on Oasis which is too small. Dh had to wait on line to enter once. Also things like no made to order omelets in WJ (they exist in another restaurant) have kept us from returning to that class. Not saying we won't sail that class but didn't feel it was for us. We have sailed all classes and prefer Quantum and Radiance classes.
  2. Email mbayley@rccl.com . Someone at the executive office should respond within a couple of days. The problem with contacting your credit card is it depends on how long since you paid. There is a time limit to requesting assistance from the credit card company.
  3. I love the are you pregnant question (more than 23 weeks). I'm way, way too old and dh not ever likely. The other 2 questions have to do with exposure to covid if I recall. Filled out for our October TA already. I think at actual check-in they asked the normal health questions and exposure to covid, check your vaccine card if required for your cruise and test results if needed.
  4. Got looked at by customs years ago when I bought a ring onboard. That was just about the only purchase and even with the souvenirs didn’t even go above 1 person's limit. Another time I declared a purchase from I think St. Thomas jeweler that was being shipped from the jeweler's manufacturer in the US. Customs wanted a form, which we didn't have, or even knew about. At one point I asked if they wanted me to get back on the ship, return to the island to get the form! They searched, found the form, we filled it out and were on our way. Felt sorry for the porter that stuck with us.
  5. Love the Radiance class ships and Quantum class. Have sailed all classes. Not thrilled with Oasis.
  6. Did this with nonrefundable obc on Liberty on 9/3, night before we got off. Never done it before. No problem.
  7. Yes, as I said we're on the TA. As usual for us emed tests bought through Royal's website will travel with us as will my laptop. Will probably test Friday evening in our hotel room. We travel by car service to Southampton on the 17th. If an issue I'm sure hotel concierge will help find another test. Also going vor new booster tomorrow. Royal's requirements of 3 days before sailing is in conflict with Canada's w days before sailing. ArriveCAN is on my phone already. Trying not to stress out but....
  8. That's confusing. I Google Canada covid restrictions and it says no testing. Confused. If test needed, how far in advance? Ok Googled as suggested. They require antigen test 2 days before sailing but Royal says 3 days is ok! Crazy. Also, as I said, it's 8 days between sailing and arrival in Halifax. That could make the test taken 2-3 prior to sailing worthless. These instructions are definitely contrary to other Canadian restrictions on another page which says no test if arriving by marine.
  9. Same here. Filled out form on both our b2b Jewel cruises. Still waiting.
  10. This thread has been bothering me. We are on Anthem TA, leaving Southampton 10/17 and stopping in Halifax on 10/25. We test no more than 3 days before sailing. I knew we needed ArriveCAN but after reading this thread thought we might need another test. I've gone back to Canada's covid restrictions page. It specifically says no test needed to enter Canada y car, plane or marine. I don't think you need to worry.
  11. Yep. Will be a last minute decision. The shows are not why I pick a ship.
  12. Ok. Ours is soon so thought it would be there. Expect the same main shows we saw in 2019, Spectra's Cafe, We will rock you, and The gift. Seen the first 2 a couple of times. Only once for the gift. Not sure what we go to.
  13. Of course my app says entertainment not available! We have a cruise on the Anthem in about a month so I'm curious.
  14. If you show the agent your boarding pass with pre-check they usually don't require you to take off your shoes, etc
  15. Pack in 2 carryons and we then go through security separately. Also have both SetSail passes. Never stopped.
  16. Always check in for both. Easy to do and all the boxes checked. Also I check with GS that they have us on b2b list.
  17. Not all balconies open to adjoining balcony. Has nothing to do with age of ship.
  18. App on the phone. Will test in our London hotel as required before heading to Southampton and complete the app.
  19. Agree as to Quantum or Radiance class ships. Not fond of Oasis class ships. Have sailed Infinity and Summit, but not recently.
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