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Everything posted by Pushka

  1. Next Year Golden Week falls on our third last day, in Aomori. It's the only day I've booked a ship tour as a result. Unfortunately it is also the first port after we have been to Busan so it also means an Immigration check. Then the next port is Hakodate then a sea day. Then Yokohama.
  2. My understanding is that cruise ships must visit a port out of Japan. I've read of one Celebrity cruise going to Vladivostok but that's onbviously no longer used.
  3. So it seems they don't have this expensive equipment after all to see forward depth. Back to my original point then hey?
  4. We operate a small boat in a channel plus open seas with outlying reefs. The distance can change in seconds. From five metres to less than one. Tides and winds impact as well. A depth sounder tells you what is, not what it is about to be.
  5. Thanks to all the contributors on this cruise. It's so good to get everyone's different experiences, plus it makes for double the reading. We are on this cruise in April 2025 with just a slight tweaking in the order of ports but otherwise the same ones. We've only been on Solstice ships and nothing since Covid.
  6. I clear my history and cookies every couple of days because Celebrity website caches too much and finally doesn't work. This wasn't the issue. I haven't search NCL in months.
  7. And I think this is the url? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=C75IjwoPIpE&feature=youtu.be
  8. Thankyou. Here's an example right now. Safari. iPad. And others taken during the day. They appear every time you click on a link in the forum or refresh the screen. There are three here. And as soon as I posted this post another one appears.
  9. If they were getting them I'd be seeing them when I switch my IP address to the US. I do see them when I switch it to the UK. I don't see them when I switch to Canada or Europe. Thats the whole point of my posts earlier showing my IP location in different countries. Additionally there are posts from US people even though you think they are asleep and there is no mention of them having this issue. And they have not joined this thread either. 🤷‍♀️
  10. Not sure what point you are actually trying to make. 🤷‍♀️ My point now being it's a selective targeted audience and the US market, Europe and Canada isn't impacted. And that's concerning.
  11. Canada doesn't get them either. Italy doesn't. France doesn't. Spain doesn't. I'm guessing maybe only Aus and UK are having the issue.
  12. When I use a VPN and my IP address is based in the US, the pop up disappears. When I turn off the VPN and my IP address is Australia, it's back. I'll try flicking to UK and see what happens. But using Chrome it's ok as I've got additional spam protection on it. OK. UK is getting this pop up too. The green dot is where my IP is thrown to. And I just flicked the VPN to USA. Pop up no longer occurs.
  13. For those on the iPad, download and use Chrome. It blocks the pop ups without the need for a VPN. I'm just disgusted it's only targeting Australian users. The admins must have known about this to enable it to be targeted.
  14. Might pop off to Dans later today. It sounds intriguing. 😂
  15. I really dislike whisky, love gin. Is Sake anything like whisky?
  16. Well, we know now it's only targeting Australians. Try rotating the screen @Sparky74 if using an iPad. Or use a VPN to switch overseas. I've now cancelled an NCL cruise.
  17. We need to keep this thread active to get it to stop for those who don't have VPN. And ithe thread has gone from the Aussie pages now. Its extremely concerning that Cruise Critic has allowed NCL to spam users in this way. Every single click. This is not a user issue. It shouldn't be in this place that gets hidden.
  18. It's only happening in Australia. I just used a VPN so it looks like I'm in USA. Pop up gone.
  19. This is good. I do have a cruise booking with them. It's going to be cancelled now.
  20. So, I've just switched to a private VPN so Cruise Critic thinks I'm in the USA. The pop up has gone. They are only doing it to Aussie internet users. Shameful.
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