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Everything posted by smitty34877

  1. Safe travels today Joy, for you and Allen.Enjoy the baby and your cruise as well.It is a great cruise and so relaxing on the sea days.
  2. I am glad it was all removed in December. Hope all is well now.
  3. I am very happy to report that the surgeon is happy with my snazzy new hip joint. Good news,at least today.I will see him in a year.
  4. @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, I was so sorry to read about your DB's worsening of his PF.We know all too well here what that can be like.I am sending prayers to him,you and your family. Continue to enjoy your cruise.I hope the crowds are more manageable in the coming days.
  5. Oh Debbie, I have had many patients like your DB.The doctors often had to do manipulation under anesthesia to RIP through the adhesions that form so quickly.I learned early on that it was never worth arguing with them about walking and exercise.....sometimes the other patients in a rehab setting would get after those who did this.Peer pressure. I am sorry.
  6. Thinking of you today Roy.The anniversaries are hard. I hope the doc has good news for you though.
  7. Good morning. My Valentine is fast asleep still but will be surprised later with his favorite pound cake for dessert. I will salute the days,have not been to the port and look forward to recipes. Yesterday seemed to be at least three or four days rolled into one. Tana and I managed well but agreed on the ride home that the visit was pretty darn depressing. I did not expect good news but sometimes the way things are conveyed to a patient can make a difficult situation feel awful. I am glad I was with her though because we can at least discuss things honestly. It is much harder for her sister at this point. I knew the ambulette would cost a fortune too! I am seeing my ortho doc for my last post op visit today. Things are going well and I hope he is as pleased as I am with my fancy new hip. Enjoy the day everyone.
  8. Good morning. It will go up to almost 60 later but was still cool enough for the big coat on the early morning dog walk. I will keep my name but understand the concept. My mom gave us Swedish middle names and I almost wish she had gone with those for a first name.. It was the fifties with a lot of conformity. My DGD got the Swedish name! Lasagna makes everyone very happy here but today they will make do with left over chili.We have been to the port and went to Monet’s garden that day. I even have pictures I can access. DH was very happy watching the football. I tried to keep him company but it is not my cup of tea, Tana and I watched the latest Vera and enjoyed that. @grapau27, Graham, I always think of you when I see that beautiful scenery. Today we have to get Tana to the pulmonologist in the city. We are using an ambulette service where they assured me they could get her safely up and down our 18 steps. Our neighbor is having health issues of his own and I didn’t want to ask him. I am going with her to manage the oxygen and transfers to and from the wheelchair. Pictures of Monet’s Garden.
  9. @marshhawk, I am sorry about the job loss.How is Chuck's eye healing? My DH does not hear the outside noises either and I often have to explain that the dogs are barking because "something " is out there. Trucks, birds, dogs people....
  10. Good morning to all. It was fun to see pictures of @StLouisCruisers, Sandi and Dennis at their sail away yesterday. I would love to be at a sailaway on any ship going anywhere sometime soon.I will contain my envy!Thanks to everyone for the Daily. The recipes look so good but we already have a vegetarian chili in process for today.Most of us will want to watch the game so we are serving buffet style at our usual dinner time. I have not been to the port but Cork City was described to me often as a child. My grandmother left there at a young age and really missed it. Maybe someday. It is cloudy and in the forties here with rain expected later. Nothing much planned which is a good thing. @kochleffel, Paul, how are you feeling ? I am sorry you missed so much at the synagogue yesterday. @JazzyV, Vanessa, I was sorry to read about. BFF’s uncle. Sometimes loved ones manage to “wait” for their family to get there and I hope that is possible and that he is comfortable. Enjoy the day everyone
  11. Good morning everyone. It is chilly so far with a bit of a breeze. I saw the skunk family again from afar earlier and took the doggies in the other direction. We usually don’t have them around until spring. Maybe it is spring for the animals in the big park next door. Debbie @dfish, the recipes look so good and any one of them would be popular here. The Executive Chef has a yearning for enchiladas so we are headed for the store in a while to pick up ingredients. One grocery store is only half a mile away on foot so I have been walking to and fro for exercise lately. It is mostly uphill to get there so it is a bit of a challenge. The trick has been to engage DH in this activity. He does it ostensibly so that I don’t have to manage the grocery bags alone. He is not joyful with this activity but it is good for us. Wishing you all a great day.
  12. @grapau27, Thanks for the great pictures of your cruise and stay in Miami. Tell us about the trip when you have caught your breath, please.
  13. I have been sober a very long time and agonized over taking pain meds after a hip replacement. Both the surgeon and anesthesiologist told me I would need the meds after the spinal wore off.I am glad I listened. I can only imagine the intensity of your pain with hand surgery and I am glad you listened too.
  14. It is already up to 60 here.I saw a skunk family crossing the street in the dark and tried to keep the dogs from reacting. It will be a short lived spring day today but I might be able to extend the length of the long dog walk later since it is so nice. My New Hampshire family sent a Christmas card where they were dressed in matching flannel shirts.I doubt they will be able to talk the grandchildren into matching outfits next year as they will be 13 by then. We have not been to the port and forgot how to play cribbage.The red snapper sounds tasty and everyone here would be happy so I may have to make it. Thanks for starting the Daily @kochleffel and @cat shepard.And thanks to all who contribute every day.
  15. The dried porcini mushrooms are my secret ingredient in stews. The shitakis are good but not as flavorful.
  16. @StLouisCruisers,Sandi, Bon Voyage to you both .I hope the long drive is uneventful. I will also miss you!
  17. I use the seasickness patch and DD took meclazine when we were going to and fro on the Hawaii cruise. it was bumpy on the way there but smooth on the return.We went in January. My DSIL swore by ginger that he found in San Diego.DH was absolutely fine....
  18. @kochleffel, Paul, sorry about the covid test being positive. I certainly hope your symptoms are mild. I also make my mushroom barley soup with the addition of dried mushrooms and agree that the flavor is enhanced.
  19. Good morning. It will be a warmer day here,mid fifties with a chance of rain later.I would not celebrate toothache day and I am always relieved if there are no problems after a cleaning.I am probably the only one in the family who likes barley soup.Pizza however is always popular! We have not been to the port and had to cancel a cruise starting there when I was hospitalized a few days before . @Cruising-along, Carolyn ,I was sorry to see your bloodwork was not optimal and hope the MD is able to help. @Seasick Sailor,Joy. All I can say is Whoa. I am sad that this was the only response you got. My hip xray prior to surgery was quite problematic and I heard from two different doctors and the radiologist before I even drove home. @marshhawk, Annie, I hope DH is doing well and that you are also managing things well.My DH is not an easy patient either and we somehow get through it. Take care everyone. My cousin's son will be at the funeral of his fellow officer today.It is a hard day for NYC .
  20. @Seasick Sailor,Joy, Ouch.I have broken several ribs and remember the nasty pain.I hope you can see a doctor before you leave.So sorry to see this.
  21. Good morning everyone. It is a nice 38 degrees and going up to 50 later.Last night I was able to sleep from 11 to 5 which was a miracle.It us wonderful how sleep can restore a person.DD stayed with her sister so that could happen.They were watching the sunrise when I slipped past with the dogs. I will gladly salute the days,have not been to the port and like the recipe just by the name! A few days ago in Brooklyn, ,an off duty police officer was shot during a robbery. My cousin texted family that he was a good friend of her son.They were in the same precinct as police officers. He died this morning in the hospital leaving behind a wife and 2 small children. @marshhawk, Annie, I hope the night went well and that you both got some sleep. @rafinmd, Roy, I am hoping that you start to feel better soon and see some improvement. Take care if yourselves everyone. Terry
  22. Good morning to all.It may be just me but I think the days are odd.I do however make Italian Wedding Soup often and my recipe is similar to the first one.We have not been to the port. @marshhawk,Annie, I hope all goes well with the surgery and will be sending you both my prayers. @dfish,Debbie, I hope the surgeon is able to help and I hope all goes well with your brother and his discharge. @kazu,although our circumstances are different I can relate to feeling rather low and wanting to step back. I will be thinking about you and hope things start to improve very soon. @rafinmd, Roy, I hope you start to feel more like yourself soon.Pneumonia can have a long recovery process. I am glad you were able to sleep last night. We didn't sleep well here.Some nights are harder than others. Tana and I were wide awake from about 3 am after some respiratory issues.We opened the drapes and watched a beautiful sunrise over our city and I brought her breakfast in bed. It looks like a nice day.
  23. Good morning. DD sent me this picture yesterday.She works from home and was in her office All four cats decided to keep her company!
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