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Everything posted by kalos

  1. I have made a bird out of some old cloth and stitched it all together . I'm really pleased with it and call it Maddona ,cos it's my Material Gull 🙃
  2. We are humbled that you sat on your Princess balcony and your thoughts turn to the P&O cruise boards and ships , hope you have a great time,enjoy your cruise .
  3. Morning ,hope everyone's OK this morning ,a fresh bright 8.c for us . I think this sign should be used in all motorway service stations for directions to the loo..🙂
  4. I use this as a guide for school UK hols .... https://www.travelodge.co.uk/about/uk-school-holidays-half-term-dates/
  5. Called Spud Bashing week around here. A tractor and trailer would come to the village to pick them up. My dad would not let me go but we had a golf course that I used to go to and caddy for them earning owt from ten bob up to a fiver per round if the tournaments were on.
  6. Good advice Josy, Mrs K has an allergy to aspirin too. First action should be ring 999 or 111 and seek medical advice but if you could not get immediate help and no allergy then it could be a good idea . Due to my health ,my consultant told me any probs ,then ring 999 first.
  7. Was reading only a couple of days back,that to some of us the gulls seem to be everywhere and appear to be thriving, they are on the red list ( the highest level for British bird species of concern), because their population has dropped by 72% in 55 years but with overfishing of our shores,then it comes as no surprise they look elsewhere for their food. We have a country park nearby and they have decided to move in with the swans and ducks ready for when little kids are there armed with half a loaf to feed them.
  8. Morning ,just got up for my early morning cuppa , 11.c but will warm up to make a lovely day. Hope you all have a good day today , Take care.
  9. Remember the early 1970's ? They were the best I would get off in Alicante and try to show the passport guy my passport .."OK ,GO,GO " He made it clear he did not want anything to do with any of us .You could have had a rocket launcher strapped to your back ,he just wanted you gone. A few months back in Madeira and how things have changed . I got a guy looking at my new UK passport, pretending to read the blank pages . Then he looks up at me and says " Why you come here ?" To show you my passport I replied. " No,no ,why you come to Madeira ? " .. "Cos I like the place for holiday " Next my wife's old red EU passport , quick glance ,stamped both and said "Go" I'm sure they will think of something to delay you Zapp, even if it's just gazing at your passport photo, they do say if we looked like those photos , then one has to think "are they really fit to travel ".🙃 Have a goodtime when you go .
  10. Hopefully not a problem as you fly out before all of this kicks off ? 🤔
  11. One man and his Board , you could take it to the coast Brian 🙃😉🤣
  12. Thanks for the very detailed explanation,yes I was getting confused with various things the press and others had written but I think it's clearer now -Thanks . The way I see it now is ,the ETIAS is a visa waiver system ,that does exactly what it says on the tin . The EES (entry exit system ) is just a tracker that is put onto my bio metric passport that holds info ,finger prints etc, once taken for the first time at an air/port . After that for the next few years I can go anywhere within Europe and just show my passport at border control , no need for stamps/visa's just like when we were in the EU. The possible problem is getting it all set up onto folks passports 10 Nov onwards ? Thanks for your help in this matter .
  13. Ask for head of house keeping, bet they will find storage for you .
  14. Gets worse,it's crypto only mate 🙃 By the way anyone tried the vegan coleslaw yet? Tastes great on a corned beef sarnie 😉
  15. Cheers Avril (&Eddie) I think I will sleep a lot better armed with that knowledge 🙂 Now I know all there is to know about penguins ,I can really appreciate not having my bum inches off the floor in all that icy snow . As a kid growing up I still have flashbacks to getting in the sea at Skeggy .First my feet got a nasty chill as I entered the water, then my knees and a bit further up .. Wow -Take my breath away . So as you can see I would be crap at draggin my rump around the artic . Thanks for your help and glad to see you back Avril .😃
  16. Morning ,pitch black outside 13.c and looks to be dry . Up early but I guess it's my own fault for agreeing with Mrs K to an early nights kip, 10:15 as she was tired . This has now thrown my body into "work mode " but I'm retired and do not need to be up for 4am .😟 Never the less at around 3:30 my brain was wanting to have a chat with itself , one half wanting to go to sleep whilst the other half wanting to put the world to rights,, you know , things like "Do penguins have knee caps" and other important stuff 🙄 So that's me up and on 2nd mug of tea ,whilst Mrs K snoozes on regardless. Nice and peaceful though and I do like early hours of the day . Hope you all enjoy your Bank Holiday Monday whatever your up to -Take care .😉
  17. Yep all seems up in the air at the moment ,come 10th November we may get some answers.
  18. So that's how you lure the ships into the port of Tyne, the smell of a steak bake😉 We were out for our Sunday dinner again , no photo as it's the same as last weeks . Now back to a lazy Sunday afternoon for us . Hope your all having a good day .🙂.
  19. TBH no idea ,that's why I hope Moley and P&O can say whats happening with cruisers ? I had a read at this .. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/more-travel-red-tape-next-105709233.html
  20. Nah still classed as a young un for a few years and then most travel insurances will be waiting to up my travel costs anyway .
  21. I have noted that Europe will be starting the EES (Entry and Exit System) That means UK resident folk will need a €6 for a 3 year visa ? @molecrochip Has anyone at P&O got any updates of how this could affect future cruisers ?
  22. Strange that it did not ask you to press number ? to pay for a cruise or ?? for a other options you can select . I did for me a few Sundays back, ring back was offered ,once I had selected an option I wanted to talk about . That rang for about 5mins and then gave me the offer of ring back .. About 35 mins later I got the call. Good luck with tomorrow, the link I sent you does say open tomorrow but being a bank holiday would ring first thing .
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