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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Seems to get worse these days.If it aint bolted down "they" will take it . A few miles up the road from us a few weeks back ,there was a report of a household waking up to discover their front lawn was missing 😮 That's the perils of artificial grass for you . Have a good day everyone 🙂
  2. Could have a word with Rotherham council, they may swap you a couple of our Lord Rhymers "Ears of Corn " ,which resembles some old pit girders painted yellow ? 😬🤔
  3. I have got visions of you talking to a receptionist who has a German accent .🙂 You ..." Can you tell me where my laundry is ? " Reception " Your washing is under a vest "🙃😅 Have a great cruise -Take care .
  4. We also got away with it ,around 11-sh last night we got a small rain shower . Everything looks dry out there this morning . Lets hope we get some good weather today .🙂
  5. @Megjake Welcome to CC ,hope your cruise goes well and your free from any Gastro bugs . May I suggest ,as your on the ship ,when passing the reception to ask them "What they meant by level 3 " ? They could explain what all the levels mean and actions taken due to them . Have a good cruise take care .
  6. No expert but we had summat like that growing ,turned out to be Bramble and it took some getting rid of once established ,possibly some bird that dropped it last year .
  7. Reading other topics on here and read some folk are worried about which airline P&O will give them ? Pleased to say Maleth Air now give you inflight entertainment 😉
  8. Thanks for the good wishes guys🙂 Mrs K has just got off the phone and the update is the great granddaughters meds have kicked in ,she has slept well and is eating again and off out to visit her Nan (our daughter) today ,where she will be spoilt rotten . Gave us a video chat and she's all smiles ..Amazing how quick kids bounce back .🙂
  9. Morning a busy day doing little yesterday apart from awaiting text messages from the granddaughter who had took our 8 month old to the hozzi on the advice of NHS-111. She had been stressed two days and yesterday refused drinks and came out a rash. Even on a bank holiday they had to wait 3 hours to be seen by doctors, Who after ruling out the rash as nothing nasty put the baby on antibiotics for a Strep throat , which can be common they said when babys are teething . Anyway The granddaughter rang us to say ,babys now settled, sleeping and eating and seems to be happy. That news made us feel happy as well. Hope you all have a lovely day -Take care 🙂
  10. Not a follower myself ,was keeping an eye on the football,some amazing results . Rotherham woke up too little too late and Wednesday woke up when needed and congrats to them for surviving the drop .
  11. After several years of faithful service our cars dash cam went daft and wasn't recording . So went out and bought a new one yesterday , to be fair the guy in the shop tried to factory reset the old one but it did want want to know . No fitting required as it's a similar model to the old one . Take it out the box ,clip onto the magnet and your good to go . Well apart from it all set in Italian mode ,could have done with Brian to decipher for me but I got it into UK mode in the end . Turned off things like lane change , a car is pulling away from you or a car is in front of you . Cannot be doing with all them bing -bong sounds . That's my excitement for today Hope your all having a good day .
  12. Some folk are like that . We had a couple sat near us in the buffet who whipped out a couple of Tupperware boxes proceeded to make up a packed lunch. A taxi driver once commented to us ,how he found it strange that folk will pay for a cruise and train fares (That are not cheap) and even an expensive case . Then decide to drag it a fair distance ,rather than part with a few quid for a taxi .🤔
  13. Same here had a great cruise on Ventura and would be happy to return . A polite request .. @Cruisemeister2002 could you please put some line breaks in your long texts….and paragraphs,It's like reading a herd of zebras. 🙂
  14. To be honest Brian ,I had to google it as It sounded like something big Brenda used to get up to at the back of a dodgy pub . Thankfully I did not need her services either ,so I will pass on that one thanks .🙂
  15. Sounds all alien to me this eyebrow malarkey . If you go to one of those shops that do eyebrows and you get asked "Can I help you ? " If your not buying do you reply ..No thanks I'm just browsing 🙃 They sound popular though and if they are short on appointments they could always offer to pencil you in at a later date .🙃 I still flinch and get flashbacks to when Mrs K says .. "Come here ,stay still , you've got a long hair on your eyebrow " When she's pulled it , what I reply is not suitable for this forum and unlike Jane I do not find it to be relaxing 😬 Hope your all having a good day 🙂
  16. That great news 😀 that you are all clear, not the gown bit 😉
  17. Did not realize that dogs could vote as well 🙃
  18. Ah yes we need a paternoster as well ,saves queues and you will love it Avril 🙃 https://youtu.be/ZYbyaj4G9FM?si=0cG6-oOF0IdFX935&t=2
  19. You lot kept adding things when Pete set off she was the size of Aurora 🙃 To be fair to keep the levels down we could add a multi level basement . One deck for those who want shade and another for the glass bottom ships aquarium 😉
  20. Same here but a pet hate of mine and most floggers do it .. Take your shoes off if stepping into the shower 🤬It's a brand new ship . Do they all march around their showers at home in outdoor footwear ?
  21. You never know it may stay dry until Dutch Decoy as run his race . Here's a bit of racing trivia for you .🙂 You're being chased by a Lion, you're on a horse and to the left of you is a Giraffe and on the right a unicorn what do you do? 🙃 You stop drinking and get off the Carousel??🙃 Highlight above to reveal answer ? Have a good day everyone .😀
  22. I'm sure you can find better things to fret about ..Enjoy your cruise .🙂
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