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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Someone did post that he has been posting elsewhere and that he is ok a few weeks back
  2. @purple sea Best wishes to you and your husband ,at the moment he is in the best place for treatment should it turn out to be a heart attack .
  3. Ah things are coming transparent now .. Or are they ??🤔 If my Dad had decided to change his gender ,would he become TransParent to me ?? Will transparent coffins ever catch on ?? ... Remains to be seen 🙃 Off to have a look at the air show hope they get better weather than yesterday .
  4. Morning 🙂 Yep we can all have weird dreams now and again . I dreamed I was invisible and I married an invisible woman. I'm not sure what we saw in each other. Our kids weren't much to look at either. We split up in the end ,we never saw that coming 🙃 Have a great time out with the family Indiana and safe journey home to Megabear Have a good day everyone 😀
  5. Then I refer back to my post #369 but apart from that ... Ask Vicky Pollard 😉
  6. So to conclude ,more people need to complain to P&O at the end of their cruise if they have had a problem !!!
  7. You would have to ask Graham that as I wasn't there 🤣 Good old Dr who and his time travel ... I was going to tell you a joke about time travel ... But you didn't like it then so I'm not posting it now 🙃
  8. That's a new one Graham ,singing happy birthday to a Dalek🙃 Providing he had a good birthday ,I hope he don't dress up like that though for funerals ...EXTERMINATE ,EXTERMINATE 😉😉
  9. The daughter, hubby and kids arrived at 6am MCR airport and she wasn't happy by the time she got through the airport check in /security, she managed to grab a drink for the kids and then running for her flight at 9'00 .The airport put it down to lack of staff . Going back to Southampton, I suspect they have the same problem ,tied in with the fact they now have two mega ships that are not suited to that part of the port . Note how new ships they only fit in port one way ? What the answer is we don't know ,maybe book your arrival as others have said ? Don't get me wrong same as you, I want to arrive reasonably early knowing they have a place for us to reax before being called forward . Watching the cameras today that is not happening ,.Purplesea said she turned up on time and was still put in a queue . One thing I'd like to think we all agree on is ...It's not good enough is it ?
  10. Did anyone see the queues at the airports around Easter ? The security was mayhem , even with the latest technology !
  11. Does it come without cheese as I'm trying to keep the cholesterol down 🙃
  12. They were great bless em ! When upset she would say .. “Stop crying or I’ll give you something to cry about.” when I already was 🙃 Her main gripe was as I got older was I treated the house like an hotel . So in tribute to her I gave her 3 stars on Trip Advisor 🙂
  13. My mam could do that and offered to wipe a smile off my face at the same time but she had her faults too ,as she got very forgetful and was always asking me ... "Who do you think you are talking to ?"🙃
  14. Here's another popular one from my younger days 🙃
  15. I once had a young nurse who was covering for the practice nurse . She decided to ignore the notes on the screen informing them to use a butterfly needle when taking my blood sample . After 10 minutes of stabbing me and getting nowhere she decided that a new appointment must be made 3 attempts and all that . But she was happy to move onto my blood pressure and declared that my blood pressure was a lot higher than normal today ??? 😏😒🙄
  16. I have been inside one very little space to move and tv cameras for nose wheel landing . Back to my air show the red arrows are on the move so will be going up soon 😍
  17. Morning, bright n breezy here this morning . I just glanced back a few pages and cannot see where anyone has said they dislike anyone's posts or called anyone a snob . As Brian said the written word can be taken the wrong way . If it's a picture of a coffee cup overlooking a beach or someone's tea ,I appreciate the time taken to think of others and post . No interest in how much people pay unless they are having a sale and giving us a heads up .🙂 But that's just me ,lets be happy . I have a blood pressure meter and oxy-meter , for the price of them ,they are worth it . I have booked the car in ready for its MOT in a month or so but without service this year, as the cars grand mileage total for the year is 1,634 ,it had full service 10 month ago. Today we will be watching the RAF Fairford air show on our TV . We really miss the Sunderland air show that used to be our go to show .sadly no more . Used to be a great long weekend . Any way have a good day folks I'm missing my fast jets here... Be good 😀 Anyone else into jets ..
  18. As Josey said ,lets just be grateful we can eat out and enjoy ourselves . Some places are cheap and cheerful and sometimes cost more . I do recall a hotel they did an English breakfast that came with "pond weed" ! I don't know the real name but no matter what I ordered be it steak ,fish anytime of the day it came with the weed with said meal. When I tried their fish and chips with crushed peas .. You guessed it came with the pond weed 😏 I told the waitress that there was no need as the fish was dead and I don't eat the stuff either 😉 Anyway hope my pie did not up set anyone as I would have been happy eating it in a castle or anywhere else . We are posting what we are up to on this web page "What are things like where YOU are?" So really if you post , where you are and what you were doing ... Be happy guys !!!! 🙂🙂😋
  19. Might have all gone out buying a pint and a pie (with or without gravy )😉 Maybe had too much pie or too much pints ...
  20. Yep easy just click on clear editor ,which will clear and then post as you normally would .
  21. It's natural, call it human nature even common sense, to allow more time when the weather turns nasty, to give yourself more time hence, early arrivals will be there tomorrow. I think there will be some very unhappy people turning up tomorrow..
  22. There's the problem 6k of people , some turning up when they should and plenty when they shouldn't. I suppose our travel plans are our responsibility and not P&O's . Yes other cruise lines do far better embarkation but as we are not travelling with them ,we have to work with what we have got .I come down by car so if a few hours early I have the option pulling over somewhere nearby ,or as I tend to do now book a park and stay . Ok they want us out the room at 11am but not out of the hotel. So I do have options, the latter costs me more . If I was travelling by the dreaded train (Will they run ? ) If my train arrives mid day and my boarding time is 2pm . I would use the train station little cafe /waiting room to kill 1.5 hours (not ideal) and then make my way for boarding . Should my train be earlier say 9.30 then I would personally book us a hotel day room for a few hours . So again I do have options, the latter costs me more . Others may not like my options ,that's fine ,do what you thinks best but for the time being P&O say "Your not coming in early " regardless if we like it or not . So that's what we will work with hoping they give us half hour lee way .
  23. Whilst out and about today ,we thought we would eat out . I fancied a bit of steak and ale pie, closest I get to having a pint these days 🙂
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