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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Our supermarkets are taking the mick at the moment . Morrison want Β£ 141.7 ..Asda Β£139.7 and sat between them two independents selling at Β£138.9 .They have both beaten the supermarkets for quite a while now .
  2. And as the price of car insurance hit's stupid amounts for the "New to the road" drivers , we also have them driving with no insurance . A while back I watched a guy pulled by the police ,who said this is the 2nd time in as many months they had nicked the guy and scrapped his car . The guy told the TV crew , he did not care as he found it cheaper than being legit . He got done something like Β£150 ,a community order and his car scrapped. He told the cops "take it ,I will have another in a week or so.
  3. Exactly what I did with Funchal in Madeira ,until the cruise ships ,it was never on my holiday radar .
  4. Yep the prices are still going up . I like to use our local chippys as a barometer of what's going off with the prices , using their portions of chips. We like a large fish and chips to share every couple of weeks but we have seen the chip price rise at least twice and also a marked reduction in the amount you get . A while back you would get a large portion for under Β£2 now you can pay Β£3.50 for less . It cannot be easy when the spuds ,gas elect ,cooking oil and staff wages are going up and I'm sure this is the case for most places we eat out as well. I did read that fuel prices are falling and some food as well but will we ever see our purchase prices fall ? I doubt it πŸ€”
  5. They say they want to ban Just the British male stag do's. Makes you wonder what the attraction was apart from drugs and the red light areas .πŸ™ƒ
  6. Just been reading they are closing the cruise port in Amsterdam .. Reason seems they do not want tourists πŸ€”πŸ€” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-66264226
  7. Just been reading they are closing the cruise port .. Reason seems they do not want tourists πŸ€”πŸ€” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-66264226
  8. Once upon a time they were not allowed upon our streets but since our councils have money to be made from them all is ok . We see them all over the place in city's for people to get from A to B ,some just dumped on street corners . They seem exempt from red traffic lights to some who ride them . Good for some and a pest to others
  9. Yep it was the latter . Sorry but I don't know the scent of P&O soap🀣 I once did a survey and I asked people what soap they like to use in the shower ? Over 98% of them told me to get out before they report me to the police πŸ™ƒπŸ˜‰ Enjoy your cruise πŸ™‚
  10. My wife was doesn't like that the dog was considered man's best friend. She maintains that her as wife should be considered my best friend. So I locked them both in the boot of my car and drove around for thirty minutes. Guess which one was happiest to see me when I let them out ?πŸ™ƒ
  11. The Mrs has just gave our grass /lawn a once over as after tomorrow most of UK.... ..(Not Scotland ) is due a very wet weekend and beyond for some . They are saying could be a months rainfall.
  12. As the school holidays start ,letters are being left in cabins from P&O regarding children . This was sent to us from a group Mrs K reads and thought it may be handy for some who travel with children as we do see people asking info about the hot tubs and pools from time to time on these boards . This was Azura
  13. As a early morning user of the buffet on Ventura we would be there 6.30 when it was continental until 7am onwards then the hot stuff. The hot area was corded off whilst they put things out and so the last thing to be put out was the serving utensils . As for the eggs even in the MDR breakfast ,they could be hit and miss. Some come out too hot hence a solid yolk which Mrs K hates . The worst thing in the buffet for us was the toast, unless you caught them putting fresh out it was like eating a roof tile (not that I have ever tried) that just shattered it was that dry .
  14. They say the answer can never be found at the bottom of a bottle of wine . I have heard it can be enjoyable finding this out though πŸ™ƒ
  15. Good morning everyone . A wet drizzly 14.c day at the moment . We have took to eating healthy and I like dried grapes ,.I've started telling all my friends about the benefits of eating dried grapes........ Really It's all about raisin awareness.πŸ™ƒ Have a good day everyone .πŸ™‚
  16. Not sure if you're reading these posts Sharon . Hope your on the mend and getting better. Take care
  17. So sorry to hear this Michelle but glad your getting treatment asap. We had a nasty shock last year when S I L had the same bad news . She has finished treatment and just goes for check ups now and is fine . She jokes with us she got a tiny pinhead sized tattoo so they know whereto check.πŸ™‚ Best wishes with your treatment and give the dog an extra hug from us .
  18. Just 15.c overcast at the moment . Are you counting the cruisers down to Christmas Graham ? πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ Others count the days 🀣 Have a good day to everyone πŸ™‚
  19. I hope it isn't November already as I like to start simmering the sprouts around July for Christmas day dinner πŸ˜‰
  20. After 126 years ,you would think she would retire , poor old soul πŸ™ƒ
  21. Never mind if you keep doing it we will have to start calling you Brittney πŸ˜‰ Morning to everyone , I was reading on one of the other threads on here about people and their scones . Some cream then jam or tother way aroundπŸ€” Does this have any impact on taste ,which ever way you do it . A bit like me with my bag of chips with my salt n vinegar , what goes first ?? I suppose with scones if you sandwich it by putting it's top on then you could just invert the thing to what makes you happy . Pleased to say I am now in the cream on top camp after doing some research. I watched a Prince video called "Cream " several times just to make sure . Prince quite clearly says " cream on top " in his video , with some nice ladies but I couldn't see a scone , I think they must have ate them all.πŸ˜‹ Have a nice day guys πŸ™‚
  22. And Rambling ... But telling them to Shut Up can do the trick πŸ™ƒ
  23. A word of advice never date a tennis player ..Love means nothing to them πŸ™ƒ
  24. When I say elsewhere I mean other media outlets πŸ™‚ Hattie is looking after us whilst Sharon gets better from being in the Hozzie . Sharon did post this herself ,hope she's getting better from her op .
  25. I too shake my head at how much it can cost to go for a select cabin at times but to be fair , I see that some of these fares taking OBC into account can be good. Sometimes taking the basic fare ,inside cabin ,you would struggle to get a premier inn for the same money . With a breakfast thrown in if your lucky . Same as any cruise line you pays your money and take your choice and that's what it is Your choice !
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