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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Using the address given Scragg hill I Google mapped it on satellite view and this is what came up minus the shed 1 bit of address , could this be it ? I dunno ,so not for me .. https://www.google.com/maps/search/Scragg+Hill+Botley+Road,+North+Baddesley,+Southampton,+England,+SO52+9DD/@50.9837106,-1.4515419,116m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu
  2. All this superstition about good luck and white rabbits . Here we are on a cruise site , Google "why not to say white rabbits on a ship" Just off to chuck some salt over my shoulder and try not to break any mirrors 😉
  3. When you look on the site at Q&A What happens when I arrive ? Their answer is ..." easy as 123" Where the car is kept "Somewhere on our land in Southampton " I am wary of meet and greets at the best of times but look forward to your review if your using them Andy .
  4. Morning 14.c and now the month of August ! That means the football season is back in town, where we can shout and moan at our teams for another year 🤨 Later today I will settle down and watch the Lionesses play China and may the best team win providing it's us 🙂 I hope I don't get carried away and start shouting at the telly things like ...chicken , turkey ,duck ..I hate using fowl language 😉 Have a good day 🙂
  5. Glad to read you had a great time , I remember you posting "Had you done the right thing booking that cruise ?" Well now you have your answer 😄 Hope you enjoy your next two !
  6. It's not so much the blue light that keeps me awake but the police dog barking and the cops radio 's going full bare that does me .😉
  7. Morning everyone hope your all ok 🙂 Talking of sleep (or the lack of it for some ) I used to be up at 4am for my work and to this day I will still wake up at this time and then spend another hour dozing . Same as Phil I used to get where I couldn't get work out of my head and would dream about work. These days as I told my friend Barry ,when I try to go to sleep and I close my eyes all I can see is this woman and she's got no clothes on . He asked me had I seen a doctor ? No Just the woman with no clothes ! I find some people who can't sleep are advised have a quick nap in the afternoon . This to me is bad advice ,especially if your travelling down the motorway at 70 mph and your the driver . Whoever came up with the idea try counting sheep is a daft idea . Got up drove to where there was some sheep, drove back home got in bed and I did not feel tired at all, plus I forgot how many sheep there was ,so had to go back to count them again .😉 Take care n have a good one 🙂
  8. No good ! Just like a dog its all or nothing ! 🙂
  9. Hope you are all having a nice chilled laid back Sunday , Came across this and would like to share with you 🙂 .... If you can start the day without caffeine, If you can always be cheerful, ignoring your aches and pains, If you can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles, If you can eat the same food every day and be grateful for it, If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time, If you can take criticism and blame without resentment, If you can conquer tension without medical help, If you can relax without a beer ,wine or any other alcohol, If you can sleep without the aid of drugs, Then You Are Probably .............. ......................... The Family Dog ! And you thought I was going to get all spiritual as it's a Sunday 😉🙃
  10. Don't we all but for different reasons ,you do your best and that's good enough for me , I will not judge you ,promise. Let them who think they are super clean ,cast the first bug 😉 As I have posted before we have to hope others are as clean well but as I have seen, not just in the buffet , incidents in the mdr as well , but we are talking of washing hands . Using the VENTURA as an example , other posters have said ,people walk through the buffet, using the walk way , just getting from A to B so hard to work out ,who's done what. Go down to deck 5 Cinnamon , how many people do you see ,nipping into the loo's at the entrance wash their hands , or do they maybe go for a bit of Gel as they do up in the buffet ? I use both venues for info. Take care !
  11. This guy made a film about his boarding a month ago ... https://youtu.be/FILj4h6LTCE?t=54
  12. Me too ,trying to board after it's left can only lead to wet feet and other things 🙃😉
  13. Dayuse.co.uk may be of use to some of you ? https://www.dayuse.co.uk/s/united-kingdom/england/southampton/southampton?selectedAddress=Southampton&sluggableAddress=Southampton&checkinDate=2023-07-29
  14. Good morning hope everyone's as well as can be 🙂 I hope you have a great time when the Grandkids come over to see you Michelle . Blackpool, haven't been there for a few years now ,probably too busy sailing past on cruise ships. I remember once passing a tram stop and seeing two lovely young ladies but they were both sobbing there eyes out. Taking pity on them I said " Let me take you into the cafe and buy you a cup of tea.. ..Everyone feels better with a cup of tea " They seemed reluctant at first so I offered to buy a cake as well they could share. Once I got them settled with a cup of tea they seemed much better .. That was until I passed them the cake and knife.. All I said was "Right ,who's going to be mother ?" 🙃 Hope you all have a great day .take care
  15. I did the same Brian and was surprised when I found out where it came from . How they get it cheaper is anyone's guess, maybe ask it to swim to the UK 😉 For anyone who likes posh fish ,it calls itself Blue grenadier in the UK. With a name like that we didn't know if to salute or eat it 🤣 On your last part ,that saying .."Cheap as chips " Think that's a thing of the past looking at what our local chippy charges these days🙃
  16. Sorry to hear of your previous cancellations and reasons for them . I agree with Tring ,you need to speak with P&O as they will have your options, if any, that could work for you . Hope you manage to get away this time .
  17. Whilst out and about today we decided to eat out and could not decide between a carvery (pub lunch) or fish restaurant but pulled off the motorway for the pub . Despite all those lovely joints of meat ,we still decided on their fish and chips . Unknown to us they have switched from Cod to Hoki which was just OK but not for us , so back to carveries next time I pass or the fish restaurant next time we fancy a fish meal .
  18. So am I .😮. Hope your well soon 🙂 Ps Hope your boss aint off skiing somewhere 🙃😉
  19. Morning , a nice 17.c ,bright but looks like it was rain overnight . @DamianG I know you have to jump on that train(when it runs )... Have you ever thought of calling in sick ?? 🤣🤣 🙃 Take care everyone 🙂
  20. All that pizza then a nice juicy steak ,then cake and ... Bet you will be singing a Rod Stewart song ??? 🤣😉 You & Pauline enjoy mate
  21. The way to look at it he has gave you all his love and trust ... Now he's counting on that trust that you gave him as a pup. Whatever happens he will be with you in your heart.. But pain free . Take care Michelle (you have got a lot on your plate at the moment ,Bless)🙂
  22. It sure is and tomorrow will be your first step towards getting sorted as well. So good luck with that and any news on the dog yet ?
  23. Vamps .. Google goggles ..Swimming goggles 😉
  24. The worst one we had was on the TA Azura in Bridgetown and told to go to the Malabar at 8pm .then altered to 10pm, due to a late plane arrival. By the time they started the drill I would say 1/4 of the room were nodding off or were asleep. I have always been of the opinion that taking the life jackets with you was a waste of time , a demo was just as good . After all you never get them when your sat on your Boeing 737-800 asking everyone to put them on do you ? A lot of people would look at them as toys and start playing with the light or whistle anyway . The best drills we have had was ,made to stand under your life boat and instructed from there as what to do in an emergency . I realise that bigger numbers ,it is better to have assembly points for these drills . It may not sink in whichever way P&O choose to do these drills and if the worst comes to the worst ,some will be sat in a life craft ,in their shorts T-shirt and flip flops, feeling crap due to not having their medication with them . Saying "No one told me take medication and a warm layer of clothes " Oh yes they did !!!!
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