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dani negreanu

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Everything posted by dani negreanu

  1. DH does the same with his excellent chicken soup πŸ˜‰ Myself, I prefer my chicken soup even older...like at least 3 or even 4 days old. The older, the better. Bonnie, good luck today. I somehow missed the date ....
  2. I'd like to understand the "postcard" option ... "postcard" like the postcards we were sending back from abroad in the 70s? Like "hard copy" ones?
  3. + 1 @grapau27 @grapau27, Graham -- does NHS offer the option of a second opinion? Nancy & John, wishing you a very enjoyable cruise 🌹
  4. For me it's a no brainer -- Redford. One of his best roles. Besides, I can't stand Leo...
  5. @Coralc, Patti, your "I had a clothesline" for my visitors ... [just in case πŸ˜‰] was hilarious + "Brillo", thank you so much for a good laugh 😘 I really needed it, right on time.
  6. This cake looks amazing. I googled it right away.... no wonder it tastes heavenly -- 7 eggs, plenty of sugar, a huge amount of cream cheese and "heavy cream" [had to google it too ☹️]. OTOH, very very easy to make, so I'll try it at least once... We have a dryer, but at the most we use it 2-3 times during the winter. I absolutely like to dry my washing in the sunshine [which I imagine you have plenty in California]. This is ours now..... πŸ˜‰
  7. 1) No it's not, because his only aim is to void his trial. That's why he took the whole country to 5 rounds of elections, and this time he sadly succeeded..... 2) He is, for almost a year now, under trial on 3 counts of corruption and other 2 which I don't know how to translate... His wife was convicted 3 years ago for maltreatment of cleaning ladies working at their official residence. And, sadly, our "forefathers" didn't even envision that someone under trial will try [and succeed] to be PM, so there we are.... No law against it. 😒 😒 😒 Yes, it is. After the last 2 rounds of hostilities, I've spoken openly on this thread about me being "too old" to run to the shelter every time... The question is where... and at our age, having a good "state" and private medical insurance is a huge consideration. Until this change of "climate", my boys wouldn't even consider "moving countries". They both served their compulsory army service to the best of their abilities, being combatants and the elder one finishing as a lieutenant. And continuing to serve a month a year as reservists. This week is the first time that my married son, with 2 young kids, told me that they fear for the future and would like to leave. He's a lawyer with an MA degree, studying now for his Ph.D. in law, so may be with his future credentials, he could find an academic position "elsewhere". My DIL is a clinical social worker with an MA degree. Meantime, their profession is not suitable for "relocation".
  8. For me it's all about location, don't care about Blu and the Persian Gardens, I'm already Elite, and if the difference between regular veranda and CC is minimal or even the same, much prefer the bigger room provided by CC.
  9. Renee + 1, @ReneeFLL @BonnieNYTX, @akcruz & @helen haywood, thanks for your kind words. Like all of you, I also had trouble signing in…. Besides, I’m reeling from the change of β€œclimate” in Israel. A minority which doesn’t work, doesn’t serve (either in the army, police, health services), refuses to learn even math and English, will have the upper hand in our lives. Will send my boys to war, while their kids are safe…. I’m very sad, along with half the population, that our only country is lost.
  10. I would also add that not only "more hours the better", but also the arrival time at port. Since it is very hot on those destinations, the earlier, the better. I've seen cruise line hours in port starting at 1PM, 2PM. That would be a deal breaker for me.
  11. I've researched extensively the train and other modes of transportation to Olympia since we were interested in just visiting the site, without the added on of wineries/beaches, etc. Yes, we waited until the bus was full... But we still got the full 2 hours at the site, which was enough for us. It was a mere 10 Euro return pp. The communication with them was iffy, but since cruisers before us reported that there was no train whatsoever to be found, we were satisfied with the "deal". Just google "Katakolon to Olympia Bus Service".
  12. It's not a funicular (i.e. the capsule "hanging" in the air), it is a cable car which runs on tracks. And I'm very curious about the excursion which takes you down with the bus......πŸ˜•
  13. Nice to meet you, RR [not to be confused with Rolls Royce πŸ˜‰]. You're a very handsome guy. I'm very happy that your grandson "recovered" quickly 😘
  14. Have an amazing trip to NY, C & N. Along with London, my fav city.... pity is so far away from me 😒 Also, I like the color of your highlights. Exactly the one I try to "convey" to my hairdresser, but, somehow, he gets it on the "yellowish" side.... May be I'll show him your pic πŸ˜‰
  15. Same here, you sleep, but you don't wake up refreshed like after a "natural" sleep. One of the reasons I've stopped taking sleeping pills. I reached the conclusion that after a sleepless night, I usually get 2 or even 3 nights of good, natural sleep.... Rinse and repeat....
  16. You can find much info here -- https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/148-british-isleswestern-europe/ In Cork we took the train into town and strolled to the English Market. Then we took the local bus to Kinsale, a quaint little town. Train again. When back, and still had time, we went up to the Cathedral. In Belfast we took a tour with 2 other couples from our roll call to the Giant's Causeway (amazing) and we even managed a tour of the "divided" city.
  17. So glad, Helen & Marty, that your "lemonade" was so "tasty" πŸ™‚ 🀞 that tomorrow you finally board the Odyssey 🀞
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