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dani negreanu

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Everything posted by dani negreanu

  1. @NHProud Good luck to Steve on his cataract surgery, and to Maryann ( @Luckynana) on her laser surgery 🌺
  2. @helen haywood May be not actually his muse, Marian, but his "sous-chef" in charge of keeping up with the mess he's producing, along with excellent meals.... Half of our "good" cutlery is missing....😢 Speaking of excellent meals, DS1 and I were just "gossiping" among ourselves on our flight back from Bucharest -- we went to 3 recommended restaurants on the 3 evenings we were there, aiming for Romanian specialties, and were thoroughly disappointed. Only the last evening the meal was OK. We are "spoiled rotten" by his cooking.... Interesting that suicide is "forbidden" in both faiths.... If a Jew is taking his own life, he's buried "outside" the cemetery's fence.... That's exactly what I was talking with my cousin (living in Germany). The moment he's selling his parent's apartment (my uncle and aunt), he'll stop coming to Bucharest. At least, Sue, your son(s) live in the same country, not like us, half in Israel and half in Germany.
  3. @dpostman Dennis, May be the pic is misleading, but it seems that those 2 remaining TH are very small portions??? @jmh2006 J & D + 1 @bobmacliberty I'm very impressed with your cooking skills 😎 When I've "left" DH for just 2 days, he was quite lost, and ended up buying .... falafel for lunch... 😉
  4. @bobmacliberty Since we're on the "subject" of adding new "dwellers" to the household.... In the end, it was decided to call my newest [step]kitty - NEKO (should mean "cat" in Japanese). She's "dealing" quite well with the aggressiveness of Lychee, the veteran 😉 Apparently, my friend didn't take any "adaptation" lessons, though. 28e2b504-d3c3-43be-837f-570a112ce2e8.MP4
  5. @Luckynana Maryann, Literally "scratching my head", but couldn't find an equivalent for "naches" in English.... So glad Jack is bringing you and all the family so much "naches" 😘 naches -- the Yiddish dictionary says it's either a pleasure, or gaining satisfaction, the proud enjoyment of something or to derive pleasure from something. It can mean different things to different people. Naches is generally referred to as "love" or "joy"
  6. @Momof3gurlz Thank you Deb (and Andy, of course). You're so right. I'm living with a constant heavy stone literally on my chest, not enabling me to breath.... I'm enjoying some "glimpse" of normal life, like the trip we took to my roots. But, otherwise, all is dark. This war could have been ended months ago, with the same results, but without so much loss of lives on both sides and useless damage. And the hostages are still there, and the Red Cross still didn't manage to visit/supply meds to any one of them. + 1 Pat @taznremmy @Sea Dog + 1 Greg 💐 🥂 😘 [had a good laugh, much needed, at the "sea fog"] @SteelCityCruiser10 Mark, may I join all the other posters in saying that I'm so sorry you've lost your regal Oliver 😢.
  7. @jmh2006 Of course, Jennifer, it will be more than welcomed 😘 @helen haywood Thanks, Marian (was your grandfather Romanian? It is a popular male name there). It sure is a PITA, and quite has me worrying to be sick again so quickly... I assume I've got it on the flight back from Bucharest.... So, I've spent 2.15 days in Bucharest, "down the memory line". For many years I've wanted to go back, to fulfill my promise to my mom, to lay a flower on her parents' grave, since she was too old to travel. As frequent fliers with our national company, we get promos on our birthdays, reduced rates (but also very limited dates and cities). Amsterdam is never included... This time, the "stars aligned" and I bought 2 tickets. DH is not the "nostalgic" type, and DS1 was keen to see his mom's roots. It so happened that my other Romanian cousin [living in Germany] was busy emptying his late parents' apartment in order to put it on the market and I had a "ready made" guide to both cemeteries I've planed to visit in Day 2, and then, on Day 1 -- see my childhood home (demolished) and the one from where I've emigrated to Israel. Visiting my childhood homes, I've been surprised how much the distances were wayyyy shorter... From both houses I've also went to my kindergarten and elementary school, and then to high school. It took much less time that I've remembered. At my second home, the door was locked. We waited for someone to pass, no luck, and my cousin just knocked on the window of one of the neighbors.... To my amazement, a guy looked out, opened the window with a smile.... and my cousin said: "this lady here lived on the 1st floor 58 years ago, and she wants to take a look inside...". The guy readily came to the door and let us in.... Here I'm waiting at the entrance. So sad to see all the buildings were in a decrepit state --- Day 2, I went to the Sephardic and Ashkenazic cemeteries. My paternal aunt is buried in the Sephardic one, and it was in a dire state of neglect. We had to "battle" trees and branches, and only my son was able to stand in front of the grave, lay a rose and take a pic. The state of the other cemetery is a bit better, and my cousin is paying someone to tend to the graves of his parents, our grandparents (actually, only our grannie is buried there, since our grand perished in a camp and, probably, was buried in a mass grave) and our childless uncle. When my grannie died, the 5 brothers and sisters decided also on a bench in their parents' memory. With DS1 on the bench -- My grands' grave -- And lastly, but not least, my paternal grannie (grandad fought in WWI, his dying place is not known). Now, that my cousin (left) knows the place, he'll add this one to the "package deal" of tending the graves he has with the cemetery's administration.... I'm relieved that I had the opportunity to fulfill my mom's wish, and it also was a "first" traveling with my eldest son and seeing his interest in his "roots".
  8. @MJSailors So very sorry. SDIS is every parent's nightmare and I'm sad you've gone through this 😢 + 1 Helen & Marty @FromSea2ShiningSea - 1 Same here.... Nasty cold again. @broadwaybaby123 + 1 Jennifer, @jmh2006 We have almost the same itinerary on Voyager next September, I'll appreciate any tips you can give me re: Kotor and Split.
  9. +1 💐 @dpostman and a very Happy Birthday to Marian @helen haywood (circumstances notwithstanding 😘) 💐🥂
  10. My friend decided to adopt another kitty. No name assigned as yet... I suggested "Samba", since one of the other kitties is a Siamese called "Sushi" (the other one is called Lychee), and we have a very popular chain of restaurants called "Sushi Samba". So now I have another [step]kitty to be proud of 😍
  11. Thank you so much for your riveting review. I came for Split and Kotor, and ended up staying for the whole trip. Absolutely love your sense of humor.
  12. @FromSea2ShiningSea Helen, your photos are stunning. The landscape is amazing. Thank you so much for taking the time to share with us this "feast for the eyes". Just beautiful all around 😘.
  13. You didn't miss anything, since it's only me remembering 😉 @A&L_Ont Andrew made it easy -- his on NYE, Lisa - Valentine's Day, and Owen the easiest - Cinqo de Mayo 🍁
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