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Everything posted by Charles4515

  1. Of course. While the tech is convenient there will always be people who can’t learn it, or don’t want to learn it, or are not able to use it because of disability.
  2. My mother’s account was hacked and she didn’t have a computer or a cell phone. The bank was hacked.
  3. The cruise lines make more revenue with tech so there is only going to be more of it so you better learn how to deal with it. Yes, you will lose out on some things if you don't learn. It is easy for me and I know it is not easy for everyone but there is no going back. Most people can manage. Certainly anyone who can navigate Cruise Critic can.
  4. Maybe someone who has gotten permission will reply but in the meantime contact Royal Caribbean. I suspect they don't give permission to every Tom, Dick and Harry. You would need to give them a good reason to give you permission because if they routinely granted permission that would open up a can of worms for them. I suspect the ones who got permission if they were not doing work for Royal were social media influencers.
  5. That sounds like an easy way to get the drone confiscated.
  6. But if I didn't have an iPhone I would not have an Apple Watch. One of many reasons I am sticking with an iPhone. Can't think of any reason to have a WiFi bridge either. I can make one on my Mac laptop and never have used it.
  7. Also if their devices are that old they probably don’t get security updates.
  8. That would normally be the case but he does not have his own iPhone. He is on a family setup. Family setups main purpose though is that you can give kids or any family member a watch (grandma) maybe and they would not need a phone. The watch would be on cell plan and connect that way, not wifi.
  9. Hotspot only works on an IPhone connected to cell service.
  10. They don't include roaming onboard the ship. On the ship you could be connected to Cellular at Sea and get expensive unintended data roaming charges. So onboard to turn data off, the easiest way is Airplane mode with wifi turned on so that the ships wifi can be used for using the ships app or if buying a ships intenet package.
  11. Article on positive impact in St. George’s of ferry service resuming. https://www.royalgazette.com/tourism/news/article/20221027/st-georges-celebrates-as-ferry-service-resumes/
  12. I think you did help out. I did find out from more search that at one time Michael Swan had three galleies. One each in Hamilton, St.George's and the the Royal Dockyard. Whether any are still there was indeterminate. Also unless it is a different Michael Swan he has an Electric car rental company, Localmotion.
  13. Several people have percieved that to them they were treated rudely. My sweet friend told me they treated her like *****.So there is something to the complaint. Perhaps those crew do think the passengers they are escorting have done something wrong? As far as Royal or the RC recommended shops reporting that does not bother me. They do want to know what ship and cabin number but possibely so the Royal personal shopper gets a cut. In any case my view is that the items should be decared and the duty paid so to me Royal reporting purchases is not the issue. They should tell passengers though they will have to pay duty at customs and not tell them there are no taxes order to push the sale.
  14. Right, if he bought on the island there would have been no bong going off or pulling him ot of line at the gangway exit . He would have gone through and proceded to customs where he would be expected to declare the purchase and pay duty. Buying on the ship he was treated rudely, pulled out of line, not told why and escorted to customs. Ergo the lesson seems to be to buy on the island not on the ship....
  15. I would suggest emailing the email address or calling the phone number on that page if planning a visit. That address on that page could be new information or dated information. I notice it says Michael Swan Gallery II. Does he have two gallery’s?
  16. But there was no issue. The son had no way to declare or pay on the ship. He had to leave the ship to declare and to pay.
  17. Noise canceling earbuds are great to have on Celebrity. There are many noisy areas.For example I like to read on a cruise and I can sit on the pool deck with them on and read without whatever pool activity going on interefering. I use my AirPods all the time onboard.
  18. That is interesting. I stand corrected. I didn't know they had added many islands. Since text is unlimited the AT&T package could work for some people.
  19. The AT&T package would work for people who need to make a few phone calls and texts onboard the ship. Like say check on the dog sitter. The included data won't last very long. OP mentioed the Bahamas. The cruise package won't cover that.
  20. My advice is not to buy anything onboard without clarity as to how the duty will be collected. All Royal cares about is getting you to buy not about what happens afterward. And as one "expert" explained the sales people see the buyers as marks. They are not going to tell you anything. That is how a commission system works. Probably guest services can tell you the procedure on the ship. If you see something in the shop you like that item is not going to be sold before you find out. Resist the salespersons hard sell and find out.
  21. He had a gallery in the Clocktower Mall at the Dockyard. I visited it a few years ago. I don’t know if he still does.
  22. I had not read the travel pass terms for a couple years so looking at the current terms a correction to what I said above. Local calls in Japan would be included. Also now they won’t bill you more than 10 days in a billing cycle. So you won’t be charged more than $100 a billing cycle. So if you used it 14 days for example and those days were within one billing cycle the charge would be $100, not $140.
  23. There are no formal nights on Celebrity. They have been replaced by Evening Chic. Pretty much you can wear the same as you wear on other nights. You won’t need to pack extra. Look up Evening Chic on Celebrity’s website.
  24. Royal Caribbean is not very professional. I would keep that in mind when considering future bookings. They are always tend to be last minute.
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