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Everything posted by BonTexasNY

  1. We now have 2 sweet Lizzies and 2 sweet Lucys! Hoping Charlie feels much better. Wonderful to see two lovely ladies (and their families) finally meet.
  2. Lenny, thank you for asking. Trying to do my best to walk. We had no plans today since my daughter took the kids to visit friends. Too hot to go outside so I did as much walking as I could around the building. Of course. I was responding to GeorgeC's comment about going to a crowded feast in Little Italy in NY, one I've been to many times.
  3. Bob, thanks for the article. Yes, opioid addiction is a major concern. However, this is the 2nd time around taking an opioid, 1st in 2016. I never got addicted then and I'm not addicted now. In total I would be taking it for approx.3 weeks, maybe 2x a week. I've learned to deal with the pain knowing it's temporary or at least I hope it is. Oh my, that brings back wonderful memories. Must have been the Feast of San Gennaro. When we lived in NY we would go almost every year. Oh, the food!! Below is a photo I googled:
  4. Debbie, many in here have taken recent cruises and will be cruising in the near future but I am most excited about YOUR cruise meeting up with Marietta and family. Wishing you all a spectacular time!
  5. Hard to live with constant if not temporary pain is all I'm saying. No doubt most if not all doctors feel as you do. I still have a small supply of my happy pills and so far 8 pills have lasted me 30 days, I have 2 more. I only take them when absolutely needed and probably won't need anything in 2-3 weeks when therapy will be finished.
  6. Maryann, we're having the best time with our daughter and grandkids; bowling, Andretti Go Kart and games twice (I had to stay home for that one). Kids swam at our complex pool almost daily. Rain luckily was not a factor. One of my neighbors had her grandkids over one day and the kids had the best time. We decided to relax tomorrow, probably hang out at the pool with new friends, weather permitting and Sunday, is the Ft. Worth zoo. Monday they go home. waaaaaaaa...sniff, sniff. My therapy is coming along, although I call it torture! I graduated to walking with a cane but I still experience lots of pain. I'm still upset my surgeon would not refill my pain pills. The best he could do was prescribe tylenol w/codeine and an anti-inflammatory. Hardly helps. So glad you graduated from your PT. Thank you for asking about mine.
  7. Maryann, terribly sorry to read about Ryan's new medical issue. Just know that kids are very resilient. He'll be fine. Hope Jack's earache is now under control. We as parents and grandparents ache for them, don't we?!
  8. I understand your point of view totally, but I would still rather see a server wear gloves when handling my food.
  9. With all the safety protocols I was surprised to see the worker in the 1st picture serving up food not wearing gloves. Me too! I moved from the same town to another one 15 mins. away, still in the DFW metroplex.
  10. How terribly heartbreaking to lose such a dear friend. You both were lucky to have such a wonderful friendship for so many years. RIP Len Dawson.
  11. I never have an issue when I make Andrew/Lisa's winner, winner chicken dinner. About 95% of the rice comes out perfect.
  12. Happy 41st wedding anniversary, Graham and Pauline. Beautiful couple then, beautiful couple now. Enjoy tomorrow's anniversary celebration.
  13. I am so sorry to read what your family is going through right now. Healing prayers go to your daughter for a full recovery and strength to your entire family.
  14. I LOVE telehealth appointments because I don't have to be weighed. They ASK what my weight is. As if................
  15. Having been to Israel numerous times (We were married in Ramat Gan), I thoroughly am enjoying your Rhapsody review. Haifa is truly a beautiful city. Looking forward to more!
  16. Not sure this was mentioned in the article: My brother in law, a lefty, had the following message on a t-shirt: If the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only people who are left handed are in their right minds! On a totally different note, my daughter and grands are due to arrive from NJ tomorrow. They're very disappointed since the weather forecast is for rain the entire 10 days they'll be here. At least temps are no longer in the 100s.
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