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Everything posted by BonTexasNY

  1. Not sure this was mentioned in the article: My brother in law, a lefty, had the following message on a t-shirt: If the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only people who are left handed are in their right minds! On a totally different note, my daughter and grands are due to arrive from NJ tomorrow. They're very disappointed since the weather forecast is for rain the entire 10 days they'll be here. At least temps are no longer in the 100s.
  2. OOOO Tootsie pops! My absolute favorite flavor is chocolate. Springtime they come out with banana flavor, also yummy.
  3. Thanks, Andrew. Glad your mom is doing well and is on the road to recovery. Hope her bend is shorter than mine. And I have to say: Owen is awesome!
  4. Thank you for the good wishes. My doctor refused to refill my happy pills and only prescribed tylenol with codeine....sigh. I only took those pills 30 minutes before physical therapy sessions. Tried tylenol and I got no relief. Maybe the codeine mixed in will help take the edge off therapy pain. I asume this post was for @Sea Dog, Greg, and he happily responded how well he's doing. And me? I fell and had surgery to correct 3 breaks and a dislocated ankle. I never had any pain before surgery and am waiting the 3 weeks which will be when I can ditch the boot or brace to walk on my own. Based on my pain level now, and the distance I can walk with the boot, I tend to think my surgeon was overly optimistic.
  5. I haven't seen a post from "H20" Mark in quite some time. He did post the news about his daughter was not good and I hope the family has received some updated encouraging news.
  6. Maryann, thanks for asking. Rehab is slow going but at least I was able to ditch the wheelchair and replaced by a walker. I have a follow up visit today with my surgeon (not him personally, someone in his practice) and I might be able to ditch my boot soon. So heavy and cumbersome but helps protect my ankle. I tried walking without the boot, with the walker, and it was painful. Unfortunately, I need a refill for my happy pills. They're needed for when I have therapy. Baby steps.... Hope your aunt has a successful surgery. Debbie, I'm also glad that Eric is healing nicely.
  7. We always eat in the MDR and make sure we tell the waiter that we have to be out by a specific time. Never a problem. We haven't sailed post covid so not sure this will still work.
  8. Wonderful looking boys. My 14 yr. old grandson's 2nd favorite dish of mine is schnitzel. First is chicken soup. No matter the outside temp, when we get together here in TX or in NJ, it's understood I will be making chicken soup. My 9 yr old granddaughter, can eat choco chip pancakes daily! AND she also loves strawberries.
  9. New City Pizza does set the bar high. Last time we were there was 19 years ago just before we moved to TX. I just googled and was glad to see it's still there! The only place I think I ate in Suffern was the big diner on the corner of 59 and Airmont Rd., now closed. We loved going to Pasta Cucina on Little Tor Rd. Never disappointed. Our all time favorite diner was The Park Ridge Diner. Nothing fancy but huge, fresh dishes. Oh that smile!! Love these girls!
  10. Since you're probably familiar with the area, New City Pizza and Rocco's also in New City are the best for pizza IMHO. Food, of course, is subjective but I can't see Sorrento's on a cruise ship ever coming close in texture and taste.
  11. Kokomo. One of my favorite songs. Wish I could visit all the places mentioned! I echo the above! Hopefully, new experiences and sunshine will help create new memories.
  12. Thank you so much for the photos. You have a bountiful harvest for sure. When I planted tomato plants in NY, I used to love to see those cute little yellow flowers appear because I knew what would follow. I had no idea the thread title was changed until it was mentioned in here. I just save the last read page in my favorites and that's what I click to get in here.
  13. Buying a tomato plant already in a pot sounds perfect to me. I need to remember to get Miracle Grow Tomato fertilizer. Do cherry tomatoes work best in a pot or can I buy plants that will produce larger tomatoes. Thanks! She battled cancer for over 30 years with dignity. R.I.P. Olivia Newton John.
  14. I can almost taste the sweetness! My balcony faces Southwest so it gets lots of sun for many hours. I want to try planting potted tomatoes next year. Any tips?
  15. Thoughts are always of my family and friends in Israel. Rockets were launched directly at the Israeli city of Modi'in where Jack's family and some of Dani's family lives. Although I lived in Israel for one year when we were first married, it was relatively "peaceful" with an occasional bomb going off. How sad that it became so commonplace. But this? What's going on now has to be impossible to live with again and again. Ceasefire? Who knows if it will last.
  16. We bought field grown tomatoes direct from the farm for $3.99/lb. at a local farm stand. We never enjoyed a salad as much as the one I made using those tomatoes. I stopped buying large store bought tomatoes. They look nice and red on the outside but are yellowish inside and once you cut into one all the juice runs out. We stick to grape tomatoes. Juicy and sweet.
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