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Everything posted by BonTexasNY

  1. I very rarely post weather updates but we are having the very best weather possible in the Dallas area. Last week and the coming week; sunny temps in the mid to low 80s. Love it! We made it into the new H-E-B store. Crowded but manageable. I don't know what the hype is. People were on line the night before it opened and waited 12 hours to get in. I don't get it. It's a supermarket. Maybe someone can enlighten me? Smooth sails to those about to embark on cruises. @molly361Ellen, glad your power is back on. In NY, during a power outage, my neighbors decided to have an ice cream party. We brought our ice cream to a neighbor's porch and had the best time catching up. It was almost a let down when power came back on!
  2. Lenny, I'm confused. I don't think HBE4 was posting about your personal achievements but then I have gotten confused in here on more than one occasion.
  3. The Saga of the ice cube. A few days ago, I noticed one ice cube on my kitchen floor near the fridge. Weird since the freezer has no ice maker. I opened the freezer, moved everything around and nope, no other ice cubes. Freezer is on the bottom, so I bent down and saw no switch or "arm" to turn an ice maker feature on/off. I called Jack and he couldn't figure it out as well. I called our daughter to ask if she bought and used a bag of ice when she was here. Nope. BTW, we moved into this apt., 3 months ago. Jack met the Maintenance guy in the hallway and asked him to stop by our apt. Who knew our freezer had an icemaker? He bent down and showed us where the on/off switch was, very UNnoticable if you're looking for it. It was in the "on" position. Maybe when I cleaned the freezer I inadvertently hit the "on" switch. We left the "on" switch on and the bin quickly filled with ice cubes. That was my bin for frozen veggie bags. BUT, the mystery is still.....why was there only one ice cube on the floor and none in the freezer? Goes to show how exciting my days are.
  4. Good news that Vikki apparently doesn't need surgery. I hope "does not appear" means definitely "does not need". My ankle surgeon told me my ankle was fractured in 3 places but he only had to repair 2. 3rd was probably small enough to heal on its own like Vikki has.
  5. I should have asked what your least favorite show was. Greg, no need to worry about competition. You set the bar high with your review and knocked it out of the ballpark!
  6. They all were. I loved when Ted was handed a sheet of paper and he read on the air "I've just been handed this late breaking story. You have something on your front tooth" I must have seen that a bajillion times in re-runs but it always makes me laugh.
  7. Found one that works!! My daughter sent me this photo. Blame her for the two headless guys next to my granddaughter!
  8. Your beautiful granddaughter reminds me so much of mine: I'm trying to post a recent photo of her but as usual, I'm having difficulty.
  9. If some of my posts are in duplicate, I apologize. I got the CC crud that messed up my original posts. I think it's all straightened now but you never know where CC lurks to wreck havoc.
  10. Thanks, Debbie. It's one of my favorite photos. We have quite a few in here who live in FL but when I saw that Naples was in Ian's path I immediately thought of you and Jim. Here's wishing you a fabulous worry free cruise. And, of course, wishing all of our FL friends to stay safe and dry with no property damage. Lucky @A&L_Ont Andrew's mom is in Canada and not Sarasota. Hoping for no damage.
  11. Slowly, slowly. We made Emerald with our last cruise and are still waiting for our Platinum pins. 🤣
  12. Greg, didn't you post that you had a Central Park balcony, yet the photo shows Ocean View?
  13. It looks like a fun place but we're not crazy about the dinner menu and it does seem pricey. This is only Jack's and my opinion. Greg, I am thoroughly enjoying your review, but then I knew I would!
  14. From me too!! Mystic Seaport was one of our favorite spots when we lived in NY. Quiet, quaint and a nice peaceful vibe to relax and recharge. Plus, I recall a great ice cream place. Your pictures are hardly boring.
  15. I never cook chulent overnight as my mother did. I start it at the crack of dawn and let it cook the whole day. Comes out good enough. Can't remember the last time I made it. At the time, not sure about now, there were only 2 hospitals in Rockland County. So sorry about your father.
  16. Everything looks delicious but then your husband is an amazing cook.. My mom always made hard boiled eggs to eat with the fish broth. Is that chulent I see? Challah (I have heard it called "egg bread") makes the best french toast. Yes, begins with the letter N and ends with a K. I had no choice. It was where my doctor performed surgeries. This was approx. 32 years ago. Nurses were awful. No warmth or compassion. Seemed resentful having to take care of me. I got great care here in TX and I like to think the NY nurses (or aides) were the exception. I have no idea how this duplicate popped up in here.
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