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Everything posted by sanger727

  1. This presumes that you have neighbors or that your neighbors are not also getting up themselves. I could bring a book but then I'd have to carry it around with me or return to the room.
  2. Uh, no, It won't cost "nothing". A cabin that they could have sold for $2,500 is now sailing empty. If they essentially refund that by crediting it against a new cruise, that's $2,500 out of their pocket.
  3. A dispute with the credit card isn't going to help the OP get their excursions re-booked or ensure that they have a zero balance come final payment time. If anything, it will just get their booking cancelled.
  4. I've heard this before but don't think it's a factor. In the US you are certainly taxed inclusive with your tips. The only reason people say they don't pay taxes on their tips is if they don't report them - which is tax fraud. It's hard to believe that other countries wouldn't tax the full income.
  5. The problem with making multiple trips is if you are by yourself. When the buffet is busy, If you leave a used plate on a table; it will be gone and the table will be taken by the time you get back. As long as you have someone else with you, you can take turns. But I get what the OP is saying, I often have breakfast on my own because I'm an early riser.
  6. you're right. I am definitely not following how this scam works. But that's ok. If it ever happens to me I am sure I will figure it out.
  7. If you pre-book are you eligible for the discount? I've always seen it advertised onboard where if you book multiple treatments then they are discounted.
  8. But the only way they would get your information is by you making a sale through Amazon to them. And if they are currently selling on Amazon then they should immediately be removed. I guess I don't see how this wouldn't be eligible for a credit card dispute and/or pursuing Amazon for a refund. If they don't have any receipts or proof that you purchased the item, then the credit card should take it. If they show a receipt showing you purchased the item through Amazon, then Amazon can verify that it's not true. Just showing the credit card company a picture of a package on a porch is meaningless. That package could be anything left at anytime by anyone.
  9. We had a major claim at our house a few years ago. The house was built in the 70s and had sunroom on the back. There was a windstorm which severely damaged the sunroom. So, we went to get quotes for a new one. Here's the rub. That room was up to code in the 70s when the house was built. It wasn't up today's code. To replace the sunroom today we had to dig large footers and a new foundation which tripled the price. Our insurance company would pay the cost to replace "the sunroom" but no the cost of the footers and foundation to bring it up to code. So this scam is from illegitimate sellers on Amazon. I would expect Amazon to make this right. They have the records of what you ordered and when. I don't see how a seller could fake an order and make it look like it went through Amazon's website.
  10. So the scammers are illegitimate sellers on Amazon? I would expect Amazon to handle this. They have records of what you purchased and when.
  11. because the wind snatches it out of ur hand and you don’t have a reason to try and stop it. I’ve definitely slammed quite a few balcony doors by accident. If you tell the person it’s bother u I’m sure they can try harder to stop it.
  12. While you can’t predict weather ahead of time; I think it’s fair to say that open waters are usually rougher that hopping between islands. I would expect waters to be on the rough side and plan ahead for that if you need seasickness medicine. I get horribly sea sick and am generally fine in the Caribbean. But if we go far enough out to have 2 sea days in a row I’ve always felt the difference.
  13. Those two itineraries are so different. We love europe. If you haven’t been before do a one way cruise and add extra days before and after the cruise. Italy is not seen best by cruise but it’s a wonderful place to spend a few days. The geek islands are fabulous by cruise.
  14. If that doesn't include all inclusive, it's way too much. If you shop around you can get two oceanview rooms for this cruise for $5,000.
  15. yeah, It probably isn't just being "inconsiderate." The combination of the heavy door and wind can make it slam shut easily. If the person is unaware of how loud it is they may not be making any attempt to stop that from happening.
  16. I believe so. I've always understood it that you can get a paid upgrade post final payment. But you have to pay something additional. Not get it for free.
  17. Have I seen examples of cruise lines changing their entire itinerary for a storm. Yes, that happens all the time in the Caribbean. A west caribbean could switch to an east caribbean. A Bermuda cruise could turn into a Bahams cruise. Cruises sometimes even change the embarkation port. These things happen across all lines; they can't control the weather. I even saw a recent post on NCL where a panama canal cruise was turned into a southern caribbean cruise. Not for weather, just related to backups in the canal due to low water.
  18. It sounds as though they left abruptly. They may have not had time to settle their medical bill. I think we can all agree that whatever the charge was for, it wasn't documented correctly in the first place.
  19. Did you father get any treatment in the medical center on the ship? If so, is it possible the $1,800 is actually the bill for the medical treatment, not the PVSA fine?
  20. This couldn't be further from the truth. Medical travel insurance is much less expensive than comprehensive travel insurance and covers much more. Driving in many countries is much more dangerous than driving in the US due to different traffic laws/lack of enforcement. Driving a scooter compounds the issue by making the injuries of an accident much worse. Yes, I think that renting a scooter and driving it around in most of the world is reckless and asking for an accident to occur.
  21. I've seen many people posting about leaving their child on the ship while they go to port. Planning to leave your kids on the ship while you go somewhere 3 hours away in a foreign country isn't ok. You might drop you kids off at a day care while you go to work. I would hope you wouldn't drop them off at daycare and then take a day trip to another state where you couldn't get back in a reasonable amount of time. I've had co-workers who dropped their kids off at their normal daycare. And it wasn't out of the ordinary for them to have to go and pick their kid up halfway through the day over an illness or behavioral issue.
  22. The loud voices and bragging about how drunk they are doesn't seem like much of an issue. Again, lots of people get drunk on vacation. 5 shots may be a lot to them but, I guarantee you plenty of other people have had more. Staff that work with people drinking know how to brush off someone who is going too far. If they didn't do that, I assume they were ok with it. They were just looking for a bigger tip.
  23. OP didn't say that anyone was "grabbing" anyone. Just "touchy". Yeah, drunks get touchy sometimes. When you are working professional, as long as it doesn't cross the line into sexual touching; you shrug it off. I was working an event last night with an open bar and an older lady who was clearly intoxicated came up and touched my arm while she talked to me. Didn't even occur to me to ask them to cut her off. Drunks are a problem are when they are aggressive or belligerent.
  24. You have an invoice in writing that says you get the classic beverage package and they are trying to get out of it. Don't pay up front and count on a written guarantee to reimburse you. If they aren't making it right now, why would they make it right after the cruise. I would continue to escalate with the TA. Since you have proof in writing, you can also make a complaint with the better business bureau. I've found that to be really helpful in the past when companies don't follow through.
  25. It's not as though there is a risk of the passengers getting in a car and driving at that point (one of the main concerns of bartenders on land). People often get drunk on vacation. If they aren't being disruptive are capable of walking back to their room, I wouldn't expect the bartenders to cut them off.
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