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Everything posted by brian1

  1. In Obernai now.Left at 4 this morning and arrived 16.30.
  2. Update on my reunion,we all went to an Italian restaurant in Camden.We all gelled as if we'd known each other for years.Going to visit my aunt when we get back from Italy.
  3. Just read your sad news Graham,my condolences to you all.
  4. I love you Jane ,even if you are a Gooner.😉
  5. The best one recently was sperm doner kids tracing their 30 siblings and the poor sod who only donated for the price of a few beers.
  6. I've found out I'm 30% Scottish.Have to get a rangers scarf now.
  7. Lol,perhaps adopted relos like us might be considered as black sheep.Funny I am meeting an uncle who has just come over from France and I am driving thru France the next day.
  8. It's strange that people put themselves on the Ancestry platform but "bottle it" when contacted.
  9. Thanks sis,when I am posting to my aunt for some reason I think of you being my virtual older sis.My aunt is only 8 years older than me.Cheers,bro.
  10. Lol,I've simplified it ommiting the confusion who my grandad is.Ivy lied on my mums birth certificate who her father was.DNA doesn't lie so process of elimination might sort it.
  11. Cheers Bob,one of the reasons for my post was to reach out to you,remembering your story from last year.Glad you went ahead with your journey.The flip side of mine is I.m 99% sure I have a half brother thru our "dad".At first my aunt thought my dad might have been her half brother who was a coach driver who had a woman at every bus stop,lol.When Ancestry refined their results to separate the parents this confirmed her sister as my mum.This half brother of mine is a bit reluctant to talk but he confirmed we were born in Stepney a few weeks apart in different hospitals.His mum went missing after he was born and even the police couldn't find her.He was adopted also.There are matches to my dad on the site which could stir up a hornets nest if I contacted them.Good luck to you also,Brian.
  12. The 2nd one is a Davina Mcall long lost family moment at Euston station.In my adoption records it said my mum was born in 1935 and taken into care at 3 years old due to filthy living conditions and her mum allowing the premises to be used for improper purposes.She led a life of numerous fostering and schools including a spell in a convent/asylum and was deemed out of control.At the age of 16 she was mixing with women of dubious character and known criminal men culminating in a charge of soliciting and resulting in my birth when she was 17.24 hrs after my DNA results with Ancestry I was in contact with my aunt who was born in 1944 and never met her sister.Her mum Ivy,the protaganator in this saga gave her away to her brother and she never found out until she was 20 that her sister was her cousin.There's loads more to this saga but cut a long story short she is coming down from Northampton with her cousin to meet me and a brother who lives in France who she never knew about until recently.His daughter from London,my cousin will also be there.OMG, coming up for breath now..My aunt was devastated when she found all this out and thought her mum was a strange but respectable lady.Wish me luck,Brian.
  13. Hi all,2 milestones in my life this weekend.On Sunday we are driving to Italy for the last time and selling up to friends who stay there but not owning their own property.17 years and me being 72 this year,time to call it a day and do more cruising etc.We will still visit once a year and stay in touch with everyone we have grown a close friendship with over the years.
  14. No worries,guess what'll be in the biggest container on the dockside tomorrow.
  15. As a bit of a loner as a kid.I'm glad I went to all the London sights in the school hols for just a 5 bob red rover.Later as a plumber walking around the British museum and National gallery in my boiler suit whilst waiting for deliveries.
  16. I paid in Notre Dame,it gave me the right hump.
  17. If you're club dining you'll love it.Your own dedicated pair of waiters and table.And the MD setting light to your cherries every night.
  18. Just be aware that the adjacent gate is closed to the public before,during and after the boat show for lorries setting up the show.It was a mission walking to the next gate with cases not realising how far and awkward it was.
  19. Thank god for that.We got stuck in one of those lifts for 20 mins 5 years ago.We got out just as the fire brigade turned up,lol.
  20. I think it's only on phones.I use a laptop with no adds.
  21. In a hotel in America I left a 10% tip.The following night we got a note saying "we expect a 20% tip in the USA" so I left 5%.
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