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perfect match

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Everything posted by perfect match

  1. 23 days until we board Allure! We can’t wait to be back on board her! Thanks for all of the pictures @Mr. IT. @Denversail, glad you got to see the launch! We can sort of see them from our house but I’ve never seen one from that close before. We had a better view when the Space Shuttles were still in use because they sometimes launched on a different trajectory that came closer to our house.
  2. Thanks, Bill! Hope we end up sailing together at some point. We really enjoyed getting to know you and Gina, also Jon and Penny on Symphony. Seems like that was just yesterday but that was back in 2019!
  3. Congratulations! 🎉 Enjoy your upgrade. 😎 I cancelled my RU bids on our upcoming Allure B2B. We’re currently staying in the same JS and my only bid for each leg was for a GS. We love the location of our JS and really don’t want to have to move between the two legs of our B2B so we let the minimum bids on the GS go. While having a GS would have been nice we are happy with our decision.
  4. Keep checking your Coco Cay Beach Club prices! I just went into my cruise planner for a totally different reason and noticed that the price went down to $76.99. Total discount after all of the add ons was $11.00. That’s not a lot of money, but I’ll take it. I was so busy canceling my previous reservation and rebooking at the lower rate that I forgot do do what I originally went there to do! 😂 Guess I’d better go do it!
  5. @Denversail, take a deep breath. Everything is fine. Mr It’s pictures are wonderful. You’re not cruising for another 5 days. You’ve already got 30 followers. We can’t wait for you to get on the ship and we’ll be there when you do. It will take off then.
  6. Thank you. It would be tight getting to an 8 PM show after dinner but definitely doable. Timing for an 8:30 show would be perfect. I don’t think there’s much of a chance we’ll see a 6:30 dining time show up on our upcoming Allure cruise at the end of April but maybe on Wonder in September. I’ve already figured out workarounds for show/dining conflicts on Allure at this anyway. I would definitely request the 6:30 dining time slot if it became available.
  7. Thank you very much for sharing your experience with the 6:30 dining time experiment. I’m wondering what time you were usually done with dinner? I think the 6:30 time slot might work well for us, but that would depend on how well it coordinated with show times.
  8. Thanks! Glad to hear that you enjoyed the tour. I had seen it on one of the tour consolidator websites. Don’t remember which one. Think I’ll go back and look at this again. We’ve done quite a few similar tours and always enjoyed them.
  9. Unfortunately, we have run into age restrictions on snorkel tours all too often. I have had fewer problems when booking privately than through the ship. The Clifton Heritage National Park. tour is sadly a private tour that does have age restrictions. I would book it in a minute if I could.
  10. I’m sure that’s not the souvenir you had planned to bring home from your cruise. Definitely not the best way to lose weight either. Hope you’re feeling better soon. 🤗
  11. We just got Coco Beach Club for our May 3 Allure cruise for $80.99 per person. When it first opened I wasn’t interested in paying for it at all. With all the people they’ve packing in onto Coco Cay I decided to give it a try. The price dropped on our cruise last week too.
  12. Thank you. We’re on that sailing. Nothing in my email yet. I just finished checking there a few minutes ago. I’m glad that they didn’t forget about us. Fighued it would be either Nassau or Coco Cay. Guess we’ll be spending our two sea days going in circles in the Bahamas. It’s ironic that I chose this sailing because it was going to Cozumel, not the Bahamas. Then we were switched to Labadee due to a berthing conflict in Cozumel. So, where do we end up? The Bahamas! 😂 Go figure! Going to check my cruise planner now. Update: My cruise planner still shows Labadee. Guess they’ll change it eventually.🤷‍♀️
  13. That’s not the Brunch menu we’ve had in the past! No breakfast items! I am not an early riser but I love breakfast food, so Brunch on our all or our post pandemic cruises were perfect for me. If they’re going to serve lunch, then call it that, but 12:30 is pretty early to end lunch. Do you know if they actually served breakfast foods at 8:30 when they first opened? If they did, and at some point switched from breakfast to lunch, do you happen to know what time they switched? Brunch was a very favorite thing for me. I know it’s probably not a big deal to most people but I can’t begin to tell you how disappointed I will be if the later times that they’re calling Brunch are actually lunch. Yes, I know, first old problem and I know I won’t go hungry. It was or maybe 🤞🏻 still is one of those little things on our last few cruises that made my cruise feel special. Rant over. Thanks for listening. on the other hand, I think I’d love the 6:30 dinner time. Unlike me, DH is a morning person. The older he gets, the earlier he’s ready to call it a day. I’m having to rearrange our usual dinner and show schedules so he will be able to enjoy our evening.
  14. I put in lowball bids for an upgrade from a JS to a GS on both legs of our upcoming Allure B2B. I did a self upgrade once from a JS to a GS when the GS price dropped so we’re already spoiled! 😂 I do not have high hopes that my lowball bids will be accepted but like. @joepeka said “ you can’t win if you don’t play”.
  15. I hope that Mr IT will take plenty of pictures of the Beach Club! I initially had no plans to spend the extra $$$ on it but the price dropped enough that I decided to go ahead and give it a try. Besides, Coco Cay was really crowded the last time we were there and I like the idea of going someplace we’d feel less like canned sardines than we did that day. Oh, the food looked good, too! Glad your pups are doing better. There were a lot of us who were concerned about them on your last trip. You’ll have to admit that having Dupable and her ducks around does keep things interesting. I’ll be thinking of her if I find any ducks on our upcoming Allure B2B. However, I have no plans to hide any ducks of my own.
  16. @DragonOfTheSeas, I’m glad to hear that your husband is well enough after his fall to be ready and willing to go on your cruise. That walker you mentioned may come in handy with all the walking that you will be doing on the ship so I think it’s a good idea that you brought it along. I hope that you, your husband and your daughter have a wonderful time on Anthem.
  17. So how are the dogs doing now? Both your dog and your son’s dog were having health issues during your last cruise. I hope they’re both doing better. Is Dupable coming along this time? I thought that she wasn’t but then I started wondering if she had decided to come along. 🤔 I’ll be following along closely since we will be boarding Allure 3 1/2 weeks after you. I can’t wait until it’s our turn!
  18. Thank you for another great review! I’ve enjoyed following along with you and your mom on this cruise. Hope you’re sailing again soon! 🛳️
  19. Thank you for sharing your photos. I enjoyed seeing them. Congratulations on your 41 years of marriage and your 7 months of recovery from cancer surgery.
  20. We’ll be on Allure in about 4 weeks. We’re doing a B2B to make it a seven day cruise. 🛳️🛳️ I’m sorry we’ll miss you, but I’ll definitely be glued to your review. 😀
  21. That brownie sundae is one of my favorite desserts! To me, some calories are worth the calories I’m consuming when I eat them even though I know I’m going to have to pay the price working them off later. We saw Robert Neary at Busch Gardens, Tampa about a month ago. We both loved his show! We would love it if he showed up on our upcoming Allure cruise
  22. Thanks. Glad to be here. Looks like Celebrity did a good job celebrating St Patrick’s Day! I loved the drunks McDrunkerson sign and the Guinness Chicken in the buffet! 😂
  23. I’m glad you made it home safely. Love the plane seats. I might even be convinced to start going places that require a plane flight again if I knew I was going to be in a seat like yours were. Thank you again for another great trip report. I know I’m not the only one here who is grateful that you’re always willing to take us along with you.
  24. I guess I’ve fallen behind with the busy week we’ve had at our house. I’m finally caught up now and am planning to stay current for the rest of this sailing!
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