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perfect match

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Everything posted by perfect match

  1. I really need to think about getting myself a USB to lightning cable before our September cruise. I have a very full schedule the next few days and even Amazon won’t get one here in time for our Allure sailing. I do plan to bring and try my Firestick. We’ll see how that goes. I love your watch charging on the wall! 😂
  2. Laurie, that is one very cute little cat! 😻😻😻 She doesn’t need that one orange cat brain cell, she’ll get by in life on cuteness alone!
  3. Sue, do you know what beach your tour company took you to? We booked privately and saw plenty of turtles! Our guide did say that timing is everything because the turtles know when the local fishermen come back to shore and will be cleaning their catch. That’s a dinner bell for the turtles! Since you didn’t get to see any turtles, I wanted to share one of mine with you. Enjoy!
  4. Thank you very much for sharing your Panama Canal cruise with us. I really enjoyed sailing along with you!
  5. Laurie, I love your suitcase set up. What a great example of where there’s a will there’s a way! The solo travelers meet and greet looked like a lot of fun. I’m guessing that you will have a whole group of new friends for life by the end of this cruise.
  6. I’ve been running a bit behind here, so I didn’t get to post my fur kids when requested but I couldn’t let a request for pictures go unanswered! Meet Oreo, who is a very good boy along with his very favorite toy. And this is Merida, our new little rescue who is a very Brave little princess and who was about to break that toy behind her into three separate pieces and send the balls it contained flying all over the house! I don’t think she’s ever lived in s house before or had toys to play with before we adopted her three weeks ago but she’s learning fast!
  7. Me too! Only problem is that I don’t even really know how to use our free play. 🤔. Can we even use free play in the non smoking casino on Allure? Never mind me not knowing what machine to play or how much to put in it! I think that as Diamonds we each get $6 in free play. With my luck that will be gone in about 6 seconds! 😱😂 If I were to ever win anything at all I’d probably end up in medical in cardiac arrest! @Lionesss, I don’t know how you do it but I certainly admire your skills in the casino!
  8. Loved this picture! Thanks for sharing both of the Brown Booby pictures.
  9. Thanks for including your Disney stay in your review, Laurie! I really enjoyed seeing WDW from your perspective. While you did a lot of our favorite things, you also did some that we’ve never done, or it has been a while and it’s time to go back and do them again. We board Allure in 9 days for a B2B and as usual a whole bunch of things that must be taken care of asap have appeared so WDW may need to wait until after we get home. I’ll still be able to follow your TAmthough!
  10. Thank you for sharing your Virginia International Tattoo pictures with us. I enjoyed seeing them. 😀
  11. Thanks for taking us with you on Symphony! Your timing is perfect for getting me through my last days before our Allure cruise. We board her on the 29th. 🛳️😎 Hope you come home with some good winnings this time and that your new purple luggage that we haven’t seen yet and you and your DH as well have a safe trip.
  12. Aw, I completely forgot to look for the rocket 🚀 launch today! We were down in the Disney area this afternoon for a medical appointment for DH and then met some friends for dinner so we were a lot closer than seeing a launch from our house. It would have been a much better view than what we have at home. Laurie, I loved your dinner and fireworks around the monorail. We used to do that a lot before we moved down here. Might be time to give it another try. We also like dinner around the Boardwalk and even dinner around the Skyliner. You and your friends are really doing a great job with your Disney planning. You’re getting a lot done and seem to be having a great time doing it!
  13. I’m glad to hear that you’ve found a way to get your chair fixed. There are lots of steep ramps at WDW where brakes would certainly come in handy! Never mind once you’re on the ship where it might be a bit more difficult to get your chair fixed. Maybe grab a few extra screws at the repair shop in case you have any more problems. It’s going to be heating up the next couple days so be sure to keep up with your hydration, sunscreen and cooling breaks. Sounds like you’re having a great time at WDW.
  14. One more Beach Club question. I think we would prefer a later lunch time since we will probably just end up snacking for dinner after our big lunch. Did the restaurant seem to be functioning normally later in the afternoon or were they busy packing up or running out of food later in the afternoon? We will be making a reservation. I’m thinking maybe around 2:00. What do you think? Too late?
  15. Thank you very much for this Beach Club report and pictures! It is exactly what I’ve been hoping to find. On previous Coco Cay trips I have resisted booking the Beach Club due to the price. Then the price kept going up! 😱 However, on our last Coco Cay stops it was just way too packed with people to suit us, so I started looking for bargains. I first booked us into Hideaway beach but really didn’t think the vibe there would be what we were looking for. Then I found the Beach Club on sale! $76.99 for our upcoming Allure cruise and currently at $114.99 for Wonder cruise in September. It was a no brainer to cancel Hideaway and book the Beach Club! Maybe I’ll get really lucky and the price for our Wonder cruise will drop to the price we got on Allure. That would be awesome! Is it really worth it to head out early and get seats by the pool? I’m a beach person myself but I think DH might prefer the pool. I don’t really care about the big beds much, but was pool seating I still available later in the morning? I think I’m a lot more excited about going to the Beach Club than I ever thought I would be! 😎
  16. @Teeara, that quirky balcony looked interesting. I tend to like rooms that are a little quirky like that one. I’m going to check out the deck plan for that room. @RobInMN, thank you for the transit video. It was very interesting to watch. @BillB48, thank you for all of the information about how ships are moved through the canal during their transit. I found it very interesting. .
  17. I am so very much not a morning person. No matter how I try to be one it just doesn’t work for me. I love your suggestion! 😂 On the other hand I might stay up for the start of the transit, go have breakfast, then go in and take a nap during the heat of the day. That strategy probably wouldn’t work for most “normal” people but has worked well for me before when very early mornings were necessary.
  18. Laurie, I don’t know if you found anything yet but check out the Dis abilities forum on the Disboards. https://www.disboards.com/threads/wheelchair-repairs.1598176/ Hope you’re able to get the chair fixed.
  19. Thank you very much for a great review! I loved following along with you.
  20. My surgically repaired legs wouldn’t have done very well with all of that standing either. I will have to keep that in mind if I manage to get a Panama Canal cruise planned.I know those leg cramps all too well.
  21. Great pictures @Teeara and @RobInMN! Thank you! Guess you had some “bonus” time in the canal. I hope you were able to enjoy your canal transit in spite of all of the delays.
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