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Everything posted by pete14

  1. Our surgery makes full use of automatic text messaging to remind about appointments and it works well and is not as intrusive as a phone call. We have had a couple of reminders about the flu jab appointment we have tonight. The appointment is with Dr. F Clinic.
  2. Apart from a long wait at some peak times, there is nothing painful about phoning P&O to book. Everyone I have ever dealt with has been polite, friendly and helpful. However, as you chose to hand your booking to an agent, it is they who should be pursuing this on your behalf.
  3. We spent the afternoon considering what to do about our Ventura cruise at the end of this month. It seems certain that our suite will still be in the isolation section. Rather than waiting any longer for P&O to move us possibly to a cabin we did not want or wasn’t suitable, or give us future cruise credit if they couldn’t find an alternative, we noticed a mid ships suite had become available to book. After waiting nearly an hour on the phone, we paid a little extra for the ‘upgrade’ suite to give us the surety we needed (rate taken from when we booked at launch rather than today’s price which is over £1200 more) and now know we will be going away in a suite that meets our needs but not where we would have preferred it to have been. A good result (I think).
  4. Can somebody currently on Ventura please give an update on the location of isolation cabins on Ventura. We have a suite booked on C deck aft from Oct 29th which I believe has been, and possibly still is, where the isolation cabins are. P&O don’t seem to want to tell me.
  5. Not an expert, but my guess is that the occupancy rates are at least partially fuelled by future cruise credit bookings which may have been in the accounts when the original cancelled cruise was booked. We don’t know how much of that money was spent to keep Carnival going when cruises were not happening. It can only be spent once.
  6. According to HL, closed about £5.80. ☹️🫣
  7. Terms and Conditions change as circumstances change. Even the terms and conditions in force when you booked had changed several times over the past couple of years, not always in the favour of P&O; 125% future cruise credit for example. I have no idea how many times terms and conditions have changed since we booked our cruise departing in 5 weeks on the launch date.
  8. I find it helpful to record such things on my phone. White coat syndrome exists for me as well.
  9. I had my hair cut onboard a few years ago. I wasn’t overly impressed and thought it expensive. They were quite keen to sell me hair care products, offers I declined. Locally I pay less than half of that for a simple trim which is really all I need. Best to have it done before you cruise rather than during.
  10. Best advice is to find the magic money tree and the gravy trains will be coming and going with great regularity. 🌳🚂🚆
  11. Not a sea, but I guess there are a lot of them sunk to the depths of the canals.
  12. I guess the only ‘boat’ you are aware of is the one that takes you to nice places on cruises.
  13. That explains why the chips looked chip shop made rather than home made, and very nice too. Kidney in the steak pie?
  14. Tartare what? Our chippy only does curry sauce, gravy and mushy peas. Lemon comes in a tin with carbonated water and sugar / sweeteners. For a change, their steak puddings, fresh out of the steamer, are excellent as well, with no sauce required. Picture to follow next time I have one (may be a while).
  15. Well done to you and all your team members. Presumably you even won on the ‘dodgy’ green near us. 🥇🌟
  16. This is difficult to answer. Going north, starboard is best although on a Northern lights cruise, I took some good photographs of the Lofoten islands from the port side. After you turn round and sail back South, if you call at a port or two rather than going straight home across the North Sea, port is best although as has already been posted, it is dependent on how far from the coast you are. Whilst sailing in the fjords themselves, as presumably you will spend some time doing, you are close to the cliffs on either side.
  17. Cloud, sunshine, very strong winds and rough sea here in North Wales.
  18. Presumably, maybe just from the angle the photo was taken, there is more than a passing resemblance to our ‘revered leader’. Apologies if she (or you) was offended by my observation.
  19. We still use our Ninja air fryer / multi cooker in our static caravan for convenience, cost and quality of cook. Maybe the early ones are stuck in cupboards because the modern ones do far more and much better. I was sceptical at first but not now.
  20. Graham - Looking at the lady on the right in picture 2, I am surprised our Prime Minister found the time to share a meal with you. I hope she offered to put it on her expenses. 😇
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