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mr walker

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Everything posted by mr walker

  1. Well you can’t take it with you mate. Life is for living Cheers
  2. Les, that's my go to drink for when I want a special drink - nectar of the gods I call it. I had a quiet drink at the end of the night after the Panthers GF win - a tradition I started last year & hope to continue for a good many more 🙂
  3. Strewth Gut, sorry to read of your health problems. I truly hope that they can do something for you to give you quality of life once again. Having Maxy must be a real blessing for you mate. Take care - we are all cheering for you. Neil
  4. Uncle Les has a standing invite to visit our place & I'll even chaperone him to Panthers
  5. I may have exaggerated a little on the distance - it's about 11km, out along the Northern Rd, so not a walk with luggage 🙂 . The flight paths have not been released as yet, but visiting the site, it is clear the direction of the runways, and so it will be from the east &/or west. We are basically north of the site, in the southern part of Penrith. Les can park here anytime he wants & it's not far to Panthers 🙂
  6. Yes Les, I’m very happy. The boys & I enjoyed our day/night at game & came home and enjoyed a quiet celebratory drink. Quiet day today including lunch with friends, including my mate who is a Parra supporter 😁 Penrith Panthers B2B!!!
  7. Cheers mate - hoping for the boys to win. our sons & I are going to the game to cheer them on!
  8. We received some excellent advice on a land tour, including particularly from Julie @OzKiwiJJ , ahead of our cruise (AKL to SYD) in Jan '19. We planned around visiting places we wouldn't visit on the cruise. Based on the advice we flew into Christchurch & picked up rental. We stayed in ChCh , Mt Cook, Queenstown (3N), Franz Josef, Westport, Picton, crossed Cook Straight to Nth Island on the ferry, & stayed at Tongariro (2N), Waitomo & then Auckland ahead of the cruise. All accommodation & car rental was arranged thru a NZ tour company, which worked well for us. So 12N for maybe 2/3 of Sth Island & 1/4 of Nth Island. We made the most of the time, but another week at least would have been better. Good luck - it is a wonderful place to visit.
  9. Another recommendation for Zealandia from Tauranga.
  10. Looks as if you met the important people then! 🙂 We have also met the same people before - well perhaps not your ex neighbours. 🙂
  11. Enjoy your cruise mate - Tracey & I are sure you will have a great time. We expect to see photos of your ‘proper’ breakfasts 😁 Cheers
  12. For those of you embarking over the next month or so - enjoy!!!! For those boarding today it’ll be good to escape this miserable weather. I am thinking to maybe surprise Tracey with Majestic Princess 11N QLD coastal Oct 20. As most know, we normally are ‘Royal’ but we did enjoy Sun Princess in 2017. Thoughts? It just seems a long wait until Ovation to NZ in March!
  13. I was thinking that also. I saw that a ship was to be in Eden on Wed. Unfortunately the only way for me to contact him is on here. He’ll be happy we are thinking of him
  14. Happy Birthday for Tuesday - still hoping to catch up with you downunder one day 🙂
  15. Not sure if I was a Tourism operator in Hobart I'd be too happy with that
  16. Yes, cheaper(??) & reliable wi-fi on the ships has sure led to cheats at trivia. For music ones, the cheats give themselves away when they request repeatedly to "play #3 again" at the end as they struggle to get the device to recognise the song/artist. Some 'quizmasters' have used a less well-known artist's version of a song at times, and this often will catch out the app 🙂 Anyway, we play for our own entertainment & interest - scores by others are irrelevant in that instance.
  17. We gambled $10 on last nights jackpot. Woke up this morning to email saying "Congratulations, you're ticket won a prize". Scrolled down "You're ticket winnings - $8.15"!!!!!!!! Nett loss $1.85, so no $54K cruise 🙂 Baked beans on toast for lunch today 😉
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