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island lady

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Everything posted by island lady

  1. In my perfect world, they would put a Silverseas in Tampa!! 🥰
  2. It falls into the ocean and becomes sea trash. Hence the rules you would be ignoring. Why can't you display it on the inside of your balcony glass?
  3. Yup...RCI has now decided that we matter after all. Amazing. 😉
  4. True dat my friend!! I am with you all the way there... 🥰
  5. I would like to think the bartender actually cared about the small child's safety and did the right thing...whether it is/was a rule or not. Was the smart thing to do. Bravo for him. 🙂
  6. LOL...and I complained when I was a young adult that gas prices jumped from 23 cents to 25 cents a gallon. 😄 Can't imagine what the Oasis, Icon...etc. mega theme park ships have for a fuel appetite. EEEeeeK! 😱
  7. I am just guessing here....but could the reason being the small child could easily fall from the bar stool? Liability there perhaps?
  8. True enough, though the typical Pinnacle cruises how many times a year versus the "once a year or less" family, that granted, most will spend big bucks on the short cruises? The point many of us were making, is Royal was starting to move away from it's older loyal subjects, who in the past, continued to cruise with them...filling the ships even during down times, and were the ones that started cruising heavily when restart after Covid began. This extension of a reward to their most Loyal Royal cruisers to transfer to a more quiet sister line...IMHO...was a very good move. I know I appreciate it...and it worked for me. Will it make a big difference for RCI? Time will tell. But I don't think I am the only Pinnacle who is now moving towards some X cruises....versus totally going away to other competing lines.
  9. The sea still does not care if you are a patriot or not if it drops into her waves. The OP asked if balcony decorations are permitted. The simple answer is "No" as listed by RCI in their rules. The reason being the risk of accidental trash being added to Mother Ocean. Thus, the OP received their answer.
  10. On the 63 night first quarter WC we did...we liked our wait team so much, which indeed got moved around with each of the "mini segments"...that we begged the dining room host to move us also to follow them. 😉 Worked for us...and them! 😄
  11. Ahh...the good old days of elegant cruising. Sigh. IMHO...all gone now on RCI. 😞
  12. "Sea" you on board next month. 🙂 We are back for the last quarter, and continue to the end at Miami where we started the first quarter.
  13. Their nefarious plan worked on me! 😉 Instead of booking my next cruise with another line...which I would have again...I am booking the next one with Celeb, and looking at Silverseas. 😄
  14. LOL...yes...there was such a thing. Remember the special breakfast they did for D+ with officers? This of course was before the Pinnacle and Emerald levels were added.
  15. Yes...again...yes...again yes I know, I read that post. But was it the "carry the plate you filled up at the WJ" like we did on Freedom to eat in there...or the order from the Chops crew members...like it is now for Pinnacles and suites? Otherwise...bottom line last few years...and current. No...D+ does not have access to Chops for breakfast...unless in a full suite.
  16. On Freedom, I remember being able to bring my WJ plate into Chops to eat breakfast in there as D+. But there was no sit down and order full breakfast from Chop's staff in there...if that is what you were talking about?
  17. A letter from the LA in your cabin with your loyalty perks pertaining to your level is nice to have on boarding.
  18. We have gone all the way over. Virgin is nice, but the ships are still too big for us. More of a young adult/party feel to me IMHO. (Think Hideaway Beach at Coco Cay). Our fav in that direction of more laid back, no party, no running free feral children...Viking.
  19. LOL!! Yeah, we are infectious indeed. 😄 😄
  20. Sign for what? Don't understand which ship...what time frame. Current or past.
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