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Canal archive

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Everything posted by Canal archive

  1. That sounds like a hack not a glitch. Recently two river cruise companies have been hacked I should check with Avalon if I were you.
  2. I’m never afraid to try something new but if your happy with it I completely agree.
  3. Chalon is a pretty little town Avignon not to be missed even if it’s just to sing the song. Yes definitely go to the Carmague The Coypu was in the wildlife park along with loads of other animals and birds, not to be missed. The picture above Van Goughs room in the sanatorium Arles. The picture above is the Camargue locals riding through town ensuring their right to do so, not Arles.
  4. Wow 50 years old is a grand old age for lock gates. Notamermaid a place to add to your visit list if you haven’t been before, also for any textile buff the Textile Museum at Bolbec we went on our Seine trip. The most superb Jacquard looms with original patterns used in the grand chateaux of France and the rest of Europe. If required they can still be used to replace fabrics. An absolutely fascinating place.
  5. Getting brain in gear maybe I should have said Only No Credit!
  6. ONC On board Credit. I’m coming to the conclusion that something is not so good as it was at the heart of Scenic since Covid.
  7. Everyone raves about the Victorian engineers and forgets the incredible Georgians, e.g. no canal system in England without them and we know that many of their ideas were assisted by Europeans. I have a 1765 book in our archive it is ‘A treatise on how to build a canal’ translated from the French the plates at the back are I’m sure where Heath Robinson got his ideas from. No heavy digging equipment but loads of available man power.
  8. That’s the night for you to wear all that fancy stuff you packed ‘just in case’ well at least you can say ‘it wasn’t wasted’.
  9. Those singing birds are beautiful but becoming extremely sought after and costly.
  10. Do exactly what Jazz says, above then sit back and construct a pros and cons list of what you’d rather like to do and what you’d rather not. Then with a glass of your favourite tipple be it water or something with a little more flavour go and do what Jazz suggested again. You’ll get to know what everyone is talking about and be more relaxed in your decision making because when alls said and done your paying out a significant amount of dosh and regardless it’s your holiday. Above all enjoy the process and look on it as part of your holiday.
  11. I have yet to come across an inadequate restaurant in Budapest they all seem to pull out all the stops. That’s us and friends comparing.
  12. Legend (from my Dad) has it that I have an Uncle who was in the Royal Navy and jumped ship during WW2 in Canada, Vancouver side. Now Dad had at least four brothers and two sisters all we’ve lost touch with but Mums sister emigrated to Canada (that’s the reason we got to see a wonderful country)and had two children we are still in touch, plus two brothers to Australia lost to us now. Such a pity my DH was an only child of only children he as far as we know is the last of his line.
  13. You’re so right and the depth it shows of the stone structure I’m sure would stun the original builders. Thank you superb photograph. 📸
  14. Yes would still get a car and there are some really good offers I’ve just had one through the door but I emailed Scenic asking about ONC apart from what is offered for what I am now calling North American suites as it’s impossible to book them unless two years in advance and was asked if I had booked my next cruise and couldn’t get an answer as I hadn’t booked. I’m really miffed as we got to know an Australian who basically started his travel business with the Scenic guy I’m reaching out to him to find out what’s going on. There is only one boat on the Bordeaux route. We had a great time but due to the group on board the staff and crew not the so called leader supposedly Scenics best he did get several extra evening entertainments but ran his own business on the side he was reported to Scenics head office for this, not by us. Did you go to the son e lumiere?
  15. Nippy Sweetie I’m definitely not saying don’t go - all I’m saying is be aware of others and others should, be aware of everyone else. Only you know what your capable of and hopefully that capability does not incomodiate others to any great degree.
  16. In the past as pontac well knows I’ve supported Scenic to the nth degree, well now their website is horrific how on earth can anyone sort out what they want. What a load of absolute rubbish for many many years I’ve enjoyed cruising with Scenic I’m sorry I doubt I will be doing so again. I’m so so sad.
  17. Yes I agree that there are challenges but why do people get disgruntled, excuse me ‘but there by the grace of god. We are on holiday it’s not a race, I hope. Although maybe I’m happy to be reconciled to more than the norm. I just hope some others are not in the same situation.
  18. On board service absolutely fine on shore maybe a bit iffy, switch your phone to Wi-Fi enabled and off you go. I’m sure the USA suppliers are not going to miss out. If they do they are idiots.
  19. On every and I mean every ship rafted I have noticed the crew have been exceptional in helping mobility challenged passengers, is this a Scenic or is it an any other cruise company challenge. I think not! Yes it’s a challenge but not to be overcome. Basically just ask for assistance don’t be afraid, why! Go for it enjoy.
  20. Don’t forget your likely to get different offers for different countries!
  21. Also used ours in the onboard shop and a foot massage but I would check if it is still available for balcony suites.
  22. If anyone in the United States needs to understand that their heritage is somewhat diverse. Visit San Antonio and look at the lists of where people originate from at the Alamo. I know that history is convoluted what isn’t. In my older years I’ve taken up the study of a fairly near history, Georgian to the present day is now my focus. We were absolutely surprised at the variety of heritages these amazing people came from. Us Brits are a soup of ethnicity but from so far back we need specialist DNA to spotlight the different areas in most cases. For myself it’s French because my fathers, fathers, father …. Originated from the Channel Islands but was that Viking French or Mediterranean French? So think we all meet together on boat cruising through Europe and don’t know if our forefathers/mothers fought each other, emigrated together or what. We’re all there to in the first instance enjoy ourselves when maybe a few millennia ago we would have been at each other’s throats or ‘cruising’ across the pond to found a new country.
  23. Okay back to the nitty gritty, our cruise a few years ago from Amsterdam to Basel in April was even cold for the locals, some of the inner city canals were still frozen. Luckily we had been keeping an eye on the weather and here I will give nod to Accuweather I’ve used it a lot. So we packed for layers if you can find silk undergarments, no they don’t have to be fru fru, especially socks then you’ll have toasty toes. By the time we reached Basel we were in short sleeves during the day so you really don’t want heavy jumpers but maybe a cardigan or throw for the evening. Have great cruise, enjoy.
  24. My DH has his own E bike and found no challenges with those provided by Scenic he was the only previous user in the group which in the first instance was small they gained members as the cruise continued. They eventually became quite a clique several never having used an e-bike before. On this cruise there were always two guides in this case husband & wife.
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