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Canal archive

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Everything posted by Canal archive

  1. Haven’t read it all yet jazz but question why use Uber instead of local cabs? Salamanca to myself as a European is a must, not isolated because look at Spain it’s absolutely splendid cities are wide spread it takes time and effort (especially) on a scooter to see them all and then you add Portugal, my teenage youth was very European at every chance we took off and visited just about every historic site available, I’m just sorry we missed out Scandinavia. (okay we were still enthralled by the Spanish civil war)
  2. Jazz on our various forays across the pond with our girls we met several groups of snowbirds and all without exception took the time to talk with and answer questions from the girls. They are in their late 40s early 50s now and we’re remembering earlier this week and someone suggested we return to Bass Lake en-family again this year, you never know!
  3. No snow here yet but lots and lots of water, we’ve had some really nasty accidents with cars going off the road and the occupants not getting out, so sad. Just returned from a family few days in Market Harborough which involved lots of drying of two very wet dogs pity we can’t shake ourselves dry.
  4. Thanks Kristelle now I know, must try to find one to watch on tv. We’ve just had an excellent programme about North Western, I think Australia with Bill Bailey so interesting. Good luck and best wishes to all caught up in the floods. Happy New Year as much as possible.
  5. My DH has been searching through his old German colleagues contacts to see if any of them would be useful, re the flooding but most of them were in the Leverkusen area and they’ve all retired now, still he’s happy having connected again with friends, it’s amazing what a little push will do. So it’s big thank you from me for making my DH happy this Christmas.
  6. Soccer or American? Ice or Grass? Although our thoughts will be with the family of the young player who died recently in a freak accident during an Ice Hockey game here. Boxing Day has always been a big sports day both here and in the USA I don’t know if it’s the same across Europe or in Australia, maybe Aussie rules, I’ll have to sit down with an Australian and learn the basics of that.
  7. Tounge in cheek - is he going for the most boat swaps ever attempted ? I hope so how brilliant is that!
  8. Plus from us across the Pond, Channel and Ocean Merry Christmas to all in every conceivable language.
  9. Tech is great we’re tracking Santa through NORAD super good fun with a glass of wine for Christmas Eve.
  10. Our smoking policeman from the Christmas shop in Regensburg is working well, I did try to include his smoke. When the pellets run out we will just have to return to replace them, of dear. Our Smoking Policeman from Regensburg is working well
  11. Thank you so much Notamermaid is their an English translation?
  12. Hence one of the outstanding marketing expressions ever but please don’t laugh at my spelling ‘ voer sprung duerk technique’
  13. Guess why my young ladies were so good at learning to map read. Also thought you would like to know that there are many ‘Bird in the Hand’ in the U.K. most being pubs.
  14. Over coffee and Lebkuchen today my DH reminiscing just happened to mention that in Germany making deals that included coffee also included a decent measure of Schnapps!
  15. Hi jsn55 easier to remember than you’d think use only one H, so South(ampton) it’s the local dialect pronunciation sometimes but not always with a local accent which these days is not particularly strong.
  16. We live here in the west of the U.K. and travelling through both Canada & USA especially when we first crossed the great divide and using the map supplied by the car hire companies was the most amazing and history learning experience.
  17. Darn predictive not vice but viva. I taught my Girl Guides map reading by comparing place names and finding strange and or weird place names.
  18. Okay this side of the ‘POND’ your side of the ‘POND’ I’m glad to see it works en-country and all pronounciations are ‘ vice La difference fantastic it works around the world.
  19. Rebel54 please I have nothing but full respect for you adopting a new faith but please - unclean food - we all, hopefully understand the Jewish faith in this respect but I for one do NOT eat unclean food, you may consider it such but I certainly do not. All I’m sorry for my rant but please respect all.
  20. Come come Jazz that would deprive us of all the delicious European goodies and them of ours. Live and let live. We’ve been twice to Europe since the split and we have three sets of friends who have taken the plunge as it were and have now purchased second homes in different European countries. Strange to say all three have reported back that it was more straightforward than when we were all entwined, how peculiar! Is it a case of can’t live with them but can’t live without them?
  21. Ah Whitby & Scarborough both famous for their excellent seafood.
  22. Got it - sales = ‘the truth well told’. Marketing which I think most probably suites this case - the illusion over substance.
  23. Off to celebrate my little (both shorter and younger) sister’s 50TH wedding anniversary today. She lives just outside and between two of the biggest sea cruise ports in the U.K. Southampton and Portsmouth. I know there’s a Portsmouth in the USA is there a Southampton? I’m a Portsmouth aka Pompey football supporter and my DH is a Southampton aka Saints supporter and yes okay we’re still married after over 50 years! (Rivals, just a bit).
  24. It’s been rattling around the U.K. for a bit, not nice at all, chin up and soldier on.
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