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Canal archive

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Everything posted by Canal archive

  1. Having been really able and mobile all of my life so far I’ve been absolutely knocked back realising that by the my recent onset of heart issues my limbs are still capable but my body isn’t, hope you can understand that. I’m going to have to be very choosy as to the type of cruise I choose to do if I do in the future. I refuse to carry on if I’m going to interfere with other passengers as they will be paying out as much as myself, hard earned cash upset by someone else being in my opinion somewhat selfish. On one of our cruises we had a guy with a mobility scooter, small one he tried everything but went out of his way to not be in anyone else’s way. It is possible but please don’t be precious about it, I know life’s not fair but there are limits. Oh and not all of Europe is cobbled only some parts try the back route it’s most probably a clear open highway!
  2. Surfers enjoy a five-star Severn Bore https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-gloucestershire-68543486 This happens yearly on the river Severn and evidently it also happens in Bordeaux has anyone ever seen it? Bit of a surprise passing a river boat!
  3. Salamanca is not exactly on the Douro but navigable rivers are few and far between on the Iberian peninsula. Think about sailing through southern Portugal or central and southern Spain, in our dreams.
  4. Similar to our experience on Scenic super way to get to know a few of your fellow travelers.
  5. I must admit I forgot that point. Everyone else moored across the Douro, taken from the top deck of Scenic Azure.
  6. Regardless of only daylight cruising on the Douro for our total 11day cruise we never once breasted up overnight with another vessel. Come to think of it never encountered an exhaust problem.
  7. Oh wow I’m surprised We loved the Douro it maybe not a cruise I would repeat I thought but they’ve added some different attractions I notice, we had an excellent tour guide, and were lucky ours traveled with us on the ship, met some of the friendliest people. Discovered Pink Port, excellent. The architecture inside and out the beautiful gardens and countryside superb. Don’t forget the Portuguese superbly outstanding tiles. Altogether maybe a little quaint but never a waste of time. Also we have the oldest alliance between two countries ever now that’s something to be proud about.
  8. I suspect they’re concerned that a complete tour group may ‘clog’ up a cafe’ or restaurant. Also I actually have seen the ‘mighty’ dollar refused in Europe and I’m sorry to say that the couple it happened to were seriously not amused poor them.
  9. Scenic does land tours as well that’s how they got started.
  10. I’d return to ‘Harry’s Camp South Africa again and again. Wonderful country, people and of course absolutely superb animals.
  11. It’s always worth asking the question don’t hold back you never know. Good luck.
  12. Nippy Sweeti I’m dying to know there’s and yours, but what a hoot I suppose it did break the ice though.
  13. Please your all not awkward, strange or picky it’s just the cards you’ve been dealt and I for one am happy I haven’t got the same hand but for the grace of whatever deity you may follow etc. Think how lucky we all are that the conditions have to live with have been realised and across most of the civilised (mentally underlined) world, recognised and been made able to be coped with. Have wonderful trips and superb food.
  14. Mrs Claypool did you ask why? But wow I bet that set you back a bit, I’d loved to have been there. Although yes I’m with you twitchy yes.
  15. Yup we’re building up quite a selection of names for the basement cabins. Of course ‘in the best possible taste’.
  16. May sound a bit cheeky but if you have the ships contact details ask them they must be aware of what is available locally. Good luck!
  17. Not to sure about other lines but with Scenic no problem you should advise them before boarding and there are facilities for you to do this, the restaurant manager will seek you out to discuss your requirements and it’s dealt with. So no reason to discuss on your table although there are many of us who would be interested in the challenges and I suspect there are many. Luckily so far I only have one and that’s with the Merlot grape so imagine my consternation when I realised the challenges this gave me on our Bordeaux cruise with the wonderful help of our lovely wine waiter we sorted it. He discovered something and I happily discovered some absolutely superb wines.
  18. Don’t wish your days away it will be here before you know it.
  19. I much prefer a gentle aroma than that overpowering smell that is used to cover smells from most body washes and I do include the ones provided on board. I take my own fragrance free.
  20. Well I do feel for you and there goes the French perfume industry but I have yet to see any signs I will look out for them.
  21. Moored up in Bordeaux and after dinner our cruise director invited us to the sun deck for an impromptu duo guitar concert, we actually had two impromptu evenings on the top deck that cruise, wonderful surprise and great evenings.
  22. Love the Australians there always wonderful at putting anyone in their right place love them for their absolute ability to do so. There is absolutely no reason to not talk about previous cruises nearly everyone has a story and those who are cruising for the first time will be enchanted. In an eight table group especially an over the top person could soon be put down or in their place. Don’t worry you’ve got plenty of opportunities to talk to many others on board. Enjoy.
  23. I love this photo and count it as one of my favourites, so worth the early rise. I think it shows just why he painted it so many times, I just wish I had one iota of his talent.
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