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Canal archive

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  1. Nice surprise today - sat trying to decipher a 1700s letter when I got a 2023 email with all the paperwork for our Scenic cruise, we’ve never received them so early before ohh getting excited now.
  2. Snowbirds eh Jazz we met quite a few due to the time of year we went to the USA on business. Which got me thinking Viking may be onto a bit of a ploy here such as aiming for the people who cannot get away due to family, business or health reasons during the summer not necessarily huge numbers but just enough to make it viable.
  3. Fingers and all crossed for when you do. Good luck vibes winging there way to you.
  4. moonriver54 you find something you like, really enjoy, find absolutely amazing and stick with it, enthusiasm for a throughly enjoyed experience is never ever misplaced. Enjoy your - now don’t take this wrong - your fall on (in) the Rhine.
  5. Moored up at Cocham on the Moselle one year virtually ever cruiser went off to explore only one guy (passenger) left on board, when we returned he told us that the crew had carried out one of the slickest pieces of removal and replacement he had ever seen. Every bed including mattress on board had been replaced with a new one. Unless he had been there we would never had known. It turned out that the boat had been completely refitted over the winter and the beds had not been available, so Cocham was delivery day. Beautiful river and towns.
  6. dcl999 therefore just a tad difficult to hang out on the balcony! I would say - on Scenic - ask your butler for more hangers. I will just say in reply to Pontac and his innuendo’s about my support of Scenic he is absolutely correct I really do support them, I have never cruised with another company and have never implied that I have but I luckily do have several friends who have and actually would not change to another line at the moment. It’s basically horses for courses if you preference Scandinavian then you know which line to travel with I for whatever reason prefer Australian when and if I find another line with inclusions I want to try I may change lines but I’m pretty sure it will be with a less packed passenger list. gnome12 have tried your instructions on quotes and it’s not working.
  7. I should find out what times tickets are available for the Anne Franke House it can get extremely busy then decide on your other adventures, if the house is your most important consideration. Good luck.
  8. A roses rarest essence lives in its thorns. French saying about roses and their thorns. Enjoy your cruise. b Rosen 1
  9. With regard to the barge hitching a ride there is an expression in England on the canals which would easily translate to to Europe ‘ Towpath telegraph’ or ‘Towpath talk’ in other words if something’s is required or someone needs a hand spread the word, 9 times out of 10 it gets done. The camaraderie of the waterways.
  10. You nearly caught me out there but I remembered the last time I did my wonderful pickup before getting my mini on steroids the scale was in both but I understand psi better. There was just along from The White Company a coffee shop we nearly missed our train listening to the players, one was a lady member of the Royal Symphony Orchestra who played with a very elderly gentleman I’m not sure who had the most style or charisma, it’s the kids who are the cutest.
  11. Yes we are nearly completely metric but we still have miles not kilometres. wonderful cruise you’ll enjoy every minute.
  12. We had it imposed on us, I now work in both, imperial from choice but talk about measure thrice and cut once I still don’t trust metric measurements. It comes just a little hard to a knitter, crocheter, sewer and quilter. I was told off for providing the dimensions and water quantities of a particular lock in imperial measurements my reply ‘that’s how it was built’ over 200 years ago. Some have no respect for history.
  13. Island2Dweller thanks for the heads up yes it’s gates close 30 minutes before departure and the advice is arrive at least 90 minutes before departure sorry wrote it incorrectly before. We were never in the Schengen Agreement so that’s not a challenge I’m not surprised if the divorce is or was. Although it was no problem last year when we took the car over on LeShuttle.
  14. A friend of my eldest daughters father was a professor of ancient French now that’s way off kilter. I think it’s really fascinating working out the routes of words.
  15. The Flying Scotsman on its Cathedral tour passing Claverton pumping station near Bath. The canals and rivers of the world made the building of the railways so much quicker and easier but caused the demise of many canal systems.
  16. Daisi we've done most of the well known trains around the world wonderful experiences but I do recommend the Howe Sound by steam train and of course the Rocky Mountaineer.
  17. Don’t forget to check if anyone is playing the piano they often get some seriously superb players at St Pancras.
  18. No problem just ask your concierge for a cab, so a short trip in an iconic London black cab who will drop you off at St Pancras it depends on your ticket as to how soon before the off you get there, standard and standard premier you have to check in at least half an hour before departure, premier only ten minutes would you believe. I’d leave longer whichever ticket so you get the ambiance listen to the piano players and watch the world go by. Have a great cruise, which one are you doing?
  19. Yes I’ve seen those little brown envelopes changing hands.
  20. ‘’ okay’’ high German? Sorry teasing my history expertise is more recent so don’t get me set off at a tangent I’m more used to why a canal was constructed, when and did it survive or did it succumb to the railways. Little known fact the majority of long distance railways owe their existence to canals and rivers.
  21. Ahhh so you two sleuths well done, I gave up at 12.30 last night, crossed eyes don’t work that well in that kind of research. This will be interesting to watch.
  22. Eurostar from London to Paris less than three hours from arrival at St Pancras to arrival at Gar du Nor, comfortable no fuss. Once Eurostar completely gets back on line after ‘C’ then it would be just possible to leave London, Eurostar to Marsalis for an excellent French lunch then Eurostar back to London all in one day. Not good for the climate maybe but what fun. We were told that the TVR has enabled people to move out of Paris and live as far away as Lyon to commute.
  23. Oh dear can a ship get embarrassed? Notamermaid question where do Saxons come from? We’re closer than we thought.
  24. Wonderful that ceiling is something else.
  25. It will be interesting to see if this idea spreads across Europe and beyond but how will the rail and road systems cope. I can see the benefit of short haul flights across major continents and I suspect the emissions saving will work eventually but it will take some considerable time.
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