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Canal archive

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Everything posted by Canal archive

  1. She’s off Varmouth now, that’s USA not U.K. travelling at about 8 knots.
  2. Cruisemaven.com has details of the boats Vantage own and use but don’t own. If anyone’s interested.
  3. Have you been offered any perks such as luggage? Very recently in the U.K. it was announced no more luggage or other such perks to be replaced with €50 onc. I will try to find the exact wording. This could be used for extra laundry or spa treatments. Everything else is included, you want to wonder off on your own you can even ask for a picnic for instance. On our small print details paperwork, Loyalty Onboard Credit Inclusion. Continuing our sustainability journey, guests will now automatically receive 50€ per person on board currency credit in lieu of luggage. It may be different in other parts of the world. Kristelle which deck are you on?
  4. Sorry to say that Vantage websites are down in the U.K. well at least on my systems. Fingers crossed for you all.
  5. Well I have a complaint Travelmarvel APT are yes less expensive than Scenic but and this is huge they have the temerity to charge more for ladies wash and press than men’s what a cheek. Only travelling from the U.K. this is really no problem to us but I can see how it comes into the calculations for our overseas friends although Scenic now has €50 obc does mitigate this a little.
  6. Ahhhhhh the old - did you say something? - What was that? - trick now where have I heard that before hmmmmmmmm.
  7. Yeah we can do a comparison. Seems a bit strange with prices rising all over the place, I will check but these prices do seem less than a few years ago. So €50 on board credit will go quite a long way especially on a short cruise.
  8. Ural guy brave man Three daughters, my husband has a t-shirt and on it is written - You can’t scare me I have two daughters - this has caused more comments than any other shirt with logos and he’s got lots, especially from the Aussies. No surprise it was a gift from you’ve guessed it his daughters, dads and their daughters what can you say! Were you there when the wall came down my John was as he says amazing times.
  9. Ta all so interesting reading your flight machinations I’m just so glad I’ve never had those challenges flying to North America.
  10. Scenic nearly got caught out on one of our cruises so many wanted to do a particular bike tour they ran out of bikes solved it by hiring every bike in quite a wide area, now I don’t bike (had enough in my youth on the race track) so watching the off was some of the best fun I’ve had for years. It really is a popular activity. I must admit to liking watching early morning Tia Chi, note to self must have a go.
  11. Franski we should set up a competition is my kg heavier than yours! I’m sure those lovely crew members don’t weigh the bags but they can certainly sharpen up a shirt or two.
  12. Found it but the wording is really different - There are no specific pieces of clothing we insist you pack - blah blah advice on shoes blah blah then the last sentence- Dinner attire is smart casual open-neck shirt, trousers, dresses; you may wear a jacket or blazer with a tie but it’s not required. Now I know we speak the same language but divided by a ******** great big ocean but that difference is ridiculous. oh and the lady in the dress said she shoved it in her suitcase at the last minute as she had room and wore it at a few events as it saved her more casual gear and when she wore it, it was only for a short time. As I don’t wear dresses it seemed a good enough reason to me.
  13. The first time we went California the film Crocodile Dundee had just been released and quite a few people thought my DH was Australian, now he didn’t have a particular accent then but now has a slight Wiltshire one which could at a push seem to have a slight Aussie twang. Still it was a conversation starter. We’ve met everyone from travel company executives to cherry growers and water buffalo farmers all Australian all super fun especially on a bus remembering past English comedy programmes and comedians, crying with laughter is true.
  14. So you did and if I’d been able at the time to read the full article I would have realised. Still I wonder if it’s the same hackers who put a spanner in Scenics IT a few months ago. Which did seem to be worse in North America than in the U.K.
  15. Well from what I can see it’s not in the U.K. small print. If you look there are some beautiful dresses available these days I just wish I was the right shape to wear them, although skirts, trousers, or culottes are more useful with mix and match tops and you haven’t seen my black designer jeans.
  16. Not a very good picture but ready for the gala evening. Note gentlemen jackets one with and one without tie ladies I think just right but sadly not much bling. Hope this helps 2017.
  17. Do you know I’ve never seen that Scenic ‘require’ anything one year an Australian guy insisted on wearing his shorts to dinner he was asked once if he would please wear trousers and refused - so for the rest of his cruise at dinner he sat alone even his wife wouldn’t join him. I’ve been on many Scenic cruises and would you believe I’ve actually been looking for a long skirt for this year but have decided on a pair of culottes, or wide trousers. I’m not a skirt wearer. In the evening I wear smart trousers usually, no jeans but I do have a black pair of designer jeans which I could easily get away with. Dressy tops yes, who doesn’t want to look as good as possible, a little bit of bling works wonders and a showy wrap, I find the restaurant air con a bit on the chilly side, I usually forget it and have to retrieve it in the morning if our butler hasn’t beaten me to it. Please the Scenic crew are really friendly and helpful if you’re unsure about anything just ask. We’ve walked on board a new cruise to be greeted by ‘hello Mr John’ etc when a member of the crew remembers us from a previous cruise. Our next cruise will be interesting.
  18. It’s something to do with the sugar supplements in Diet as opposed to Zero.
  19. Just go for it she has nothing to loose at least then she will find out if the offer is worth it or not. That’s what the agents are there for if no one asks then why be in the business.
  20. Notamermaid if you ever get the chance cruise with Scenic, every cruise we’ve been on Australians have been well in the majority. Super company wonderful sense of humour BH usually came up in conversation funny, funny man in all of his guises. A sad loss to comedy.
  21. paul21 I forgot the new on board credit well done for remembering. Kristelle yes pressing = ironing and no not in your cabin apart from anything else no room especially for the ironing board. My crib sheet for how I mix and match my garments especially for the longer cruises is I think a work of art as my DH cannot understand it.
  22. The one thing that weighs a lot but may not have that much on board is believe it or not ‘water’ and it’s one thing they do get rid of to help over a short distance.
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