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Canal archive

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Everything posted by Canal archive

  1. 1 of 4 on the U.K. site it looks like it’s all cabins above Deluxe Balcony are booked, so not the whole boat but all of the very biggest cabins.
  2. It looks like the bridge from the inner dock just off the river, the bridge for this when engaged first completely lifts by a few feet then swivels across thus opening to the dock. It’s nothing to do with the Jacques Chabin-Delmas vertical lift bridge or the Napoleon Bridge I suppose because it’s not significant enough the other two do slightly overpower it.
  3. Just don a silly hat put a clay pipe in your mouth - be you man or woman and then ladies pick up your knitting needles you’ll blend into the scenery. Seriously just be careful from experience the French police may seem scary but they know what they’re doing. We were in a restaurant near the Odeon when all hell broke loose some years ago and the police were great, anything to protect their precious holiday visitors. As long as it’s clear by July I’m happy 😆
  4. Who’s a clever boy then. It certainly is some bridge. Especially when it’s opposite this one. With an Airbus wing being taken under it. The wing was built about 30 miles from where I live.
  5. Don’t know but my version is during the day it certainly looks spectacular at night.
  6. Phew I can walk and write correctly again, no joking apart enjoy your upgrade.
  7. Yup I’ve put a picture it’s younger sibling on the water cooler thread. There’s a bit of a bridge thing going on there. When you were in Bordeaux did their bridge open?
  8. Superb structure with an excellent museum.
  9. John Rennie built brick bridges across the canal for horse drawn vehicles they’re still in use today by some of the heaviest lorries on the road today. I watched a programme recently about the restoration of one of our earliest Steel framed Mill buildings all of four storeys tall, evidently its strength went towards proving the possibility for the building of sky scrapers.
  10. There you go no problem also better the old boy you know rather than training up a new one.
  11. Linen shirt - hope there’s an ironing service.
  12. We’ve all been there Kristal ask your cabin attendant, cos I don’t think you have butler’s on AMA mind you the cabin guys and girls on any river cruise line are most probably very clued up.
  13. Evidently all tied up with tensile strength also so my civil engineer friend tells me a lot depends on where the steel was manufactured. I also suspect weight load, fixings and the ingenuity of those engineers that got it right.
  14. Hope he doesn’t forget his trews 🤣 I’m glad someone else likes a little bling.
  15. This is ours which when I first saw it looked just a bit scary. Middlesbrough Transporter Bridge reopens http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tees-31787804
  16. Whoops done it again change Victoria - different continent for Niagara Falls.
  17. CPT oh wow some of these bridge builders are really something.
  18. Looks soooooooo good. Should have made time but with only two full days and Moreno and up the tower etc., although I did enjoy a drink watching the world go by in St Marks Square, knowing your getting fleeced but to hell with it! Then following the guy with our luggage on a hand cart from our hotel to the train station for the Orient Express. Trains the special ones are usually one or maybe two nights for our Rocky Mountaineer we started on the Eastern Coast - Victoria Falls then flew to the West Coat all in all managed to see quite a bit of Canada.
  19. There’s no doubt us Mini aficionados must stick together, so although no individual gondola ride I did get the Orient Express, the Blue Train the Rocky Mountaineer and various other stream and diesel trains around the world. So it’s now onwards to complete the wonderful rivers of Europe. P.S. He did try to pay with a rather large denomination bank note which the gondolier refused so the passage was free. Then I got my gondola ride when the Venetian opened in Vagas.
  20. Some years ago we went to Venice, beautiful city, my DH said he’d take me on a Gondola, yes he did - the ferry across the Grand Canal not the same but nearly there. I’m sure you’ll get your river cruise one way or another.
  21. But of course no argument although one is so surprised you’re old enough for long trousers so no long socks. Sorry can’t find an emoji for tongue in cheek. I really do appreciate a man who dresses for the occasion and a lady. Either is to be applauded if their other half is lacking in that department. Personally I love putting on the ritz for a special event.
  22. Easier access for no longer needed apparel and or bits and pieces and saves time on the inevitable end of cruise packing.
  23. Notamermaid I agree, reading of the fine print is certainly required in these circumstances and reading between the lines from other threads it’s different folkes for for different strokes i.e. it could be different from country to country. I just hope all have an equitable outcome.
  24. Sounds great you may have to join chocoholics anonymous now.
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