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Everything posted by Ourusualbeach

  1. Made it. All checked in. Nice corner room, canal view, 3rd floor. Had a shower and a nap and now heading out for dinner before our 8pm covid test.
  2. This We have nearly always eaten at WJ on boarding day and it has never been crowded. We have always been among the first to board and after a quick stop at a specialty restaurant to make dining reservations we head to the WJ for lunch.
  3. Just notified of another 30 minute delay. Decided to brave the line at Timmy's...need some caffeine after a couple beers and a subpar burger. New departure time 10:25.
  4. We are stuck with tje rest of yjr commoners and Vikki has been sending in line for burgers for half sn hour. Apparently the Wahlburgers is gate f and we are gate e and can't get there.
  5. In the grand scheme of things it is a small cost to keep guests loyal especially in todays world where loyalty is becoming rare.
  6. Right now being unvaccinated is a big unknown. That tips the odds significantly. Besides if you find a decent TA you could get access to group space that will be refundable and less than Royals Non refundable price
  7. Don't necessarily expect things to change exactly on the 8th. Royal has never been good at following dates they set, especially since they said more changes are coming the 14th.
  8. It never cost you a thing if you were planning on talking all of the other cruises regardless of whether Royal offered a free cruise or not.
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