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MITSUGIRLYS DAWN TO BERMUDA NOVEL (or review as some may call it)


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A little late to the party here just starting but looking forward to following along. Our first ever cruise was aboard the Dawn in 2014 so even though she's older, smaller and some say she's a little rough around the edges, she holds a special place in our hearts and was a beautiful ship to us!!


Better late than never. :D Glad to have you here.


I'm loving your recap as well! I have enjoyed all of them, but this one I was particularly looking forward to as it's the one cruise that I've been on. I can't wait to see your Bermuda photos as well.


I wouldn't normally do this, but I have noticed a lot of talk about cameras from the other commenters (as well as you...and boy, I am so empathetic regarding your charger situation, and I hope the photo people continue to be helpful!) If you recall from my review, my Olympus Tough (TG-850) stopped functioning correctly in Bermuda. After we used it once underwater, it stopped allowing us to adjust the functions and review the photos. All we could do is take photos, and I am grateful for those, but it was frustrating. Olympus knew that there was a problem, and after our cruise, I had it repaired by them under the warranty.


Since getting the repaired camera back, I had used the camera a few times but never underwater, and it seemed OK up until now. My husband had it tucked in his bathing suit pocket while he went down a water slide at a water park this past Saturday. A few minutes later, I go to use it and it starts not working again...this time, I can't take pictures. I can only look at the last one I took. :mad: A few minutes later, the camera won't even turn on. I didn't think it was the battery, as I had just charged it in the morning. When we got home, I tried charging the battery again but nothing happened.


I know that it's probably just a bad run of serial numbers, but I figured I'd mention it here so people can be aware since so much talk a few pages back was about your camera. There are more than a few reviewers on Amazon who have mentioned this issue, though. Your 830 is probably unavailable as new at this point, so they might think that the 850 is a good replacement. I would be REALLY hesitant to purchase an 850, or probably any other Olympus camera going forward. The camera I have probably has taken only about 1000 photos on it, so it's still essentially "new". (The EXIF data does not have shutter counts embedded into it, so I can't check, but I know I've used it a minimal number of times.) I think there is an 860 available. I would be particularly cautious with refurbished or new 850s. I have been happy with the photos I've taken with the 850, but I want a waterproof camera and not one that dies when it is briefly submerged in water.


(To Olympus' credit, they are allowing me to send my camera back in for them to repair again under warranty, even though the warranty is expired. Probably because they know that the serial number of my camera is in the bad run of cameras, but I'm not sure it's really ever going to be a fix.)


Looking forward to the next installment. You're finally in Bermuda!! :)



I do remember you talking about the issues with the camera and how it wasn't letting you review them (but thank goodness you were still able to get the pictures...just not knowing what it was you got). I knew that you had returned it to be fixed but didn't know the follow up after that and it not working again. :(


So if I'm reading correctly, you have the 850 right? Are you saying that it's a problem with the 850 and newer cameras? That really sucks if so. How can they have such an awesome camera in the prior years and it go downhill after that?


I personally have purchased used cameras on places on the web before and had great luck with them. One of my Canon D10's was purchased like that and it lasted longer than my new one. Of course when you purchase them used, you pay a reduced cost. So to me, it's still worth it to get a few years of use out of it (fingers crossed).


I will definitely keep this in mind in the future when purchasing another model. Is there a place that list the model numbers or serials numbers that are bad? I would think if your camera is one of those numbers instead of continuing to repair them, they would just give you a new camera. :(


I'm glad mine have held up for so long. I usually take about 4000 or so pictures during a cruise so I know I've got my moneys worth out of both my cameras. I also use them while at home for just about everything we do. But I'm also glad I have 2 cameras so that I will always have a back up if something goes wrong with the other. I just can't risk that. :p

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Hey Kim

Go to the link below for better pictures of the NYC skyline, it shows both sides this time lol. Its a slide show I put together after our first cruise in 2011. The skyline has changed a little but you get the idea of what you can see cruising down the river




Thanks for the video. I have cruised down the channels and rivers on many cruises before and I love to cruise under bridges. But I have to admit, just seeing the skyline go by doesn't get the excitement hormones in me going. I get that feeling of "yea, it's a building" and they all start to look the same before long. LOL I'm an impatient person and not one to just sit around watching the skyline and what's along the way for very long. I would like to see the ship passing by the Statue of Liberty, but honestly that's probably the only thing. I have to say from your video, the statue looked a lot smaller than what I had envisioned in my head. :confused:


Mitsugirly, I'm dying to hear how your jetski/boat rental went. DH wants to rent a boat when we're there. (I should really get on that, I think we're going to be out of luck)


Also, just an idea, when we travel with the school I keep a blog on Shutterfly for the parents. It's free and it allows me to upload my pictures to the site and share them. You can configure the blog however you want. I do an entry each day to tell them about the trip and what we're doing and they get to see their kids. I love Shutterfly because they don't charge me an arm and leg for the web services.


Definitely do the jet ski and boat rental. It's so worth it. But, the next time I'm there, I'll make sure to do it on the first day instead of the last and stay out longer. ;)


I have tried a blog once before several years ago and it didn't turn out too well for some reason. I don't even remember which I used (it might have been google or something) but it was free. I started it as a "Sakari's Life" blog. I would upload things that happened along her life growing up and wanted it to always be out there for her to look back on and enjoy if I'm no longer around in her life. You see, I'm was the same age as my mom was when she had me (42) and my mother died a few days before my 18th birthday. She was actually buried on my 18th birthday. She never got to see me graduate school, get married, have kids and so on. It's one of my biggest fears is that something like this will happen to Sakari and I wanted this blog to be out there that I dedicated to her. I stopped working on it for a year or so when I started nursing school....AND IT DISAPPEARED!!! All that hard work down the drain. I gave up and was very frustrated. That just told me that if you stop working on it, it will vanish and that will do Sakari no good. Obviously getting one that's a "paid" site wouldn't matter either because once I'm gone, I won't be around to pay for it. LOL


I did start working on a webpage last year that I could post all my reviews on it and I was going to post the links in my signature line on here for others to be able to read the entire report without having to see everyone's comments. But, it was VERY time consuming and I haven't worked on it for awhile now. Ugh, so many things to do and not enough time. :p

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Loving the ship review. I would've done the same thing and looked for a new camera for the charger. I once left a charger in a room at Disney World when changing hotels and they couldn't find it...well they did a day later, but I needed a charger NOW, so I spent like $80 on a the only charger I could find in the area. I hated spending that money....but I need my batteries charged!!!


Now I have a question about buying cigarettes. They hold the cartons till you get off the ship correct? Can you buy single packs to smoke while on board? My husband NEVER brings cigarettes on vacation and buys them by the pack and many times he is stuck paying high prices or not getting his brand. It doesn't matter how many times I tell him to bring them along, he just assumes everywhere has them.




I have a fuji too and I get GREEN water. I have tried editing them in photoshop but I can't get them right..if I take out the green the fish have no color as well. I am looking at this olympus now too. I don't have snorkeling this year, but most likely early next year!


No cigarettes are not like buying the booze. They do NOT hold them at all. You can buy them and take them with you. :) So no worries. Having your brand, well that's the only worry...unless he can switch back and forth with no problems.


When I lose something like my battery charger, I honestly don't care what it cost to get another as long as I can get my hands on one. I'm always reading and willing to buy another camera as well...just to have it. :p That's how important it is to me. :D


BTW, send me a pic of your green water. mitsubishigirl19 hotmail ;)




I'm skipping ahead to post this, and I'll go back to find this has already been said!

Camera charger- I'm not saying you'll ever forget yours again,:p but...if you do, try asking a senior housekeeper if there is one in lost and found. I work in a hotel. We are only two years old and we don't particularly cater to leisure travelers- almost exclusively business- and we still have a whole basket of computer and camera chargers.

Pool towels- As luck would have it, my executive housekeeper was walking by when I was reading this, and I asked her about it. She said yellow spots happen to pool towels when they are accidentally washed with bath towels in bleach.


I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THIS!!! When I left a charger behind once before and my AWESOME cc meet & greet peeps went out of their way trying to find me one (someone made an announcement at the m&g that I needed one, what type of camera and so on for people to come forward if they might have one...even though everyone that had chargers that we tried, it wouldn't work for mine...but it was worth a shot) and someone commented about going to the lost and found. It didn't do me any good that time, but I had forgotten all about that and should have at least tried that this time. Thanks for reminding me. Hopefully if this ever happens again, I'll remember. :p

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Hi all!


mitsugirly ~ so happy to have returned from my land vacation to Prague & England & to see you've started your Dawn to Bermuda review.:D


I've spent 28 days on Dawn on 2 cruises & haven't noticed a lot of the things you've posted.:o

I've also booked Sun & Sky for next year thanks in part to you.


Living in a cold spot too I had no desire to go to Alaska either but now have done it twice. It wasn't that cold in either May or late August when I went. The scenery is amazing & you'd definitely need your charger for that trip!:p


Waiting to see how you enjoyed Bermuda. I went on the Breakaway inaugural there after reading Radio's reviews of Bermuda, a place I was never that interested in seeing but did enjoy it a lot..


Carry on with your amazing as always report.


~ Jo ~ :)


See, a lot of people will say that they have never seen the things I did. So I'm not sure if it's just gotten worse or like I said before...it's my trained photography eye that catches things. Honestly, if you've ever been in to photography the way I am and have taken a photography class, learned the essentials like composing a picture, rule of thirds and so on, you have a whole new appreciation for the world around us and it's the little things that catch your eye. I'm always looking for that unusual composition when taking a picture and trying to make it not look like "just another snap-shot" of a picture. That's when I notice a lot of things.


I even returned home and that very same day I posted that the ship was old and tired compared to the rest of the fleet and then comments started rolling in either agreeing with me or other comments such as "On the Dawn right now... The ship is in great shape." :rolleyes: It's all in the eye of the beholder I tell ya.


I'm definitely going to make it to Alaska. It sounds like a do-not miss place. :D I will be taking my full equipment on that trip for sure.

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Ok, I'm off for a few hours to go make some "cruise money" :D When I return, I'll work on getting my pictures together for my Day 1 Bermuda review. It is probably going to take a little more time than the rest of this since that's when I have a tendency to take the most pictures.

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Ok, I'm off for a few hours to go make some "cruise money" :D When I return, I'll work on getting my pictures together for my Day 1 Bermuda review. It is probably going to take a little more time than the rest of this since that's when I have a tendency to take the most pictures.

I just started looking into renting a motor boat for 4 hours for our trip to Bermuda next May, can't wait to hear where the best snorkeling was, thanks for the great review:)

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I do remember you talking about the issues with the camera and how it wasn't letting you review them (but thank goodness you were still able to get the pictures...just not knowing what it was you got). I knew that you had returned it to be fixed but didn't know the follow up after that and it not working again. :(


No worries...I haven't used it all that much since it was repaired in September, since I normally use my DSLR. I'd used it once or twice this past spring, mainly when I went camping with my family, since I didn't want to drag the DSLR. This past weekend was the first water outing with it, and it just didn't hold up.


So if I'm reading correctly, you have the 850 right? Are you saying that it's a problem with the 850 and newer cameras? That really sucks if so. How can they have such an awesome camera in the prior years and it go downhill after that?


I do have a TG-850, but I don't think it's all Olympus cameras or even all TG-850s. On the Olympus website, when you go searching for information, they list out the serial numbers for all three colors which might be problematic. So, it's a subset of just the TG-850s, I think.



I personally have purchased used cameras on places on the web before and had great luck with them. One of my Canon D10's was purchased like that and it lasted longer than my new one. Of course when you purchase them used, you pay a reduced cost. So to me, it's still worth it to get a few years of use out of it (fingers crossed).


I only mention the refurbished cameras because if people are trying to get rid of the TG-850s, they might be getting rid of ones that had the issue my camera did/does. Knowing that, I might be really cautious before purchasing this particular model, since a subset of them had a known issue which didn't seem easily fixable.


I will definitely keep this in mind in the future when purchasing another model. Is there a place that list the model numbers or serials numbers that are bad? I would think if your camera is one of those numbers instead of continuing to repair them, they would just give you a new camera. :(


I hope this link works--



I would think that as well, about just giving me a new camera. They did allow me to send it back to them again, but who knows if that will really fix the issue.


I'm glad mine have held up for so long. I usually take about 4000 or so pictures during a cruise so I know I've got my moneys worth out of both my cameras. I also use them while at home for just about everything we do. But I'm also glad I have 2 cameras so that I will always have a back up if something goes wrong with the other. I just can't risk that. :p


I was so grateful I brought my DSLR with me on the cruise. I didn't wind up with a lot of photos of my son's birthday party this past weekend, because I thought the issue had been fixed and I didn't lug the DSLR with me, but I did get a few before we got the camera wet and my husband took some with his phone.

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I just stopped by to thank you for all the effort you've put into this and all of your reviews!!! Your pictures and descriptions are great! Your daughter is adorable!


I know how much time it takes to put these reviews all together (and mine are only 1/100th the scale of yours) so once again, THANK YOU!!!:)

Edited by YankeeFan4Ever
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I just started looking into renting a motor boat for 4 hours for our trip to Bermuda next May, can't wait to hear where the best snorkeling was, thanks for the great review:)


Coming up soon...on day 3 to bermuda :D


absolutely L.O.V.E. the way this is unfolding!!!



Thanks so much. I appreciate the comments.

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Just curious. If you were going to buy the soda package why go through the trouble of bringing the four cases on with you?:confused:


Well, the only obvious conclusion is...I drink a lot of soda...just saying. ;) Yes, I know it's bad for me. Yes I do it anyhow. I was raised on it. It's what my parents did. I woke up to pop, I went to bed on pop. I still do. I'm addicted and yes it's a habit. If I don't have it, I'll get a migraine to the point where I have to go to bed to get rid of it. :)


Another reason is that even when you bring pop with you, it's not always convenient to run back to the room to grab a can. If I'm sitting in the casino on a slot machine, the last thing I'm doing is heading up 6 floors and down the hall to the opposite end of the ship just to get a can of pop. To pay for the package is a matter of convenience to us. :)


No worries...I haven't used it all that much since it was repaired in September, since I normally use my DSLR. I'd used it once or twice this past spring, mainly when I went camping with my family, since I didn't want to drag the DSLR. This past weekend was the first water outing with it, and it just didn't hold up.


I do have a TG-850, but I don't think it's all Olympus cameras or even all TG-850s. On the Olympus website, when you go searching for information, they list out the serial numbers for all three colors which might be problematic. So, it's a subset of just the TG-850s, I think.


I only mention the refurbished cameras because if people are trying to get rid of the TG-850s, they might be getting rid of ones that had the issue my camera did/does. Knowing that, I might be really cautious before purchasing this particular model, since a subset of them had a known issue which didn't seem easily fixable.


I hope this link works--



I would think that as well, about just giving me a new camera. They did allow me to send it back to them again, but who knows if that will really fix the issue.


I was so grateful I brought my DSLR with me on the cruise. I didn't wind up with a lot of photos of my son's birthday party this past weekend, because I thought the issue had been fixed and I didn't lug the DSLR with me, but I did get a few before we got the camera wet and my husband took some with his phone.


I will check into it and hopefully my cameras are not one of the problematic cameras now or in the future. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed. I would cry if something happened to them both and I'm on a cruise. :o

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I just stopped by to thank you for all the effort you've put into this and all of your reviews!!! Your pictures and descriptions are great! Your daughter is adorable!


I know how much time it takes to put these reviews all together (and mine are only 1/100th the scale of yours) so once again, THANK YOU!!!:)


Aww, thank you so much. That means a lot to me. I'll make sure I tell Kendra you said she was adorable. LOL (j/k)


I love all reviews big or small. Some people don't care for the long drawn out reviews and yours will suit them just fine. So please don't ever think you don't contribute because that's not the case. All reviews are work...some just take a little longer that's all. ;) :)

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I loved the photo of Sakari after she lost her tooth. That was so adorable! You know, I think the way I learned to use a snorkel (when I was a kid) was on land first. I believe I used the mask first for a while and then practiced breathing through the snorkel without the mask first and once I got the hang of it, I added the mask. I remember the surprise I got when I realized I couldn't breathe through my nose at the same time with the mask on and having to figure out how to remember to breathe only through my mouth. I'm glad Sakari is experimenting with your snorkel now because she'll get the hang of it in no time and be full on snorkeling very shortly! Very excited for her! She's growing up so fast!


I'm really excited about your photos and experiences in Bermuda! I have not been there yet, so I hope to learn a lot from you!

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Ok, I am going to switch things up a little. (Stop all the moaning, I know you all are waiting to hear about our first day in Bermuda and I promise to get to it soon).


But I feel that this is the perfect time to go over this...my planning strategies. I have people constantly ask me on these boards (and even at home) how I do my planning and what all it takes.


I am VERY OCD when it comes to planning and vacations. Always have been, always will be. I picked this skill up when I was in my early 20's and it has carried on until now. My daughter Kendra does the same thing...just not to the extent I do because she still has me planning everything and then she follows along with the "folders". However, this will be the first time that she actually took the initiative to plan one of the days.


So I'm going to go over what I do to prepare for a cruise...and this is all AFTER I have went through a lot of stages to FIND the right cruise. LOL


I have tons of "folders" on my computer on my external hard drive...because truth be known, if it was on my computers hard drive, it would be full. LOL (j/k). I make a folder for everything I can think of. Each ship I'm researching, each port I have been to or want to go to. If I'm on the boards and I see something mentioned and I think "hey, I'd like to go there some day" then I'll make a folder and keep pictures or links in there that pertain to it.


Here's a pic of my "cruise" folder on the computer:




You can see that I keep more than just ships and ports in it. But it's all "cruise related".


Within each folder, there's more folders with information. For my Bermuda folder, I have been creating folders for several years now of places people have mentioned going to that sparked my interest and I wanted to go back to that for future reference.


(CAMZ-if you are reading this...notice that picture that's there after the last folder? That's Kev...sniff sniff. I still keep his picture in there because he started this all)





Inside each folder I will have anything that I have collected from the Internet regarding that subject...example Tobacco Bay. I will have pictures of it, if there's a restaurant there will be a copy of the menu, there will be a map of the area and so on.


Also you will see that I save websites and links, spread sheets that I have typed up with information, PDF files, maps, maps I've made, schedules and so on.




When I find interesting things here on cc or on the web, I'll make a word document and copy the information in here for future reference and to research later. As you can tell in the following, Sailbadthesinner had an excellent review with information within it and I got a lot of notes from him. This document for collected information around cc is 15 pages long. It has maps, pictures with directions and everything under the sun.




I also have folders within my email as well. With each cruise, I make a folder label the name of the cruise and have subfolders under it with the ports, plane, hotels and so on. I also keep any threads on here that pertain to that in which I might need to refer back to something OR someone that ask a question and once I take the trip, I'll be able to find the thread in order to come back and answer.





Of course these folders are not expanded in the following...because they take up a lot of space along the side of the email. LOL




Yes there's more...coming right up...

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First of all - I want to thank you sincerely for the heart and soul that you put into your reviews. My husband and I are going on the Pride in August to celebrate his 30th and, even though we booked before seeing your review on CC, you have more than sold the ship to us.


As a teacher on summer vacation, I'm slowly reading through your "novels" as some light summer reading! ;)


But I feel that this is the perfect time to go over this...my planning strategies. I have people constantly ask me on these boards (and even at home) how I do my planning and what all it takes.


I am VERY OCD when it comes to planning and vacations.


Secondly - I am Type AAAAAAAAAAA and function similarly with planning vacations. I like to know what I am doing and when - trying to make each moment count. My planning tool is Pinterest - I have even pinned a couple of pictures from your reviews.


Keep it coming with your planning strategies - this is like CRACK to me.


Thanks, again! xo

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One thing I do for each cruise is create a word spreadsheet. I will list each thing needed: cruise, hotel/taxi, air flight, and each port. Each tab at the bottom represents something (or in the case of Bermuda a day)




Once a section is completed in the spreadsheet, I even go as far as to color code the tabs. LOL


Here is just one of the tabs for our hotel this cruise. It will list anything I might need to know for that tab. For the hotel, the name, address and phone number to the hotel plus any confirmation codes...and even a description of the room if needed.


While researching, I look up pricing and try to estimate about what we will spend on each thing. Then total it up and that's the amount I intend on bringing for that particular category.




I will print each individual sheet off once it's completed. Each sheet goes into a big envelope that will contain this breakdown AND the money needed for that item. I spend months collecting dollar bills so that each item has the exact change.


If there's additional information needed, I type that up as well in word and put it in there.




After those are completed, each goes into a manilla folder that is labeled. If it's a port, I will write down what day we are there and the times.




I have a special "bag" that I carry with me on the plane and everywhere while traveling. These folders will go in this bag/purse with straps (almost the size of a flat briefcase) and never checked in on flights and so on. It will also contain our passports and such.


So that's pretty much it. Like I said, I'm a planner. I plan to the "T". I ask tons of questions and you'll find me on these boards asking (what some would think is) silly questions like "hey how much is a soda and hamburger at so-and-so place".


I have to say that this system has worked extremely well for me in the past. For the first 4 years we only did cash accounts on the ships and I was within the exact amount of my estimate by around $10 each time. I have gotten really good at this over the years...remember I have been doing it since my 20's for EVERY vacation. I no longer do the cash accounts since my NCL cc earns me points and I'm working on getting free money :D for cruising (I think I have about $700 so far) but this system is still in place because you still need $$ for everything else.


I will do a little post about how I keep things organized with my reviews and pictures as well, but I'm off to work on some more Day 1 pictures to get that part of the review going. :p

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Mitsugirly, after your post on "folders", I tried to quote just the bit you said about Kev! But it kept quoting the whole post! I just wanted to say that when I was booked on the Epic, and researching and planning here with gusto, Kev was ever so sweet and helpful. I remember him and still think of him often. Shortly before he left us, he sent me a "be friend" request. So sad that he is no longer here.

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Interesting to see how your plan and document for your trip.


I love planning as well, but I don't project spending that narrowly.


What I like to do is create a word document where I transfer airline, hotel, cruise, tour and transport information. It operates as good reference as well as backup document.


I frequently organize private tours as well. I create another word doc for that. I must admit that this becomes a huge effort and can be a royal pain. I have backed off a bit from this for our upcoming Japan and China cruise, by joining tours organized by others.


What do you do for tours?

Edited by 4774Papa
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LOL I am almost as OCD as you!! I use Excel spreadsheets to plan our days and our finances. I use the envelope method. Each day I have an envelope with the money, tickets, etc I will need for that day. If I don't spend all the money, it goes to the final envelope. Keeps me on track daily with our activities and my shopping!! LOL


When we went to the Med a few years ago, I had everything in a notebook and that book never left my side!! It had our itineraries, car service info, hotels... everything!

Edited by chasinraynbowz
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Yea, I would say you have just a touch of OCD! LOL I'm the planner in our family but you have me beat by a mile:)


You have some excellent ideas

Edited by Laszlo
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First of all - I want to thank you sincerely for the heart and soul that you put into your reviews. My husband and I are going on the Pride in August to celebrate his 30th and, even though we booked before seeing your review on CC, you have more than sold the ship to us.


As a teacher on summer vacation, I'm slowly reading through your "novels" as some light summer reading! ;)




Secondly - I am Type AAAAAAAAAAA and function similarly with planning vacations. I like to know what I am doing and when - trying to make each moment count. My planning tool is Pinterest - I have even pinned a couple of pictures from your reviews.


Keep it coming with your planning strategies - this is like CRACK to me.


Thanks, again! xo


I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words. I really appreicate them.


I hope you have a wonderful 30th anniversary on the Pride. She's a beauty and we loved her. I'm so glad the people here on cc made up my mind for me to go on that ship.


Well, I don't know about my novels be "light" reading for the summer, but it sure keep you busy and entertained. :D


Glad I can be of some help in planning.


Mitsugirly, after your post on "folders", I tried to quote just the bit you said about Kev! But it kept quoting the whole post! I just wanted to say that when I was booked on the Epic, and researching and planning here with gusto, Kev was ever so sweet and helpful. I remember him and still think of him often. Shortly before he left us, he sent me a "be friend" request. So sad that he is no longer here.


You have to quote the enter thing and then go up and just highlight and delete the parts you don't want. :p


He was such a help along with a lot of other "friends" on here when he was trying to talk me into going to Bermuda. I knew I would get there some day, I just didn't realize it would take me so long. :( I think of him often as well and I really thought of him a lot during this entire planning of Bermuda thing. I referred back to his notes/post and even got a little side tracked one day and just started re-reading his goofy reviews again to bring back memories. While in Bermuda, I looked at things thinking of things he had told me and pictures he showed me and wondering if that was the same place he was at in the pictures. I will never forget him. It's funny how you get close to people on these boards and becomes friends like you have been buddies forever. I truly cherish some of the convo's I've had with people on here and the friendships I have formed. :)

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Kim, Love all your reviews,have read every one.Thanks for your effort and keep up the good work. You and your family are lovely.


I think of Kev too. I went to Bermuda for the first time this year and often thought of him and his hilarious reviews. I " Motivated "to many of the places he did.. :)



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Interesting to see how your plan and document for your trip.


I love planning as well, but I don't project spending that narrowly.


What I like to do is create a word document where I transfer airline, hotel, cruise, tour and transport information. It operates as good reference as well as backup document.


I frequently organize private tours as well. I create another word doc for that. I must admit that this becomes a huge effort and can be a royal pain. I have backed off a bit from this for our upcoming Japan and China cruise, by joining tours organized by others.


What do you do for tours?


Within my manila folders you will find a lot more documentation for the day or event. I have the manila folders to hold "everything else" which will consist of maps, brochures, printed off receipts and confirmations for tours/excursions booked, emails between private vendors, copies of invoices for the cruise along with showing our OBC to make sure it's right, restaurant menu's and pricing...you name it, it's in there. :D Tours and excursions work the same.


LOL I am almost as OCD as you!! I use Excel spreadsheets to plan our days and our finances. I use the envelope method. Each day I have an envelope with the money, tickets, etc I will need for that day. If I don't spend all the money, it goes to the final envelope. Keeps me on track daily with our activities and my shopping!! LOL


Here lately I have been over estimating what we plan on doing (and I'm doing that on purpose). Just like the example I gave...we had planned on going to the bowling alley at the hotel to bowel that night but it was still kinda "up in the air" as to whether or not we would be doing it. After not much sleep the night before because of such an early flight, we didn't know if we'd just want to relax or sleep early at the hotel. But I still estimated for it. We didn't end up doing it, so I saved money.


I never take the money out of the envelops until I get home...and I have been known to forget to do that. LOL Everything from the cruise from my folders to receipts and everything goes into a big bag (usually from a purchase from the gift shop on board) and goes into a chest at home where I will later come back and use everything for my scrapbook. I have been skipping around on my cruises and not going by the years in order that we have taken them and I just finished my Epic scrapbook from 2010 and found a little over $200 still left in the envelops from it. :eek: Then a few months later I did one for a 2013 cruise and found a little over $100 in it. I liked surprises I have to say. :p Normally I will take any money left over at the end and use that to pay for another cruise or payoff the final charges on the cruise once they hit my cc. :D

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Yea, I would say you have just a touch of OCD! LOL I'm the planner in our family but you have me beat by a mile:)


You have some excellent ideas



Haha...and that was my "quick" version of my planning. Now you know why I had so many questions on the Bermuda boards prior to going. :D :p

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