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What happens with a death at sea (& kudos to NCL)


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First off, I am so very sorry for the lost of your father. And then you end up losing your mother. I'm not sure I could have been as strong as you. .I'm happy that you were treated quite well. Unfortunately I can not say the same. We were not treated as kind on the Norwegian Pearl.


We were on the Pearl last October. We had been at sea for 2 days. We had not even made it to our first port. My guy friend was breathing really weird the night before. The next morning he told me he thought he was coming down with a cold. Saying my daughter and I had the room too cold. It wasn't too cold as we had slept out from under the covers all night.


We got up and went about our day of doing things on the ship. We went back to our room to rest and again he fell asleep and the noise he made I will NEVER forget. It was the same noise my Mother had made right before she had died in my arms.


I insisted he had to go see the ships doctor. The ships doctor said he had a very bad case of pneumonia and needed IV fluids and other stuff. So they started running one. He gave him breathing treatments etc. He then said before we went to bed at night to go ahead and pack our stuff just in case.


I packed up our cabin. They wanted us down there at 7:30 AM so they could run another round of fluids into him and give him a breathing test. The doctor told me they were sending us to an urgent care. We were in Maria Columbia South America. The Doctor said if he got a fit to travel letter we could get back on the ship. He knew nothing about this port but, said the cartagena colombia port we were hitting the next day had a big hospital with american doctors. I actually asked him to not take us off the ship and please let us go to the next port which was Cartagena. We were not transported by ambulance until Midnight that night. We could of stayed on the ship.


They had an ambulance that met the ship the morning we docked in Maria Columbia. The next thing I know is that they inform me that they have removed us from the ship and checked us into Columbia and we can not get back on the ship. (WHAT)??? They are shoving bills in my face and asking me how do I plan to pay them. I told them I had trip insurance but no one was listening to me. The night before the nurse made copies of what I had. I had all insurance information (Blue cross here at home, and the travel insurance we had as well). They maxed my charged card that I had for our cabin on file. And took my other Credit Card and maxed it as well. (unbeknownst to me) I had no clue they had done that. So by them doing that they left me with absolutely no money to get back home or to take care of stuff while in Columbia. All I had was the cash money I had on me. Only to find out they do not take US dollars. What a nightmare.


The young lady who supposedly worked for the port authority didn't really work for them I found out later. Her and her driver friend ripped me off $150.00 probably more when changed to peso;s. I gave them $400.00 to turn into peso's they asked me if I could give $50.00 more. So, I did. When they got to what was the bank, they told me it was better if just he went in that it was not safe. When I looked at my receipt later it showed they only gave money for $300.00. My word against theirs. After they ripped me out of the money they never came back to the hospital like they were suppose to. I have to add that I trusted these people and also bought them lunch for helping me out. I also gave tip money to them. I was told that they worked for the port authority. I found out later from the US Embassy they are scammers who try to take over your insurance claims and collect the money.


I finally got help from this wonderful Columbian lady who was married to an American who was in the ICU where my friend was. She approached me and asked if she could help me. I told her I need to contact the US Embassy. She helped me Contact them. (This lady actually translated what the doctor was telling me as well.. She was so wonderful and a God send.) The first words out of their mouths at the Embassy was, We have no money to help you but we can help you get in touch with family and friends to help you. Norwegian Pearl just left us there. When we got to urgent care I am being told by a translator that he has had a heart attack. We went from being told, he has pneumonia to, he has had a heart attack , He needs a heart catherization, and we have to transfer him by ambulance to Barranquilla Columbia. He was in the intensive care for 6 days.


I had 3 wonderfu people show up from the US Embassy to help us. Ms. Vicky lived in Barranquilla Columbia. And the other 2 Dan and his lovely wife came from Cartegena. I was so over whelmed to have someone who spoke English and also was there to help me get him back to the US.


Our trip insurance doctors got on the phone with the doctors in Columbia. They were trying to figure out if he would be able to fly. They sent a nurse from ON Call. She acessed him and talked to the other doctors in the US. Finally were going home.


I had to pay the hospital bill before we could leave. (oh no, where am I going to get this mony). Then they inform me I have to pay for my daughter and myselfs airfare to get back to the states. I knew I wanted to leave when that nurse left with him and not have my daughter and I stuck there.


I got on the phone and called my credit card company. ( I am diabled and so I don't have high credit limits), I've never cried so hard when I heard the lady on the other end of the phone telling me, "We got you, Don't worry about anything, We got you" Capital one I can NEVER Thank them enough. Who does that. I had no ideal how much the hospital bill would be, How much our plane tickets would cost but I've got this lady telling me, We got you! Even gave me a supervisors number if I had any problems.


The doctors and Nurses in Columbia were great! Me standing in the hall crying and the nurse comes over and talks to me with a translater through her phone. I was so upset I never thought of that. We are still friends with this nurse.


He had his open heart surgery in January and I am happy to say he is doing great now. The surgery wasn't so great as he cold blue 4 times. He ended up on the ventilater for 11 days. It was a very long road. Cardiac rehab, all kinds of things we had to do.


We are getting ready to leave next week on another cruise in hope that NOTHING goes wrong.. We are still trying to get that relaxing vacation we tried to have when all of this happened, I had a brain tumor removed, 2 weeks later I lost my mother, He had to have hernia surgery, Then I had to have knee replacement surgery. We were trying to take care of both of our 80 yr old fathers. Mine living further away then his living in the state we live in.


And this is the sour part of. all of this, Nowregian Cruise Lines has not reimbursed a dime of our money! No one even bothered to call to see if he was ok or if we even made it back into the states. I had the cruise paid in full. Gratuities paid in full. Shore excursions paid in full. Drink package paid in full. They kept all of that money and then charged both of my charge cards. One over the max they allowed so I was charged a over limit fee. I've called several times to finally be told 2 things.

1. Go to this websight and put your 350 character story here and someone will bet back with you. (Still waiting. Almost a year of waiting).

2. They transferred me to Carmilla (she's who I am suppose to talk to I guess) Never heard a word from this lady.

The one and only call we have received from Norwregian Cruise :Lines, is to inform him that he has been turned over to a collection agency because he owes $375.00. I have to add they were giving the information for our Travel insurance that I had purchased.


I'm sorry, I am not married to this person. But they took my daughter and my money to pay his medical bills. They took my gratuity money towards his bill, my shore excursion money, our drink package money, our cruise fare and port cost.


I'm pretty angry with them to be honest. I got on their ship on a Sunday, and Wednesday morning at 8:30 AM I was taken off their ship with all my luggage and everything and left in Columbia. We were on a 12 days cruise..


I hope and pray this does not happen to other passangers.


OP, Again I am so so sorry about the lost of your father. I'm Thankful that you were as strong as you were to be there for your mother. Hugs my friend.

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Oh my gosh, lillulu, I have no words. I am teary and amazed at your story. What an unimaginable situation, and NCL certainly seems to have dropped the ball. I would have been terrified going through that in a foreign country. What a gift to find helpful people and thank goodness for Capital One (glad to hear that they helped you make the higher credit card charges when needed).

I can't believe NCL never followed up with you.

Thank you for sharing your story. Like the original poster on this thread, these are stories that need to be told.

We never know what could happen on a cruise.

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I'm so sorry for your loss, but as you said there are much worse ways to go.


Thank you for writing about the process, I did wonder what would happen if traveling with older or terminally ill family members. It's nice to see that the whole thing is carried out with respect and dignity for both the deceased and the next of kin.

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lillulu, you posted my biggest fear. I can not believe you had to go through this and that NCL is not responding to you. You should be refunded any days you weren't cruising, port fees for ports not visited, any unused paid shore excursions and gratuities. Keep fighting for it.

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lillulu, you posted my biggest fear. I can not believe you had to go through this and that NCL is not responding to you. You should be refunded any days you weren't cruising, port fees for ports not visited, any unused paid shore excursions and gratuities. Keep fighting for it.



Isn’t that why you have travel insurance? It’s not the cruise line’s fault someone was ill.


We spent $4000+ in the medical center on our last cruise, and our travel insurance covered everything that our health insurance didn’t cover. I certainly wouldn’t expect the cruise line to cover my healthcare costs or reimburse me for time lost on a vacation.


I would expect that if my wife or I had a medical emergency that couldn’t be handled on the ship, we would be referred to a facility at the nearest port, and after that, it’s up to us. I wouldn’t expect to be reimbursed for the part of the cruise I wasn’t able to complete.



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Isn’t that why you have travel insurance? It’s not the cruise line’s fault someone was ill.


Yes, but especially with the un-used shore excursions, port charges and gratuities not used, I think, you might not, NCL should reimbursed the poster for those, as I think it is only the right thing to do under the circumstances. As far as the medical cost, that is on the poster and their insurance.
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Yes, but especially with the un-used shore excursions, port charges and gratuities not used, I think, you might not, NCL should reimbursed the poster for those, as I think it is only the right thing to do under the circumstances. As far as the medical cost, that is on the poster and their insurance.




It depends. If they are covered by insurance, then no. Otherwise, I would agree. It sounded like the OP wanted reimbursement for all the days missed, as well.



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I'm so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you and your family and dad were treated with nothing but respect during this sad event. It's nice to know that the cruise line is trained to he respectful and sympathetic during these difficult times.



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lillulu, you should start a new thread with your story, because people are replying to you and to elhenry, the original poster with her April, 2012 thread, and it's getting confusing.


I don't understand how NCL could have the authority to charge your credit card for your friend's bills. Doesn't seem right to me.

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lillulu, you should start a new thread with your story, because people are replying to you and to elhenry, the original poster with her April, 2012 thread, and it's getting confusing.


I don't understand how NCL could have the authority to charge your credit card for your friend's bills. Doesn't seem right to me.


I believe, though it is hard to follow the narrative, that the charges were for the onboard medical treatment, which would go to the charge card linked to the cabin/reservation.

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Thank you again to the posters for your words of sympathy on my OP. Although it has been five years, the kind expressions are always appreciated.


Lillulu, I am glad to hear that your partner is doing well and recovering, and so sorry to hear about your trials. I know how scary an illness on a cruise can be. I also know, and am grateful for, the fact that if this had to happen to us, it did happen where an American port was the next port of call. I know how much easier, not only the language, but having an actual ships agent who worked for an American company and saw the Jewel every week, smoothed the process.


We had travel insurance, and we knew that we would need to incur the costs first, and then be reimbursed by the insurance company. We had no problem with unauthorized charges. In what is now an amusing note, they did not reimburse us for the two days of the cruise that dad was with us. Nor would we expect them to.


And on an even better note, for the first time since "Mom's last cruise" to Hawaii, I will be cruising again next year. Sadly, not on NCL, but with the extended family. And we will raise a glass to Mom and Dad.:cool:

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Condolences on the loss of both your parents. Wonderful that you were able to honor their memories so nicely. I was especially moved by your take on his last meal in Cagney's. Couldn't agree more with you take on it being a great way to go.


I hope you and your extended family have a great and safe cruise. I am sure they will be sitting on their balcony in heaven looking down and raising a glass to you as you raise yours to them.




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I was taken ill on an NCL shipwhen cruising with my sister. I did not see the ship doctor but saw a doctor at the port next morning. He sent me to hospital for further tests and I was then informed I was to be admitted. I had pneumonia in both lungs. I was transferred to a different hospital and spent 9 nights there.


When the hospital said I needed to be admitted my sister returned to the ship in a cab to pack our things and explain our sudden departure. She was helped by staff to clear the paperwork, they charged my card on file for our account (I expect to pay this account for the days we were on the vessel), got porters to take our luggage off, accompanied her to a cab and we were officially gone. I got no refund from NCL for the lost days.

I was called everyday in my hospital room by NCL Customer Care Miami to see how I was and if I needed any help from them. I was visited by the port agent on 2 occasions to my room to see if they could help and I had their number to call if I wanted to. My husband contacted my insurance to tell them what happened, which hospital etc. and they said all things will be covered and asked if he needed to fly out to be with me. They would pay. I told him to stay at home until we had updates as to if this was necessary. My sister stayed in a hotel near me and I paid her bill with my card.

When I felt a little better my sister flew home. I booked and paid with my card online. After discharge I was in the port city for 2 more days at a hotel until I was cleared to fly home. NCL customer care still continued to call me on my cell phone. My flight home was booked by my insurance when I called them and told them I was OK to go. My flight home was to an airport 130 miles from where I live and my husband collected me. I was called at home by NCL one final time to make sure everything was fine.

A few weeks later I sat down with all of the invoices and receipts for the cruise, cab fares, hotel bills and flights for my sister, incidental expenses, fuel for picking me up etc. I filled out my insurance forms and copied every bill or receipt. About 2 weeks later they gave me 2 nights x 2 persons cruise fare, they paid my sisters hotel bill and flights, they gave me around $100 per day to cover incidentals and cabs, they paid for the fuel used to collect me from the airport and get me home. My hospital bill, my hotel bill and my flight home they settled directly with the hospital, hotel and airline respectively so I don't know how much any of that was and was never asked for anything by those vendors.


Take four lessons from this. 1. Always have insurance. 2.Call insurance as soon as you can when things go wrong, I found them really helpful and they made everything very easy and really helped take the strain of it all. 3. Have access to some cash and a card with credit available. We used both to settle incidentals that we were refunded. 4.Get receipts for everything you pay.

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lillulu, you should start a new thread with your story, because people are replying to you and to elhenry, the original poster with her April, 2012 thread, and it's getting confusing.


I don't understand how NCL could have the authority to charge your credit card for your friend's bills. Doesn't seem right to me.

I didn't understand it either. The only thing I can think of is I gave my credit card when we got on the ship for any charges we might have incurred. Like buying pictures or something from one of the shops on board. Because EVERYTHING else was pre-paid before we every got on the ship.

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I believe, though it is hard to follow the narrative, that the charges were for the onboard medical treatment, which would go to the charge card linked to the cabin/reservation.


Yes, that is what they did. It was about $4300.00 for the ship medical expenses. I paid more then that for the cruise, the shore excursions, gratuities, drink package, internet package, etc. They got more then what was owed. And then said, he still owed $375.00 and turned him over to a collection agency! Really...I mean seriously.


I did file a claim with the insurance. We actually just got the check for the medical. For the hospital and the ship two days ago. What I didn't know and a lot of people don't know is, depending on what type of insurance you get, you have to submit it to your regular insurance company and then the travel insurance will pick up what they won't pay.


We did not know this as we have never had to file a claim. It's what I call, A lesson learned. But I never dreamed the cruise line would not contact us to see how he was doing or follow up with us. We were just dumped off.


I was more overwhelmed because I had my daughter with me who is handicapped. So, maxing my charge cards after giving them the insurance info was a surprise for me. I had no ideal they had done that.


You have to understand everything was moving so fast, and very chaotic. They were handing all these papers. Asking for my credit card. I had no clue what was going on to be honest with you. The ambulance kept telling them they needed to go. I just feel it was not all handled properly.


We were told he was going to an urgent care in the AM and if the doctor gave him a fit to travel letter we would just get back on the ship. But then I am being told they are taking us off the ship. They took our passports and had already removed our luggage from our cabin. It was crazy!


I'm sure the OP can relate to being in a daze and being confused with all that happens. If we had been in an american port I am sure I would of been more at ease. But, being somewhere we had never been before, not speaking the language and not knowing what was going to happen was the hardest part.

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Thank you again to the posters for your words of sympathy on my OP. Although it has been five years, the kind expressions are always appreciated.


Lillulu, I am glad to hear that your partner is doing well and recovering, and so sorry to hear about your trials. I know how scary an illness on a cruise can be. I also know, and am grateful for, the fact that if this had to happen to us, it did happen where an American port was the next port of call. I know how much easier, not only the language, but having an actual ships agent who worked for an American company and saw the Jewel every week, smoothed the process.


We had travel insurance, and we knew that we would need to incur the costs first, and then be reimbursed by the insurance company. We had no problem with unauthorized charges. In what is now an amusing note, they did not reimburse us for the two days of the cruise that dad was with us. Nor would we expect them to.


And on an even better note, for the first time since "Mom's last cruise" to Hawaii, I will be cruising again next year. Sadly, not on NCL, but with the extended family. And we will raise a glass to Mom and Dad.:cool:


Thank you elhenry. I didn't mean to hijack your thread. I am sorry.

I'm happy to hear that you are going to be cruising soon. Have a safe and wonderful trip.

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Oh my gosh, lillulu, I have no words. I am teary and amazed at your story. What an unimaginable situation, and NCL certainly seems to have dropped the ball. I would have been terrified going through that in a foreign country. What a gift to find helpful people and thank goodness for Capital One (glad to hear that they helped you make the higher credit card charges when needed).

I can't believe NCL never followed up with you.

Thank you for sharing your story. Like the original poster on this thread, these are stories that need to be told.

We never know what could happen on a cruise.

Thank you Rocklinmom. It was scary. I have to add, I had just came out of the make shift chapel they had in the waiting room when the woman approached me. God does answer prayers.

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It depends. If they are covered by insurance, then no. Otherwise, I would agree. It sounded like the OP wanted reimbursement for all the days missed, as well.



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No sir, I only wanted back what I had not used. The insurance company told me to contact the cruise line to get reimbursement for my shore excursions, internet, drink package, gratuties, etc. That is where I had the problem. Everyone kept giving me the run around and I never actually got to talk to whom ever this Carmilla was who was suppose to handle it.

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lillulu, you should start a new thread with your story, because people are replying to you and to elhenry, the original poster with her April, 2012 thread, and it's getting confusing.


I don't understand how NCL could have the authority to charge your credit card for your friend's bills. Doesn't seem right to me.

My card was on the cabin.

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I would like to express my sincere sympathy to you and your family as well and I also want to THANK YOU for writing about something that has troubled me for a while. We too still manage to take my parents (93 and 82) on cruises as they love to cruise - but they no longer feel comfortable doing it on their own. Yet I have often wondered what might be involved if something happened to them while on these trips. Your thoughtful post was very comforting to me and I hope that by knowing how many others you have touched with your personal story, it gives you some peace.


Thank you for sharing a very personal story with us.........

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Thank you for the touching post and taking the time to walk us all through it. I am so sorry for your loss, but feel that your Dad was somewhere he wanted to be for his last day on earth. On to better things!

We sat with the ship's doctor for dinner on another cruise line and he was telling us about a passenger that had died the first day on board. (My DH is a physician, so they were discussing the medical side of cruising.) I guess with lots of elderly passengers it happens more frequently than we think. I can certainly think of worse circumstances and I am glad that your family continued the cruise in your Dad's honor.

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My husband died on NCL Breakaway on 8/25/17 I call 911 at a 5 pm when I couldn’t wake my husband. A nurse came with a wheelchair? I helped put my husband on the floor the nurse called a code and I was pushed out on the balony by the security officer . They move him to the medical facility I was not allowed in the elevator or with my husband. I was asked to feign consent to treat I did .i got up to see as it was taking too long the officer texted them as I was on my way back the dr came out to say he was gone. They moved me to another room a handicap room everytime the phone rang the lights flashed I was missing my glasses and his license when I received my luggage . They left a bill for 10 thousand dollars on my door and charged my credit card. One hour $10,000 . They did nothing for me after that I was left alone from Friday till the ship returned on Sunday. They don’t care about anything but money . FYI cabin 9732

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My husband died on NCL Breakaway on 8/25/17 I call 911 at a 5 pm when I couldn’t wake my husband. A nurse came with a wheelchair? I helped put my husband on the floor the nurse called a code and I was pushed out on the balony by the security officer . They move him to the medical facility I was not allowed in the elevator or with my husband. I was asked to feign consent to treat I did .i got up to see as it was taking too long the officer texted them as I was on my way back the dr came out to say he was gone. They moved me to another room a handicap room everytime the phone rang the lights flashed I was missing my glasses and his license when I received my luggage . They left a bill for 10 thousand dollars on my door and charged my credit card. One hour $10,000 . They did nothing for me after that I was left alone from Friday till the ship returned on Sunday. They don’t care about anything but money . FYI cabin 9732


Karuze, my sincere condolences on the passing of your husband.


Seems not every occurrence receives kind attention from NCL.


Your heart is broken. I'm sorry.

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My card was on the cabin.


That makes sense, then. My friend and I cruise together, but we each use our own separate credit cards for onboard charfges. If he had an emergency, I would not expect my card to be charged. But it's probably in the fine print of the "consent to treat" form that the friend/relative is asked to sign.

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