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What I noticed about dressing (or not) for dinner


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Is there a "cruise line" that requires people to "dress up"??? Just curious if NCL is the "only" casual freestyle type cruise or are there cruises that "encourage dressing up"....if there are, then I think those obsessed with how others dress should re-frame from booking NCL and look else where..............am getting very tired of this on going discussion of "how i need to dress" to make everyone comfy in the dining room. ugh!

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On the NCL Spirit cruise I took last April (NYC - New Orleans) people wore what ever they wanted to into either MDR. One night in the MDR which supposedly had a 'no jeans' policy, at the table directly next to us was a couple. The guy was wearing a tank top, cut-off jeans and flip-flops.


As to pictures in a signature, if someone feels it takes too long for a page to load because of a picture, then they can turn "Show Images" off under 'Edit Options' page of the User CP (Control Panel). Me? I like seeing them.



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I noticed (in both dining rooms) that there were people in shorts.


Was your dining companion THAT boring that you had nothing to do but observe what the rest of the room was wearing? Sorry to hear that.




Although I am not a formal dress person, I think resort casual is appropriate and there were some that I felt belonged in the buffet not the dining room.


Nice. Really nice.




What do you all think?


I think a better world perspective would do wonders.



I understand NCL doesn't want to say anything that may turn away customers but I think they are turning more future cruisers away by not following their own rules. Seems like you don't even know what to pack since they keep changing the rules.



Pack what you need based on todays rules. If you don't use everything because you can wear shorts now (unwritten), then big deal. Less laundry when you get home.


MAYBE they're APPEALING to a whole new generation of cruisers who have been sitting on the sidelines due to not wanting to dress up? They HAVE been known to turn norms on their head & swim against the school.



I seriously think there should be "ONE MDR" for all those who seem to need "dress codes" to complete and enhance their dining experience, and the rest of the restaurants for us who don't.


That's interesting. I like it.


...if you want to come to your table in your boxer shorts...go for it, have fun, enjoy your dinner...............I won't be focusing on you anyway, so go for it.


At this juncture, we should merge the Speedos discussion....especially the part with the nice pictures! ;)



What is up with all this obsession on what OTHER PEOPLE are wearing??? ugh!



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Interesting that on Celebrity boards, the discussion is about people wearing jeans in the dining room rather than slacks/suites and how unsightly that is to some and that on the NCL board it has gone from jeans to shorts. To me, doesn't matter...we generally eat in our room each night anyway. :)

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My opinion is people should be more concerned about themselves, rather than what others are wearing. As long as people are dressed nice, if the cruise line wants to let someone slide for wearing shorts..then so be it. Times are changing. I think a polo type golf shirt, and nice shorts should not be an issue if the cruise line lets people wear it. As long as someone doesn't look like they just rolled out of bed, or off stage from a 90s grunge band, then they should be alright!

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I am not "obsessed" with what others are wearing, and I didn't miss the formal nights at all on our Gem cruise last summer. I also don't mind jeans or even shorts in the MDR in the least -- as long as they are neat and clean. The reports back from the Spirit to Bermuda this summer were that a lot of sloppy cruisers were coming to the DR in the crumpled casual shorts they had worn all day-- for me, and this of couse is just my opinion, anything that sloppy does detract from the atmosphere at a nice evening meal. We cancelled and took a land vacation instead. Casual is fine with us, dirty and sloppy is not.

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I am not "obsessed" with what others are wearing, and I didn't miss the formal nights at all on our Gem cruise last summer. I also don't mind jeans or even shorts in the MDR in the least -- as long as they are neat and clean. The reports back from the Spirit to Bermuda this summer were that a lot of sloppy cruisers were coming to the DR in the crumpled casual shorts they had worn all day-- for me, and this of couse is just my opinion, anything that sloppy does detract from the atmosphere at a nice evening meal. We cancelled and took a land vacation instead. Casual is fine with us, dirty and sloppy is not.


Sooooo....you canceled your cruise because of "hear say"??? ugh! To each his own, what ever floats you boat. I just cannot image taking note of what someone wore "all day" and then happen to see them in a restaurant and take note that they are wearing the same thing......who does this? And like how many people can they keep track of to notice that there were "a lot of sloppy cruisers" and not just one wearing the same shorts all day? Sounds like a very exaggerated story to me.....not one I'd cancel a cruise over that's for sure.

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Everyone knows what they are supposed to wear - so Just wear it!:D


I plan on wearing (or attempting) what what I wear at a resort. Nice shorts and a polo shirt or button down shirt. If I get turned away I will have the listed acceptable brumuda shorts, knee socks and a jacket.


Personally I think that the knee socks and jacket look funny with the shorts but I guess it doesn't say the socks have to be pulled up... but seems to me that knee socks pushed down to the ankles would look much sloppier than normal ankle socks.:cool:

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What is the difference between shorts (which are viewed by some as unacceptable) and a mini-skirt (which no one seems to say is unacceptable)?


I, for one, would consider mini-skirts to be unacceptable. And I don't believe they are "resort casual." They might look fine in a lounge later at night, but not in the dining venues during the dinner hour.


If people want more formal dining then they should consider other cruise lines.


That's easy to say. But it sounds like NCL is not the only main stream cruise line that fails to enforce its dress code with sufficient consistency, so there is no way to make an informed choice.

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I would guess that the reason NCL isn't enforcing the 'rules' is because there is demand for more casual dining. What is the difference between shorts (which are viewed by some as unacceptable) and a mini-skirt (which no one seems to say is unacceptable)? If people want more formal dining then they should consider other cruise lines. I prefer casual (as long as it is neat and clean) and especially with all the airline charges these days for luggage.


There is little point in selectiing other cruiselines when the slobs will do the same thing as they move to other lines. Not all the "freeforallstyle" cruisers will stay on NCL.

and then it means the other line has to ENFORCE their rules. NCL HAS rules, much more open ones but it does have them. It does not enforce them and that is the ENTIRE problem.


When booking a cruise on whatever line you should be able to rely on the posted rules and guidelines as being what the case is, and purchase accordingly, not base it on what they say then find reality totally different.


Why on earth do any of you on here think that the rule breakers should be the ones accomodated and the rest of us should, "chill out" etc? never have understood that one.

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I've come to realize while reading these types of discussions, that there are people in this world who are negatively affected by seeing people wear clothing they don't feel is appropriate at a dining establishment.


This is how these people are, and I don't criticize them except to say I do not count myself among them. I personally choose to focus on my traveling companions and not on the fashion of others. For me, it's easy not to look at other people and their clothing if I don't want to. No one is forcing me to stare at other people's dress. I also realize not everyone is the same as I am.


However, if it truly offends this type of person to see another individual dressed inappropriately (at least in their own opinion), then by all means they should bring this up with their maitre'd who will explain how he/she interprets the policy for that particular dining establishment.


Cruising is ever-evolving ... it's not going to be the same next year as it is today... Perhaps the freestyle cruising that NCL exhibits today is not on par with some people's notion of acceptability. If this is the case there are certainly other cruise line choices that may be more appealing.


However if you do choose NCL, tolerance and adaptability will go a long way to help you have an enjoyable time with regards to other people's dress.


Happy cruising!

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However if you do choose NCL, tolerance and adaptability will go a long way to help you have an enjoyable time with regards to other people's dress.


Which means I am intolerant and unadaptable to decline a maitre's suggestion to sit at a table with others in shorts, t-shirts and backwards baseball caps? Thanks a heap.

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Which means I am intolerant and unadaptable to decline a maitre's suggestion to sit at a table with others in shorts, t-shirts and backwards baseball caps? Thanks a heap.


Well now you are adding your own twist to this person's opinion. No one is suggesting that you dine with "anyone", let alone dine with people who are not dressed as you would like them to be. We've never been seated with other people on our NCL cruise


To be tolerant means to "not let this stuff" spoil your own enjoyment...but if you insist, by all means go right ahead.

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No matter which line it is, remember it is the individual ships (Captain & Maitre D) who decide how strictly to enforce/not enforce the lines printed dress codes. I have been on NCL ships where jeans and sometimes shorts were allowed into all the MDR's and others where the Maitre D would turn people away from the No Jeans MDR and all the dining rooms would turn away shorts. So, let's not blame the Cruise Lines completely for what individual ships do. Remember also that those crew members mainly work for their gratuities and those not allowed to be sloppy will be quicker to remove the gratuities than those upset with a lowering of the standards. Just my opinion.

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No matter which line it is, remember it is the individual ships (Captain & Maitre D) who decide how strictly to enforce/not enforce the lines printed dress codes. I have been on NCL ships where jeans and sometimes shorts were allowed into all the MDR's and others where the Maitre D would turn people away from the No Jeans MDR and all the dining rooms would turn away shorts. So, let's not blame the Cruise Lines completely for what individual ships do. Remember also that those crew members mainly work for their gratuities and those not allowed to be sloppy will be quicker to remove the gratuities than those upset with a lowering of the standards. Just my opinion.



The captain, maitre d', hotel director, etc. are all employees of the cruise line and if the corporate office wanted the published dress code enforced, a simple order to do so is all that is required. They prohibit the head chef from deviating from the preparation instructions for the food, except in case of a shortage of ingredients, so they can just as easily prohibit the maitre d' from not enforcing the dress code.

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Which means I am intolerant and unadaptable to decline a maitre's suggestion to sit at a table with others in shorts, t-shirts and backwards baseball caps? Thanks a heap.



a) You should never have to sit at a table with others, on NCL.



b) Yes, it's intolerant and unadaptable. Tolerant & adaptable means that you accept things which may not be as you want them, and you accept whatever situation is presented to you.



I'm not saying you're wrong, and I'm not saying you don't have a right to be intolerant and unadaptable. But you can't say:


"I'm tolerant & adaptable...I just don't accept that others want to behave in a manner different from that in which I want them to behave."


Because then you'd have an incongruity. :rolleyes:

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Not everyone in shorts wants to go to the buffet. Why doesn't NCL make one dining room casual and one not casual.


Here in Texs you see a lot of folks who look very nice in shorts at all kinds of restaurants, except maybe real fancy ones. Guess our hot, hot weather is a major reason. It was still in the high 90's yesterday.


There are a lot of times I like to dress up, not formal, but a nice skirt, nice top and heels. If I want to on NCL I do and it doesn't matter to me if others don't.


I am a rule follower, so I won't be wearing shorts to the dining room. But it would not bother me to see the rules changed. Just no men in sleeveless shirts please! If I happen to see someone sloppily dressed, I just pity them. Surely they can see themselves in the mirror! I honestly wonder about that the way some people dress, and I certainly hope my family would have the good sense to tell me if that was ever me (that looked real bad)!

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Which means I am intolerant and unadaptable to decline a maitre's suggestion to sit at a table with others in shorts, t-shirts and backwards baseball caps? Thanks a heap.


No one called you intolerant or "unadaptable". In fact, no one called you anything. I do not recall discussing you in particular at all... :cool:

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Much of the discussion of dress code (or not) involves the Dawn and the dropping of any dress code this summer. Having been on the Dawn at spring break; when the dress code listed in the travel documents was enforced; and this summer; when there appeared to be no dress code; I see two problems with this inconsistent application of the published NCL dress code.


First I am not sure what to pack on my next cruise. I have in the past packed based on the NCL dress code rules, but if the rules are no longer enforced I can save plenty of weight and baggage fees by wearing the same shorts, t-shirt, and sandals throughout the entire day.


Second by not enforcing their own rules NCL could be driving away their higher revenue passengers. NCL still promotes Formal night and hopes many of those who do dress up will spend money purchasing Formal photos, but then turns around a sits these people in a dining room no more Formal than a neighborhood Applebees.


So my overall question to NCL is: which of your own rules are being enforced (not just dress code) and are you going to be consistent from ship to ship?

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Much of the discussion of dress code (or not) involves the Dawn and the dropping of any dress code this summer. Having been on the Dawn at spring break; when the dress code listed in the travel documents was enforced; and this summer; when there appeared to be no dress code; I see two problems with this inconsistent application of the published NCL dress code.


First I am not sure what to pack on my next cruise. I have in the past packed based on the NCL dress code rules, but if the rules are no longer enforced I can save plenty of weight and baggage fees by wearing the same shorts, t-shirt, and sandals throughout the entire day.


Second by not enforcing their own rules NCL could be driving away their higher revenue passengers. NCL still promotes Formal night and hopes many of those who do dress up will spend money purchasing Formal photos, but then turns around a sits these people in a dining room no more Formal than a neighborhood Applebees.


So my overall question to NCL is: which of your own rules are being enforced (not just dress code) and are you going to be consistent from ship to ship?


It seems pretty easy to me...


1.) Read the rules... interpret them as YOU would interpret them. Account for the highest level of dress that YOU feel is appropriate and required to dine IN ANY place you want.


2.) Pack appropriately to your interpretation.


3.) Ignore interpretations different from your own.


Chances are you will have packed just fine :)

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Thanks for replying. I'm wondering if the ships that go to Bermuda are more relaxed?



We were on the Majesty in June and the advertised dress code was enforced. One dining room did allow jeans but no shorts. Those in shorts were turned away. The other MDR allowed no jeans and turned those in jeans were turned away. So, I dont think that it is a Bermuda thing but ship by ship.

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just another reminder to those that actually do give a hoot about how they dress for dinner (not necessarily dressing to the 9's...but perhaps to the 7-7.5's...but certainly not like they just picked you off some raft.)


this should be your mantra (i say this throughout the week). DW and I enjoy dressing up. for those who know what i'm going to say, please indulge me.



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However if you do choose NCL, tolerance and adaptability will go a long way to help you have an enjoyable time with regards to other people's dress.


I agree. People should be tolerant of the fact that the dress code applies to everyone. And they should adapt by packing clothing that meets the code, even if it wouldn't otherwise be their first choice in attire. Tolerance, adaptibility...that says it all.

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