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SMOKERS - Freedom of the Seas policy change?


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I am so glad if they have reduced the number of smoking areas. We all have our vices and mine is diet coke. However, when I drink it, it doesn't interfere with others. Have you ever noticed that when smokers eat, they never smoke. However, when I eat, they think it is ok to smoke. Wish the bars would go smoke free on the ship. Wouldn't doubt it if it doesn't happen sometime soon. More and more places are going smoke free. I just hope I don't have a smoker on the balcony next to me.:( I want to enjoy the clean ocean air, not a chimney.


Since there is little places left to smoke, I guess you will just have to put up with us "chimney smokers".

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I don't care if they restrict smoking a little bit on the public decks, but I hope they leave the balcony policy alone! I don't smoke in my home or my stateroom (or any indoor space for that matter), but do enjoy a relaxing, private smoke on my balcony.


Celebrity was my favorite curise line until they banned smoking on balconies. So, I found Royal and Princess and haven't really missed them a bit. The same would go for Royal if they changed their balcony smoking policy.


It isn't really private if the smoke floats over to balcony next to yours. You may be smoking alone, but the person next to you can smell it. I am terribly allergic to smoke and hate it. I consider the balcony a part of your stateroom and it should be banned. Chances are most of the butts end up in the ocean. Not accusing you, but my guess is alot of people chuck them overboard. It is just like the slobs who throw their butts out the windows of their cars. Have you ever looked at the ground when you exit interstates. It is disgusting. It is littered with 1000's of cigarette butts.

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Just of the Navigator. One night all 17 bars allowed smoking and guess what nobody complained. It may be because 2000 passsengers were Italians enjoying life and the cruise.

I am a non smoker but was quite happy on this ship and did not notice any smell because of the great air conditioning.


Ask 100 people, 80 of which are tee total, if ships should be alchohol free the majority will say yes.


Now apply it to smokers as 20% of adults still smoke.


I was on the IOS where only 2 bars inside allowed smoking everybody was complaining and RCCL have lost a lot of customers. Recently P&O went no smoking and i have been told bookings are down and discounted.

I would like 20% of bars on the ships to be designated smokers only served by smokers so that non smokers can give them a wide birth.

Sorry i forgot reading these threads there are people out there who can smell cigarettes 200 yards up wind but still drive a 4x4.

Had to get it off my chest as i am feed up of the non smokers picking on a minority, especially as we wont stop driving cars that produce toxins as well.

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You won't get much sympathy on these boards since almost everyone here is either allergic to smoke or have severe reactions to exposure to it.



As someone stated already-not a board for too much sympathy-but you will get some!!! ;)


tnt10 and Debde, thanks for the moral support...but I've come to recognize on these boards that smokers are barely tolerated, so I really wasn't expecting sympathy. I was mainly just trying to let other smokers know what to expect on Freedom and wondering if this was a trend that may spread to the rest of the fleet, or just a Freedom thing.


To all you ex-smokers who responded - my sincere congratulations on kicking the habit. Hope you live long, smoke-free lives.


I had hesitated posting this question because threads like this usually turn into an argument and get out of hand. I "get" the problems non-smokers have with the stench of cigarette smoke and allergies. It boils down to the point that as long as there are smokers, smoking is legal and within policy, and smokers are purchasing cruise tickets, there need to be places where smokers can get their "fix". I'm afraid that when the policy becomes too restrictive we'll find the policy getting violated much more frequently and the smokers getting more defiant and less flexible with their non-smoking neighbors.


I vehemently take exception to the poster that suggested generally that smokers toss the butts overboard. I would report anyone that I witnessed toss ANYTHING overboard (even if they were tossing over a militant non-smoker). I even carry my own ship's ashtray since the ones provided by the cruiseline for use on the balconies get blown empty by each breeze.


Just offering information and asking for some.

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I am a considerate smoker and will ask before I light one up so I do not offend anyone. We have booked our first balcony on the LOS sailing on 09-26-09 and I will be aware of my neighbors but I will smoke. I wonder what would happen to our already soft economy if all smokers quit tomorrow because of the taxes we pay. If I have to listen to someone's screaming uncontrolable child for an entire dinner I should be able to smoke. Where is equal consideration?



My husband and I are former smokers, he cigars, me ciggies.We often go to the casino, I gamble more than him but we enjoy going with our friends. I have to say, I do not like smokers in the casino. BUT, I will say, as long as they have the right to smoke, I respect that. Most of the time people who light up at a gambling table will say "Do you mind if I smoke?" Then I will usually say "No, I do not mind" Why? Because I was once a smoker.

It is really not a burden on me for a small amount of time to be around a smoker.


I also agree with those who say if they ban smokers from the casino they will lose money. Smokers tend to gamble, do the research....dah!!!!





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It always amazes me the vitriol that gets espoused when the subject of smoking comes up. Especially those that proclaim how someone elses smoking is a death threat upon them.


For untold number of years smoking was a popular habit, where you could smoke practically everywhere so one would think that by now there would be overwhelming evidence of the harm that SHS causes. But truth be told scientists find it impossible to find evidence of same that is statistically significant.


But of course we all know that if it was just the smell of tobacco smoke that bothered these folk then there would be little sympathy for them, just as in the case of overly ambitious perfume appliers or those that suffer from BO, but package it up nicely where it is stated that there is some perceived "harm" that can be caused, well, that is where we are today.


Forget about all the other really dangerous pollution that is emitted into the air daily from internal combustion engine, the production of chemicals, etc, as that does not matter, but that person over there smoking, well they are the devil incarnate and will cause your death.


If smoking is so dangerous to others, and those huge metal boxes we ride around in all day are just peachy keen, then I ask you , how many would be alive after an hour in a closed room with one small car with its engine running or in that same room with a group of 30 chain smokers. Now, which of the two is the real danger?




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tnt10 and Debde, thanks for the moral support...but I've come to recognize on these boards that smokers are barely tolerated, so I really wasn't expecting sympathy. I was mainly just trying to let other smokers know what to expect on Freedom and wondering if this was a trend that may spread to the rest of the fleet, or just a Freedom thing.


To all you ex-smokers who responded - my sincere congratulations on kicking the habit. Hope you live long, smoke-free lives.


I had hesitated posting this question because threads like this usually turn into an argument and get out of hand. I "get" the problems non-smokers have with the stench of cigarette smoke and allergies. It boils down to the point that as long as there are smokers, smoking is legal and within policy, and smokers are purchasing cruise tickets, there need to be places where smokers can get their "fix". I'm afraid that when the policy becomes too restrictive we'll find the policy getting violated much more frequently and the smokers getting more defiant and less flexible with their non-smoking neighbors.


I vehemently take exception to the poster that suggested generally that smokers toss the butts overboard. I would report anyone that I witnessed toss ANYTHING overboard (even if they were tossing over a militant non-smoker). I even carry my own ship's ashtray since the ones provided by the cruiseline for use on the balconies get blown empty by each breeze.


Just offering information and asking for some.


Could you smoke at the bar in the Viking Crown lounge? When we were on the Liberty in May you could smoke sitting at the bar in Boleros, Viking Crown and the pub on the Promenade. We just got off the Majesty and you could no longer smoke in the Viking Crown Lounge and also had to sit at a table starboard side in Boleros in order to have a cigarette.

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My husband and I are former smokers, he cigars, me ciggies.We often go to the casino, I gamble more than him but we enjoy going with our friends. I have to say, I do not like smokers in the casino. BUT, I will say, as long as they have the right to smoke, I respect that. Most of the time people who light up at a gambling table will say "Do you mind if I smoke?" Then I will usually say "No, I do not mind" Why? Because I was once a smoker.

It is really not a burden on me for a small amount of time to be around a smoker.


I also agree with those who say if they ban smokers from the casino they will lose money. Smokers tend to gamble, do the research....dah!!!!






I don't know if it is true for all ships but just off the Majesty I asked some of the employees if there was any difference in gambling on the smoke free night and was told that there was less gambling done on that night each trip. Also less drinking


Edit- I have also read on the Princess boards that although you can still smoke on your balcony they are also limiting the public venues that allow smoking.

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But truth be told scientists find it impossible to find evidence of same that is statistically significant.


Not true. I am a scientist who has done work in this field and I can tell you there is plenty of evidence.


how many would be alive after an hour in a closed room with one small car with its engine running or in that same room with a group of 30 chain smokers. Now, which of the two is the real danger?


I'd much rather be in the room with the car.

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I think when asked nicely most smokers will "put it out" when their smoke is bothering someone. I know I do. I only smoke in designated areas, but I will still stop if someone says nicely that it bothers them. For those in smoking areas that don't smoke and just wave around their hands and cough and make other rude gestures without saying a word.....well that is another story.

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People who are deathly allergic to smoke must walk around in bubbles.


I have a neighbor who runs his fireplace 24/7 starting in the fall. I live uphill from him and have to close off my porch from the smoke that billows in my direction.


I also drive into a large city each day...losts of exhaust fumes to deal with.


I do understand allergies but feel that most people who complain about the smoking onboard are just trying to foist their beliefs on others.


I don't smoke but have had cabin neighbors who have and have been downwind of them. I've never been bothered by their smoking.


If the casino is especially smokey..I don't go in. No big deal.


I have been bothered by pax who pour gallons of perfume or aftershave on and then get into an elevator. If I have allergies that can kill me just as quickly as breathing in smoke.



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Children of Smokers have more health issues as children and as adults than those of non smokers


I love the argument about the car running in a enclosed room.makes me chuckle every time.Is that the best one can come up with ???

The fact that some point out that non smokers drink less and gamble less are two additional reasons not to pick up the habit

Just thought I'd get my two cents in before this thread gets ZAPPED



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I think when asked nicely most smokers will "put it out" when their smoke is bothering someone. I know I do. I only smoke in designated areas, but I will still stop if someone says nicely that it bothers them. For those in smoking areas that don't smoke and just wave around their hands and cough and make other rude gestures without saying a word.....well that is another story.


I never knew that coughing was a rude gesture



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I was on the IOS where only 2 bars inside allowed smoking everybody was complaining and RCCL have lost a lot of customers. Recently P&O went no smoking and i have been told bookings are down and discounted.



Bookings are down and discounted on smoking ships as well.Its called the RECESSION


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This might sound hypocritical as a smoker, but I'm glad they are limiting smoking in public places on cruise ships. In NC, they set a law into motion starting in 2010 where you can smoke in restaurants and bars anymore, which is quite ironic for the amount of tobacco products we produce. I wouldn't even mind if they prevent smoking on balconies.


My smoking is limited to when I enjoy a frosty beverage so I can usually last on a pack for about 1-2 weeks. I used to smoke a lot back in college and after college, but have cut back in the past as I've gotten into a health kick and am trying to remain healthier. Just cutting back made a huge difference and when I have kids, I plan to stop smoking completely except for my cigar on the golf course.


Either way, you'll have people who complain about not being able to smoke or about the smoke that smokers produce. It's just the way it goes here. Congrats to those who have quit. It's tough. I've tried three times but there's just something about a cold beer at the bar that warrants one for me.

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It always amazes me the vitriol that gets espoused when the subject of smoking comes up. Especially those that proclaim how someone elses smoking is a death threat upon them.


For untold number of years smoking was a popular habit, where you could smoke practically everywhere so one would think that by now there would be overwhelming evidence of the harm that SHS causes. But truth be told scientists find it impossible to find evidence of same that is statistically significant.


But of course we all know that if it was just the smell of tobacco smoke that bothered these folk then there would be little sympathy for them, just as in the case of overly ambitious perfume appliers or those that suffer from BO, but package it up nicely where it is stated that there is some perceived "harm" that can be caused, well, that is where we are today.


Forget about all the other really dangerous pollution that is emitted into the air daily from internal combustion engine, the production of chemicals, etc, as that does not matter, but that person over there smoking, well they are the devil incarnate and will cause your death.


If smoking is so dangerous to others, and those huge metal boxes we ride around in all day are just peachy keen, then I ask you , how many would be alive after an hour in a closed room with one small car with its engine running or in that same room with a group of 30 chain smokers. Now, which of the two is the real danger?





It is a real danger! Just because other things are a real danger as well, doesn't make smoke safe! As a cancer patient and stoke survivor I know that some danger is part of life. I do think that smoking is an option that many enjoy. Please give us the option to enjoy fresh air and the right to control the dangers we can control. Smoke in an area where nobody has to take in the second hand smoke. I love the smell of the sea air, I just wish I could enjoy a balcony without the fear of somebody spoiling it. It is a matter of choice. I do not want to take in the drug that the smoke has. Please enjoy your choice of smoking elsewhere.

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It is a real danger! Just because other things are a real danger as well, doesn't make smoke safe! As a cancer patient and stoke survivor I know that some danger is part of life. I do think that smoking is an option that many enjoy. Please give us the option to enjoy fresh air and the right to control the dangers we can control. Smoke in an area where nobody has to take in the second hand smoke. I love the smell of the sea air, I just wish I could enjoy a balcony without the fear of somebody spoiling it. It is a matter of choice. I do not want to take in the drug that the smoke has. Please enjoy your choice of smoking elsewhere.


Please. Without taking this with disrespect. When I read this post-all I can say is-RCCL is not the line for you. Just like Celebrity can not be the line for me until hubby quits. ;)


Any one who is alergic, gets migrane headaches, becomes violently ill from smoking can not use any cruise line that allows smoking. You MUST find those limited smoking ships for your health that you rightly so. worry so much about.

CC has a great article which updates all on the smoking policy of every line. Just as a smoker needs to check what lines allow them to smoke-you need to check the lines that do not. I cann't help but think this is just simple vacation planning for all-yes-no? :confused:

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Please. Without taking this with disrespect. When I read this post-all I can say is-RCCL is not the line for you. Just like Celebrity can not be the line for me until hubby quits. ;)


Any one who is alergic, gets migrane headaches, becomes violently ill from smoking can not use any cruise line that allows smoking. You MUST find those limited smoking ships for your health that you rightly so. worry so much about.

CC has a great article which updates all on the smoking policy of every line. Just as a smoker needs to check what lines allow them to smoke-you need to check the lines that do not. I cann't help but think this is just simple vacation planning for all-yes-no? :confused:



I agree with you, as much as smokers have to choose the right cruise line then so do those allergic to smoke. Why would someone who says they are very allergic to smoke go on a cruisline that allows smoking, then complains?

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Please. Without taking this with disrespect. When I read this post-all I can say is-RCCL is not the line for you. Just like Celebrity can not be the line for me until hubby quits. ;)


Any one who is alergic, gets migrane headaches, becomes violently ill from smoking can not use any cruise line that allows smoking. You MUST find those limited smoking ships for your health that you rightly so. worry so much about.

CC has a great article which updates all on the smoking policy of every line. Just as a smoker needs to check what lines allow them to smoke-you need to check the lines that do not. I cann't help but think this is just simple vacation planning for all-yes-no? :confused:

I loved RCI for many years. I thought I would never cruise with them, but my parish is doing a group cruise - so I am going with them. I did not book a balcony because of the smoke issue. I am NOT the only person with heath issues. RCI sells itself as a line that wants you bring your kids. I am not a smoker but both of my parents were. My younger sister is already dead from cancer. It is too late for me but the children of smokers should have the right not to have the health problems my sister and I have.

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I think that we who smoke fully know the dangers that can be brought upon. I am constantly sick and tired of all the crap laid down on these boards on those who do smoke, cancer, it will kill, blah, blah, blah. Geez, it's my choice, period. I booked a balcony for this purpose as I'm limited to smoking elsewhere on the ship. So, to those who don't like it, to bad. I'm just so tired of all the negativity generated on this topic that it has now made me more determined than ever to be on my balcony even more.

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Not true. I am a scientist who has done work in this field and I can tell you there is plenty of evidence.



I'd much rather be in the room with the car.


So then I take it you would rather die? Odd choice.




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I think that we who smoke fully know the dangers that can be brought upon. I am constantly sick and tired of all the crap laid down on these boards on those who do smoke, cancer, it will kill, blah, blah, blah. Geez, it's my choice, period. I booked a balcony for this purpose as I'm limited to smoking elsewhere on the ship. So, to those who don't like it, to bad. I'm just so tired of all the negativity generated on this topic that it has now made me more determined than ever to be on my balcony even more.


So you are saying you are going to hasten your death just to spite us? :D

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I think that we who smoke fully know the dangers that can be brought upon. I am constantly sick and tired of all the crap laid down on these boards on those who do smoke, cancer, it will kill, blah, blah, blah. Geez, it's my choice, period. I booked a balcony for this purpose as I'm limited to smoking elsewhere on the ship. So, to those who don't like it, to bad. I'm just so tired of all the negativity generated on this topic that it has now made me more determined than ever to be on my balcony even more.


In all fairness, you do have a choice. Celebrity does not allow smoking on balconies and if that is important to you, sail Celebrity. I choose to not sail Celebrity anymore because smoking on the balcony is important to me. We all choose our cruise lines for personal reasons and things that are important to us. Maybe you should too.


Note...very sorry I copied the wrong quote! This was in response to YARLENNA's post.

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