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Elevator Incident on Rhapsody of the Seas


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We were on the last day of our cruise once and I had the suitcases all opened and 1/2 way packed with clothes, etc., everywhere and decided to make a quick walk around the ship to take last pictures. My husband stayed in the cabin. Knock-knock, he opens the cabin door to see two men in white suits and masks with canisters, coming in to spray our entire cabin. No, no, says husband. Yes, yes, they said, we were dispatched here as someone has been sick in this cabin. No, no, says husband. They say they must spray everything - walls, ceiling, furniture -- everything. My husband says all our belongings are out in the open -- no, no! And he adds no one has been sick. He finally gets them to wait while he calls customer relations, who check and find they were dispatched to the wrong cabin. Whew...they leave. I return from my picture taking event to him saying -- you won't believe what just happened. We didn't get anything but (like one poster said) we had a fun story to end our cruise.

Sailing again next Sunday! Always an adventure. And...the good news was we didn't get sprayed. We be happy icon10.gif


and if you were sprayed?

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and if you were sprayed?


...then we would have a not-as-funny story and hubby would have been in BIG trouble....icon12.gif And probably have received a bottle of champagne we wouldn't have been able to drink the last night AND can't bring on the airplane. :eek:

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and if you were sprayed?


...then we would have a not-as-funny story and hubby would have been in big trouble....icon12.gif and probably have received a bottle of champagne we wouldn't have been able to drink the last night and can't bring on the airplane. :eek:


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In spite of their lack of interest in telling me "sorry," I would still book a cruise with Royal Caribbean before several other cruise lines.

This cruise, in general, was not quite as nice as my only other Royal cruise (on the Voyager) but in many ways it was much nicer than my last HAL cruise, nicer than the Hurtigruten ship experience, and nicer than my Yangtze River cruise with Regal China. It was also nicer than both of my Carnival cruises, which were twenty years apart. You don't even want to read about cruising on the old Carnivale! :eek:


I once preferred HAL, but cruising with them in this century is not as pleasant as it was last century. ;) I told you I was old.


In a week of quite pleasant or neutral events, there were really only two unpleasant occurrences - one terrifying and one only annoying.


Pleasant occurrences included being able to get tomato juice or V-8 juice from a waiter in the Windjammer five different times, even though I was initially told that they didn't have any at all. As I posted elsewhere, pool towels were freely available on this cruise, probably due to the season and weather in Alaska. I just grabbed one, used it and put it in the towel bin, without any staff involvement at all. Golden Anchor party was nice, too.


I will be back, but on newer ships and probably not using elevators when I'm alone.


To the poster who suggested that it would be safer to go out to the lower floor, if both were available, I think you are mistaken. You should stay in the elevator until you are certain that it has been "tagged out." Should the elevator start to move either up or down while you are getting out, you could be killed. Going to the lower floor would mean that your back would be to the elevator shaft and a moment of stumbling or dizziness could cause you to fall backwards into the shaft. That happened to a man near where I live. Five people were stuck in an elevator, pried the doors open themselves and four successfully jumped down. The last one jumped down and fell into the shaft. See this news story about it. http://www.komonews.com/news/archive/4177786.html

Here's a singing group remaining calm while stuck. http://www.sncmusic.com/video/snc-stuck-in-the-elevator

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It seems that RCCL dropped the ball on this one. As others have said, the cruise line didn't have to do anything and they didn't. Great customer service! These are the situations that great companies suceed with their service. They may of grabbed a customer for life by offering something as simple as a drink that costs them a buck to make.

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You must find that RCCL inconveniences their passengers most of the time if you feel that a couple $ gesture on their part would leave them broke.


By the way, the travel industry is part of the hospitality industry.


Well, RCI carries about 4 million people a year on their cruise brands. If only 1% consider themselves "inconvenienced" and deserve compensation that's about 40,000 people a year. No matter how you cut it, that's not and expense that is necessary.


And, you needn't tell me anything about the travel industry....I've recently retired after 32 years in that industry.....

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Stuck in elevator=free drink. That's just nonsense.


Please accept our apology for the elevator malfunction causing you to be worried or afraid. That's more like it.

If like you said on an earlier post you had to call maint Several Times at 3 am to unclog a toilet I to would think it was nonsense but those of us that don't clog the toilet repeatedly know differently

Cruzincurt clogs Toilet repeatedly = Cruzincurts Fault = Crzincurt should be billed

Stuck in Elevator=RCCL Fault=RCCL should Buy wine



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Well' date=' RCI carries about 4 million people a year on their cruise brands. If only 1% consider themselves "inconvenienced" and deserve compensation that's about 40,000 people a year. No matter how you cut it, that's not and expense that is necessary.


And, you needn't tell me anything about the travel industry....I've recently retired after 32 years in that industry.....[/quote']


If one percent of their passengers,thats 30 a week per ship using your numbers,get stuck on the elevator they deserve to get hit with those numbers no matter how you cut it


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Once out, I wanted nothing but to go up the stairs to the Windjammer, get some chocolate cake and tell my daughter what had happened. Ah, but there were questions for me first. "Name?" "Cabin number?" "Are you hurt anywhere?" "Would you like to visit the ship doctor?" I answered the doctor question with "Only if he has all of the chocolate on this ship."


Then, nothing more happened. Royal Caribbean could have/should have delivered a bottle of champagne to my cabin or to my dinner table or given me some small amount of shipboard credit, I think. Nothing more happened. No note came from the captain, the cruise director or even the ship safety officer. Nothing. Nada. It was as though it had never happened at all. I suspect that the crew destroyed the report once they determined that I was not injured. Had I visited the ship doctor, I might have scored some champagne or a t-shirt or something.


Although it was terrible that the elevator had a malfunction while you were in it, but why do you feel like you have to be given something?


They got you out of the elevator didn't they?


Wasn't that enough?

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It seems that RCCL dropped the ball on this one. As others have said, the cruise line didn't have to do anything and they didn't. Great customer service! These are the situations that great companies suceed with their service. They may of grabbed a customer for life by offering something as simple as a drink that costs them a buck to make.


BINGO!!!! A good to great Company doesn't let this kind of thing become a COMPLAINT on the internet. It could (and should) have been handled with simple customer service, something sorely lacking in business today.


To the angry poster/cheerleader/defender who keeps saying it is the customer demanding things that has changed business, I say no. A Company that has really good to great customer service knows, that no matter what the short term cost is to satisfy a customer, (Any Customer) that cost is worth it because satisfied customers don't complain. If a Company has great customer service they don't let things get to the point of an internet complaint.


Too many Businesses today are Run by people with small minds and big pockets they want to fill quickly while they are Running the company. RCI since Goldstein has been President is one Company that comes to mind. And how very sad that is.




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Well' date=' RCI carries about 4 million people a year on their cruise brands. If only 1% consider themselves "inconvenienced" and deserve compensation that's about 40,000 people a year. No matter how you cut it, that's not and expense that is necessary.


And, you needn't tell me anything about the travel industry....I've recently retired after 32 years in that industry.....[/quote']


Well in addition you know so much about the History of Denim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Stuck in elevator=free drink. That's just nonsense.


Please accept our apology for the elevator malfunction causing you to be worried or afraid. That's more like it.


Elevator Malfunction = Customer Stuck in Elevator and not only Inconvenienced but Fearful for Her Safety = Company Employees Rescue Customer from Malfunctioning Elevator = Company Customer Service Never Even Inquires Whether Customer is Alright after the Fact = Bad Customer Service = Company that really doesn't give a Hoot about Customer


Now to me, that is not only "just nonsense" it is also Bad Business!




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Trying hard to get back on topic here:D:D:D


I still think its Company procedures that seem to be lacking in the case of elevator malfunction.


Surely it should be mandatory for the engine room to immediately report a lift malfunction where people are stuck, to the Guest Relations. Who in turn must also LOG IT. Then it is properly dealt with and followed through.


It seems to be haphazard as to how this is all dealt with.


On the Brilliance all complaints and/or requests are logged and then followed up to see if all was resolved satisfactorily. In our case, on another ship, this did not happen.


However, a note expressing their concern, a bottle of plonk, two choccie strawbs etc. - anything. But to totally ignore the incident and enquire as to whether those concerned were OK - RCCL have got it wrong in this instance.


We did wonder at the time, what was taking them so long to deal with it. Anyone have any mechanical knowledge of how long it takes to get a lift moving again? In our case, the lift went down just a few feet and was stuck between floors. Obviously, on a ship the mechanics are within easy reach - not like calling out a contractor.

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If like you said on an earlier post you had to call maint Several Times at 3 am to unclog a toilet I to would think it was nonsense but those of us that don't clog the toilet repeatedly know differently

Cruzincurt clogs Toilet repeatedly = Cruzincurts Fault = Crzincurt should be billed

Stuck in Elevator=RCCL Fault=RCCL should Buy wine



Cruzincurt didn't clog it, more accurately, the toilet just wasn't working. I have learned to always try the toilet before using it.

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And' date=' you needn't tell me anything about the travel industry....I've recently retired after 32 years in that industry.....[/quote']



Well...watch out here...because you will either be called a liar, that you were never in the industry...or that you obviously were involved in some less than desirable location since you don't think freebies are necessary here....this thread is hopeless...which is why I stopped yesterday...just thought I'd give you a heads up in case you haven't read the rest of it....

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It seems to me that the issue was more the lack of gesture and the frankly nasty comments posted by those calling the OP greedy, part of the entitlement society, yada yada yada. Somehow I think if those they felt the OP was delivered enough service and caring by being rescued (from a situation that MOST would find uncomfortable at best), didn't attack her personally ... well maybe not much would come of it.


And maybe G'ma forgot that she said that this wasn't a hospitality issue but a cruise issue.

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Not absolutely sure what point you are making:confused: The Safety Officer did not appear - nor anyone except the two mechanics.


However, the Head of Security was shocked when I informed him the following day - he had wanted to know who else was in the elevator - but since no-one except two mechanics were present, I couldn't help him. I certainly didn't organise a petition whilst stuck in the elevator LOL. He said he couldn't understand why no-one in authority, other than mechanics, had been called to attend at the incident. I said that their procedures required attending to in that case. I have a strange feeling that none of this was actually logged:(


This was by the way, in an enclosed elevator. I hate glass elevators, but in this case, it would have been far preferable to be able to see and communicate with the outside world - even with hand signals.


I would also like to point out that we rarely drink alcohol - this was one of the exceptions:D


Having said that, there were many other incidents on this ship - unfortunately, it really was not ready to sail after a dry dock. And no, we did not demand any compensation - however, others did.


Now I think about it, the ship had problems, many justified complaints and it would have been a nice gesture to have served a free glass of wine at dinner to all passengers. The senior staff went into hiding:D Captain would not appear at functions etc. Apart from this elevator incident and my mother falling on the wet floor in the WJ (no doctor, no complaint:p) this was an enjoyable cruise with many comic moments. The Senior staff did NOT enjoy it - I will say no more.


Bearded Ladies - how about a drink in the Indie elevator - a glass one natch - we will toast to a safe landing. LOL


Well I think the best policy is to be armed with a large G&T just in case of any lift emergency, you could there a while!... :eek:

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Well...watch out here...because you will either be called a liar, that you were never in the industry...or that you obviously were involved in some less than desirable location since you don't think freebies are necessary here....this thread is hopeless...which is why I stopped yesterday...just thought I'd give you a heads up in case you haven't read the rest of it....

No it was just pointed out that most high end places do right by their customers .YOU called posters that pointed that out LIARS.Just because you were in the industry does not mean others that worked in it are wrong or worked at a lower end just because they treat their customers with more compassion.I've been told that JWM would treat a customer that had to be rescued from an elevator with more than a room comp but I suppose since thats not high end enough it does not matter

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BINGO!!!! A good to great Company doesn't let this kind of thing become a COMPLAINT on the internet. It could (and should) have been handled with simple customer service, something sorely lacking in business today.


To the angry poster/cheerleader/defender who keeps saying it is the customer demanding things that has changed business, I say no. A Company that has really good to great customer service knows, that no matter what the short term cost is to satisfy a customer, (Any Customer) that cost is worth it because satisfied customers don't complain. If a Company has great customer service they don't let things get to the point of an internet complaint.


Too many Businesses today are Run by people with small minds and big pockets they want to fill quickly while they are Running the company. RCI since Goldstein has been President is one Company that comes to mind. And how very sad that is.




Well said. "It is not the problem people remember, it is how it is dealt

with". Kimberley

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Sorry you experienced a mechanical breakdown in the elevator. While I'm sure it would be frightening to someone who is not mechanically inclined, it would simply have been annoying that it was taking up time to anyone who is mechanically inclined, and knows that there are mutliple failsafes built into elevators. Since you were uninjured, I'm not sure why you expected anything else.


My thoughts, if you experienced an elevator or escalator breakdown at the mall, hotel or airport, would you expect a bottle of champagne from the property owners? Why does everyone think a cruise line owes them so much more? If your flight was diverted or cancelled due to a mechanical breakdown which happened to me last Sunday, does the airline owe me a bottle of wine, or champagne, or a free flight? I just don't get it OP, I was happy they put me on another airline and got me home, even though it was 4 hours later. They didn't even offer a meal voucher for McDonalds, and I didn't expect it. I could ask a dozen other hypothetical questions, all geared around the same theme, why do you expect a gift because you happened to be inconvenienced due to a mechanical failure?



Yeah, I agree..

I was stuck in an elevator ONCE...

Guess where?

I think it was the VOYAGER of the SEAS.

It was R.C.C.L., for sure.

No big deal..


I was alone also.

When the elevator stopped between the decks...

I called for "help".

Then, I pried the doors open and, crawled out

and, went on my way...


When the help arrived, I was not even in there.

Later on, I strolled past the elevators and,

told the guys working on it, that is

was me, that called for the help...

They wondered where I disappeared to... :rolleyes:


I flew airplanes for over 40+ years in my career.

I think engines stopped on me about 8 times in

those years... We just did what we were trained to do.

I don't I ever remember anyone giving me something

for landing the aircraft after the incident either.


Now, I am wondering if I was gypped out of something? :D

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I think that in the hospitality business, any time a guest is inconvenienced and you as host notice it, its your job to at least acknowledge the inconvenience with some sort of gesture...a note from the manager, a small token or appreciation, whatever. That's what makes great hotels and cruiselines "great." They notice the little things. Although a bottle of champagne or whatever, may not have been the order of the day, a call or note from management should have been presented.


I believe this is most accurate. This IS what makes these type of organizations great, not just ok. A note or phone call to the room would have been an example of what the extra effort from an organizatrion wanting to be the best would do. I really enjoy Royal Caribbean and If I sound critical, I hope it is taken constructively. I would like for them to be recognized as 'great' or 'best'.


Not to slight to op; I am very glad you were not injured and appreciate your post and the responses to the thread you have created.

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