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7.3 earthquake hits Haiti

Sue L

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RCCL hosts a lot of humanitarian drives and donates items to Haiti regularly. They rarely advertise it. Hopefully, on cruises going to Haiti, they will solicit donations. I know that I would certainly give some money.


As for Labadee, the epicenter of the quake was on the other side of the island nation. Little was felt on the North coast.

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I feel so sorry for the people of that country.


I just donated to Red Cross International Relief Fund and Food for the Poor who have a base of operation there.


If I can not help in person I hope my donation will help someone.


My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Haiti.

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My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Haiti :( surely Royal Caribbean won't be calling at Labadee, unless to leave food and water.


the area near Labadee doesn't seem to be affected. It would not be in those people best interest for RCCL to pull out. They depend on them for their salaries which RCCL would most likely still pay but the additional funds from tips and those who work at the craft market would be financially devastated if no tourists were there.

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We will be on the Navigator 1/30 cruise, and I hope we make it to Labadee. It is one of the prettiest places. There are local Haitians that work at the straw marketplace with their local artwork. I always like to stop by to see what they have. They are very talented people. I always buy some little trinkets to help them out. If the ships don't stop, they will lose alot. From what I have seen and read, there is not damage along the northern part of Haiti, at least not major damage. That is a blessing. Hopefully, the others in the devastated region will get plenty of help ASAP. We will pray for all the injured.


Also, for all the folks that don't want to go to Haiti or Jamaica because they are worried about earthquakes, I hope they don't plan to ever go to California, or any of the other regions that experience earthquakes. There are many types of natural disasters. I don't worry about what can and might happen. I enjoy my life.

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I email Adam this morning.


Sorry to bother you Mr Goldstein, but i've contacted you before in relation to Haiti and Royal Caribbean's good work there.



I was wondering i know it might be to early to say but are all our staff in Labadee ok ? how did Labadee fair itself ?



Many cruisers on CruiseCritic want to help the people on Haiti. Has Royal Caribbean any plans to divert any ships to land much needed food and water ?


Would Royal Caribbean be willing to accept donations maybe to allow a ship to be filled/loaded with supplies bought by loyal cruisers and then delivered by Royal Caribbean.






A very quick reply from Adam



"Thanks John. We'll try to use my blog to keep people up to date starting later this morning."






Lets hope we can help via Royal Caribbean as well at the Red Cross and other agencies.







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Does anyone know if you can get reimbursed your deposit if you want to change your cruise itinerary?


I had seriously been thinking of changing our cruise route altogether because I've been hearing some horror stories about these regions, Haiti, Jamaica, etc., & now, in the wake of what's happening, I'm completely torn about whether to go on this cruise or not. :confused:


Don't miss Labadee, its a great port! And the people of Haiti who are fortunate enough to have been chosen to work there by RCCL depend on the money they make and now are going to be in even more dire straights as some of their own homes have probably been demolished. They will need school supplies etc. Cruisers regularily take packets of these supplies with them on their cruises to hand out, check the port threads on these boards to learn how and don't change your cruise! I doubt seriously that anything at Labadee will be damaged enough to prevent our ships from docking. Maybe some of the drink shacks but not much else. Anyway I hope so. The people of Haiti will need to make a living now more than ever.

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I email Adam this morning.


Sorry to bother you Mr Goldstein, but i've contacted you before in relation to Haiti and Royal Caribbean's good work there.



I was wondering i know it might be to early to say but are all our staff in Labadee ok ? how did Labadee fair itself ?



Many cruisers on CruiseCritic want to help the people on Haiti. Has Royal Caribbean any plans to divert any ships to land much needed food and water ?


Would Royal Caribbean be willing to accept donations maybe to allow a ship to be filled/loaded with supplies bought by loyal cruisers and then delivered by Royal Caribbean.






A very quick reply from Adam



"Thanks John. We'll try to use my blog to keep people up to date starting later this morning."






Lets hope we can help via Royal Caribbean as well at the Red Cross and other agencies.








Good suggestions. In the past RCI has been very generous in its humanitarian aid to Haiti and other islands in the Caribbean that suffered from serious situations such as hurricanes, etc. and I am sure that they will be in the forefront of such operations in this situation as well. Anything that the rest of us can do whether through the cruise line, Red Cross, or other humanitarian organizations will demonstrate that we care about the people of Haiti and want to do our part to ease their suffering.:)

A previous poster's suggestion that RCI eliminate sailings to Haiti for the near future, regardless of whether or not there is damage to the facilities at Labadee, ignores the contributions that the cruiseline makes to the economy of this poverty-stricken land and really would be counterproductive.

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My brother-in-law arrived in Haiti Friday, a part of a medical missionary group....he has traveled there many years and commented that this would be his last trip. We got word last night his group is safe...they are in the less populated northern part of the country, but they expected to be dispatched to help soon. I'm sure he feels blessed to be available there to help in some way, prayers go out for everyone in Haiti.

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This is so good to hear!! I agree all ships need to continue to visit this port more now than ever! We need to keep bringing money to these people by spending money there and keeping people working.......would be nice if RC set up some type of fundraising, if every person getting off the ship even donated just $1 to help it would add up.....just for Oasis=$6,000 alone! :)


Assuming no changes we will be visiting there in Feb and look forward to donating there as well! :)

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Why ask the cruising passengers to donate? I feel the company should donate and make sure their port stops are safe and the people are supported properly. Why put it to donations from people vacationing? We were on JOS Dec 10-20 and they were asking for $10 to Make a Wish Foundation. I think this is a good cause and my DH did it since it went totally to this charity, and he got a nice T shirt! OF all the people around the deck they got 91 people to do the mile walk and buy the T shirt for the donation. I think there is enough profit margin in our cruise fares to make donations and not hit up guests on board for vacation.

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It is indeed very sad news, however the last thing their economy needs is for people to keep away! if a large part of their economy is from tourism and the cruise ships then this is a sure way to help them by keep coming and spending your money there surely. I personally will be taking as much clothing as i can (in order to leave some for whoever needs it) and also will keep an eye out for other items which can be transported easily by me when we embark on our first cruise in middle feb.

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We have a cruise scheduled in May & one of the first ports will be Labadee Haiti.


I heard on the news, that RCL is NOT going to be changing their routes any. I wonder if they will be changing their minds after they see the amount of devastation this quake has caused?


My suggestion would be for all who are traveling to Haiti in the future--if we all take along a a couple of small items that will help the people, we could make a difference. Toiletries, etc. They need all the help they can get.

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The whole region is subject to potenetial earthquakes as are many regions in the US including the northeast. We were in the USVIs in early November and our tour guide told us they have many, many small earthquakes year round.


I doubt very much Royal is going to exclude Labadee from their itineraries unless they determine passengers are in harms way. Remember they have invested millions in that port.


Personally, rather then worring about how this event will inconvience me on future cruises, I'll say some prayers for those whose lives have been devastated or lost by this horrific event. This is a country of very poor people and their hardship before today would break most peoples hearts. This is just another awful blow to a country that carries such a heavy burden of poverty.


I hope others reading this thread share my thoughts and are far more worried about the welfare of the Haitians and not so much about themselves.


Definitely. Well-put, many prayers from our family go out to the people of Haiti.

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We are setting sail on Saturday on the Navigator. Our current schedule has us destined for Labadee on Monday. While I want to help these poor devastated people any way I can, RCI is definately going to need to coordinate any efforts for relief with the Red Cross etc. I look foward to participating in anything they organize!

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Spot on post, I completely agree.


There's NO WAY I'M NOT GOING on my Indy cruise in April.... in fact, this makes me want to go more, so I can do my small bit to help these unfortunate souls. Also, hopefully it'll show my kids how massively privileged and comfortable their lives are in comparison.



I'm not booked into Haiti but was there with RCCL in 1998. I remember how impoverished this country was. Something like this earthquake would be bad in the US but it is 100 times worse in a country that is poor to begin with and doesn't have the means to help it's people. My prayers go to the people of Haiti who have lost so much in the blink of an eye

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This is so good to hear!! I agree all ships need to continue to visit this port more now than ever! We need to keep bringing money to these people by spending money there and keeping people working.......would be nice if RC set up some type of fundraising, if every person getting off the ship even donated just $1 to help it would add up.....just for Oasis=$6,000 alone! :)


Assuming no changes we will be visiting there in Feb and look forward to donating there as well! :)


Great idea, passengers on ships going to Labadee should organize this within themselves.

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I'm sure the company give as well. On our Transatlantic in Nov on the Navigator they were asking the passengers to donate $10 and they were expecting to get $8000 and in the end they raised over $12,500 which is a record.So obviously the passengers didn't feel uncomfortable.

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Why ask the cruising passengers to donate? I feel the company should donate and make sure their port stops are safe and the people are supported properly. Why put it to donations from people vacationing? We were on JOS Dec 10-20 and they were asking for $10 to Make a Wish Foundation. I think this is a good cause and my DH did it since it went totally to this charity, and he got a nice T shirt! OF all the people around the deck they got 91 people to do the mile walk and buy the T shirt for the donation. I think there is enough profit margin in our cruise fares to make donations and not hit up guests on board for vacation.

The Make-A-Wish Program is fleet wide. You were not forced to donate.

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I email Adam this morning.


Sorry to bother you Mr Goldstein, but i've contacted you before in relation to Haiti and Royal Caribbean's good work there.



I was wondering i know it might be to early to say but are all our staff in Labadee ok ? how did Labadee fair itself ?



Many cruisers on CruiseCritic want to help the people on Haiti. Has Royal Caribbean any plans to divert any ships to land much needed food and water ?


Would Royal Caribbean be willing to accept donations maybe to allow a ship to be filled/loaded with supplies bought by loyal cruisers and then delivered by Royal Caribbean.






A very quick reply from Adam



"Thanks John. We'll try to use my blog to keep people up to date starting later this morning."






Lets hope we can help via Royal Caribbean as well at the Red Cross and other agencies.










Great Idea!! That was kind of you to make suggestions. Lets hope everyone gets behind it.


For once people dont make a thread into an argument!

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I definitely hope they coordinate something....I live next to the port, so it wouldn't be much for me to bring an extra suitcase full of supplies or clothing, etc. I saw in another thread that the CEO of RCCL will be updating his blog later today with info.


Also, the Today Show was saying that the temp in Port au Prince is supposed to be 89 today and there will be widespread concern about dehydration. I hope Red Cross/UN can get in quickly with water. Although, given that Al Roker is flying there right now, I"m sure humanitarian planes will also be poring in.

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I definitely hope they coordinate something....I live next to the port, so it wouldn't be much for me to bring an extra suitcase full of supplies or clothing, etc. I saw in another thread that the CEO of RCCL will be updating his blog later today with info.


Also, the Today Show was saying that the temp in Port au Prince is supposed to be 89 today and there will be widespread concern about dehydration. I hope Red Cross/UN can get in quickly with water. Although, given that Al Roker is flying there right now, I"m sure humanitarian planes will also be poring in.


Twiggers, your idea is a good one. My family does this when we visit Labadee--we take lots of toiletries, odds and ends, etc. and they love it. Every little bit helps, espec. in a situation like this.

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It seems a bit inconsiderate to criticize RCI for offering its guests an opportunity to contribute to a worthwhile charity or cause. In the past the corporation has been more than generous in its support of worthy charities. In this age of rampant cynicism, I fear that, if they simply made a corporate contribution, someone would claim that they were actually extorting their passengers by including or hiding the amount in the cruisefare. No one has suggested a mandatory payment by passengers but simply a chance for concerned cruisers to do a small part in assisting the truly needy people of Haiti.:rolleyes

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Why ask the cruising passengers to donate? I feel the company should donate and make sure their port stops are safe and the people are supported properly. Why put it to donations from people vacationing? We were on JOS Dec 10-20 and they were asking for $10 to Make a Wish Foundation. I think this is a good cause and my DH did it since it went totally to this charity, and he got a nice T shirt! OF all the people around the deck they got 91 people to do the mile walk and buy the T shirt for the donation. I think there is enough profit margin in our cruise fares to make donations and not hit up guests on board for vacation.


Respectfully, I whole-heartedly disagree with your opinion. In your eyes, what makes the Make-A Wish program so good, but setting up a charity drive for Haiti so bad? Is it because you get a t-shirt with Make-A-Wish? Come on. There is nothing wrong with RCI setting up a channel for us to donate to Haiti.

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