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WARNING!!! This is a 'sour grapes" post. "Special Rates" Those professions left out.

A Sixth?

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I question why AARP members merit any discounts. AARP is for people over 50, most of the wealth in America is in that group. Further, why should union members merit any discount.


AARP sends lots of business to some companies.Companies are greatful for it and provide a group rate


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Is it a little 'weird' that military get to pull 'combat pay' for an entire month if they are on duty 24 hours in Athens or Istanbul or Egypt? Is it a little 'weird' that a few veterans believe that they are entitled to government provided medical services for life - but the working taxpayor funding it isn't?



Wood, teachers have very similar benefits for healthcare. We all pay for it.

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Yeah, by the same token why not the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker?

Really, I find it hard to believe that there are people who do not seem to understand the difference.

No one is saying that these other professions are not important to society (every profession/job benefits society in some respect or it would not exist) but none of them place the individual in situations which may require the ultimate sacrifice. If that does not merit some recognition by the rest of society then we are truly not deserving of that ultimate sacrifice.



Well said, GeorgeL! Couldn't agree more.

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DH and I are qualfied for the military rate. And we have twice taken advantage of it: however, it is not always that great a deal. Most of the cruises we have been on do not list a military rate until close to final payment time, or even after. And because of some of the new regulations, if we try to get the lower rate we may lose OBC from either the TA or Celebrity. For a forthcoming cruise, the military rate in our cabin category is only $30 pp lower than the over 55 rate. (We are qualified for THAT too.)


The cruise line offers special rates to attract more cruisers on a voyage that is not booked really well. They hope by offering lower rates in special categories to fill up the ship.


I would NOT expect to find a great military rate on a great suite on a popular voyage!


Any folks who feel slighted by not qualifying for another special rate, if you live long enough you will eventually be eligible for the Over 55! ;)

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DH and I are both active duty by choice. We don't expect military discounts or extra pay but I say THANK YOU to any company that offers it. Yes, many groups and professions contribute to society but few others do so at the expense of their own families. How do you compare a public service career that requires deployments, long periods away from home that don't count as deployments, and frequent moves to others? How do you explain to toddlers why you won't be home for a bit and you're not exactly sure when you're coming back? Or my favorite- that although the aircraft carrier is called a ship, mommy isn't having fun like she was when she took you on the cruise ship! Few jobs have the threat of Leavenworth if you don't show up or the joy of helping others you've never even met. I wouldn't trade my experiences for anything but I'm happy when we're able to use a discount. Our first major family vacation after deployment was a cruise to Bermuda and it was a great stressfree environment to get our kids used to me again. The only thing I wish is cruise lines and other companies would adopt more military friendly cancellation policies. Yes, we can cancel without penalty for orders to a warzone but few insurance companies and travel companies cover cancellations for orders to areas "other than war." This can cause unnecessary hardship during an already stressful situation.


Military discounts, senior citizen discounts and others don't take anything away from those who don't qualify. No more than stork parking and physically challenged parking spaces take away from those of us who have to park in a general lot.

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Very often, the senior rate is better than the military rate. It is like comparing discounts for hotels.


Can you imagine sleeping in a tent in the desert and waking up in the Middle East counting the days until you are home safe and sound? Even our most disgusting prisoners don't live like our military.


My DH spent his military years in Korea during the Vietnam years. As much as he hated seeing people using the side of the road as their bathroom, he counted his blessings because he was not in Vietnam. As much as other professions might sacrifice, nobody has to live in such horrible conditions as our military. Next time you think you are having a bad day, think about how nice it is to come home to your own home at night instead of a tent in a war zone.

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Very often, the senior rate is better than the military rate. It is like comparing discounts for hotels.


Can you imagine sleeping in a tent in the desert and waking up in the Middle East counting the days until you are home safe and sound? Even our most disgusting prisoners don't live like our military.


My DH spent his military years in Korea during the Vietnam years. As much as he hated seeing people using the side of the road as their bathroom, he counted his blessings because he was not in Vietnam. As much as other professions might sacrifice, nobody has to live in such horrible conditions as our military. Next time you think you are having a bad day, think about how nice it is to come home to your own home at night instead of a tent in a war zone.


Well said my friend.....:):):)



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The answer is very simple and I am surprised you even needed to ask:


The people who get these discounts put their lives on the line every day in order to protect all of us.


They deserve any and all discounts which any company is willing to offer. I applaude Celebrity for being one of those companies.


Don't be surprised.... There are a whole lot of people who choose dangerous and giving professions....that's all i meant this thread to be about. It's a "sour grapes thread" right? :rolleyes:



In my OP I said clearly "Now I appreciate the guys and girls in the military and fire and police very much and please don't question that, but what about teachers, nurses and care givers. Are they not deserving now and then too?" and i mean it. Don't question my words.



Any other professions that have been left out? I'm surprised that I have to ask you, because I'm sure you know dozens:rolleyes:

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Don't be surprised.... There are a whole lot of people who choose dangerous and giving professions....that's all i meant this thread to be about. It's a "sour grapes thread" right? :rolleyes:



In my OP I said clearly "Now I appreciate the guys and girls in the military and fire and police very much and please don't question that, but what about teachers, nurses and care givers. Are they not deserving now and then too?" and i mean it. Don't question my words.



Any other professions that have been left out? I'm surprised that I have to ask you, because I'm sure you know dozens:rolleyes:


I am surprised this thread has stayed so long--I have no probem with the present discount structure on Celebrity & Royal C


Athough many folks give much in service to others, there is a distinction between caregivers & life sacrificers to keep us safe & secure....--just MHO....


I saw this recent thread on NCl--they give a union discount--so it appears there is something for almost everyone out there if you look for it!!!

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First, I want to thank those who put themselves in danger to protect others and our ways of life.


But, I believe that the majority of those who made the decision to become a police person, a fire person, or to become a member of our military services made that decision themselves. I do not think that part of their decision to enter into their chosen profession was so that they could obtain discounted cruise prices or any other such benefit. They made the decision themselves, most of them receive benefits associated with their chosen profession, why should they be rewarded for their choice of profession by private industry such as the cruise lines? :confused:


Yes, they make this decision themselves, knowing full well what that decision entails and that they may be risking their lives in performance of their duties. Does that make them any less deserving of such small consideration because they make the choice freely rather than by force? In my opinion, the fact that these courageous people CHOOSE to do something that helps others and possibly at the cost of their own lives makes them heroes in my eyes and no other profession, no matter how noble, can lay claim to such sacrifice.

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Yes, they make this decision themselves, knowing full well what that decision entails and that they may be risking their lives in performance of their duties. Does that make them any less deserving of such small consideration because they make the choice freely rather than by force? In my opinion, the fact that these courageous people CHOOSE to do something that helps others and possibly at the cost of their own lives makes them heroes in my eyes and no other profession, no matter how noble, can lay claim to such sacrifice.

I think that whoever risks their lives to save others is worthy of any reward offered.

Yesterday a man was fishing from the rocky sea shore in VERY rough seas. He was washed out to sea and civil protection officers had to be lowered from a helicopter to assist him. They had to swim to him and keep him afloat while others got a dingy to take him to shore. They risked their lives to save a man who was in danger through his own stupidity.

They risk their lives to save illegal immigrants too.

How many of us do this on a regular basis ?

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I am surprised this thread has stayed so long--I have no probem with the present discount structure on Celebrity & Royal C


Athough many folks give much in service to others, there is a distinction between caregivers & life sacrificers to keep us safe & secure....--just MHO....


I saw this recent thread on NCl--they give a union discount--so it appears there is something for almost everyone out there if you look for it!!!


As the last post points out there are lot of life danger jobs, many whose injury and death stats exceed most military units. Commercial fishing... Until human evolution moves further in the right direction, soldiers will be a fateful necessity. I don't envy their jobs, the civilian discounts they're offered are pretty trifling... But I used to be sent as an employee into regions that are deemed 'combat zones' by the military and I didn't get pay enhancement...


IMHO - when it comes to entitlement attitude - the military is the most aggressive labor union in the country (like AFSME... with weapons:D)

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A long time ago, I complained to my DH that someone else got a better price for something I had paid a lot more for. His response to me was, "were you happy with the price you paid at the time?" Answer, yes... you can be sure that when you are onboard ship, there is always someone who paid more than you and someone who paid less. Be happy you are onboard. I can't thank each one in the military individually for allowing me to put my head down on my pillow at night and sleep peacefully, so if this is what Celebrity does for them, I am grateful. As others have posted, live to be 55 or wait for resident rate, or, join the military.

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As the last post points out there are lot of life danger jobs, many whose injury and death stats exceed most military units. Commercial fishing... Until human evolution moves further in the right direction, soldiers will be a fateful necessity. I don't envy their jobs, the civilian discounts they're offered are pretty trifling... But I used to be sent as an employee into regions that are deemed 'combat zones' by the military and I didn't get pay enhancement...


IMHO - when it comes to entitlement attitude - the military is the most aggressive labor union in the country (like AFSME... with weapons:D)


Seems like you were in the wrong job.Most jobs offer insentives when they send employees to these zones .BTW its a safe bet you were getting paid much more than the milatary folks which kinda of mutes your sour grapes whine


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As the last post points out there are lot of life danger jobs, many whose injury and death stats exceed most military units. Commercial fishing... Until human evolution moves further in the right direction, soldiers will be a fateful necessity. I don't envy their jobs, the civilian discounts they're offered are pretty trifling... But I used to be sent as an employee into regions that are deemed 'combat zones' by the military and I didn't get pay enhancement...


IMHO - when it comes to entitlement attitude - the military is the most aggressive labor union in the country (like AFSME... with weapons:D)


There is such a HUGE difference between what you refer to "life danger jobs" and what the military, fire/rescue and police do. It still amazes me that people cannot seem to grasp the difference.

Yes, there are some occupations which can also result in death for some unfortunate souls. The importaint difference is that in all those other professions/jobs the people are doing something to better their own life by taking certain calculated risks whereas those in the military/fire/police make a conscious choice to quite possibly give up their own lives IN THE SERVICE TO OTHERS.

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There is such a HUGE difference between what you refer to "life danger jobs" and what the military, fire/rescue and police do. It still amazes me that people cannot seem to grasp the difference.

Yes, there are some occupations which can also result in death for some unfortunate souls. The importaint difference is that in all those other professions/jobs the people are doing something to better their own life by taking certain calculated risks whereas those in the military/fire/police make a conscious choice to quite possibly give up their own lives IN THE SERVICE TO OTHERS.


Do you feel the same way about a policeman in a small town that has never had a murder as you do for a policeman in a large crime ridden city?

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I've hesitated from commenting on this thread for a while because my husband is in the military and we have at times benefited from cruise line military discounts (not on our current Celebrity cruise but others.) First- I want to say that we are extremely appreciative of any discount that we receive. We know it's not something people have to give and think it's very nice when it's offered. We rarely ask for those discounts but when they are offered we certainly are grateful!


Now- I think a lot of people have looked at this as a way for companies to say thank you for a military member's sacrifice but I think there is more to it and I didn't understand this either until I married into the Army. The military can be a very good career for someone. I doubt that my husband would have been where he is financially if he had not gone into the military. However, we are very lucky. First, we have only been married 2 1/2 years and have not had to move yet. I still have the very good job I had when we met. We also do not have any children- which helps. I always wondered before I married into the military why so many military spouses didn't work (at least in our type of unit) and now I know. It's very stressful to have to be everything when your husband is not home. I take care of everything- the house, the bills, the cars, the animals- everything. I consider myself lucky because I don't have to be Mom and Dad too. This is not just when they are deployed (which DH currently is) but when he is "home" as well. I never know what time my husband gets off work- there is no "get off work". He is always on call. He has to leave for trainings where he is gone for 2 weeks- a month quite often- even when he is "home".


When the Army says that it is our time to move, we will have to go, I don't get a choice in this even though I know it means I will basically have to give up my good job in a poor job market and move to somewhere that might have an even worse job market- I have no say over this. Some will say- oh well you can always stay at your job. And yes- this is an option- but not one I am willing to consider. I am forced to be separated from my husband enough- I'm not going to do it willingly. In the four years that we have been together he has been gone more than he has been home. So this means we will give up half of our income and have no idea if we will be able to recover it. I have 2 degrees and 10 years of very solid work experience in a technical field and I am scared I will not be able to find a job wherever we are sent that will pay what I make now. Imagine if we are sent to one of the bases out west that basically the only town is the base. Where am I supposed to work? On the base? I wish! Those jobs are very had to come by as they are usually snatched up by retiring or ETSing military- which I understand completely.


So, I really think this is more an income thing. It is extremely difficult to have a 2-career household when one person is in the military. It can be done but often the spouses career never lives up to it's full potential because of all the moving. When you are in the military- you're pay is set- yes you can get promoted but there are special times that you have to be in your rank before that happens so even if you do a great job- you can't really advance all that quickly. Teachers, police, fire and other professions ( I could never deal with what these people deal with and have the upmost respect for them) have the ability to lay down roots, to establish themselves in one place. This gives their spouses much more of an option for establishing their own career if they so choose. No teacher is ever told in January that in May they have to move- sell their house, uproot their children and their spouse and move to a specific place that they didn't get a choice in. I know these people's lives are difficult and sacrificing as well but if there was an emergency and my husband was a police officer, I could call him and he could come. For me, I have to be ready to deal with all this on my own at a moment's notice. It's hard to maintain a career when that is your role.


We chose this career field (he was in when we met but we decided together on his reenlistment) and I'm very proud of my husband. I don't feel entitled to anything I get but I certainly welcome whatever comes. As I said- we are lucky- I know many military families who would not get an opportunity to take vacations without military discounts. They live paycheck to paycheck just trying to to make it and that little bit might help them take their kids to Disney World.


So sorry for such a long post but I thought some insight from someone inside might help explain it. I know most people don't really see this as a financial thing. Yes, we do receive extra pay when he's deployed but for most families that just makes it so they have a little bit of breathing room.

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Do you feel the same way about a policeman in a small town that has never had a murder as you do for a policeman in a large crime ridden city?


Yes, I feel exactly the same way about anyone who chooses a profession which has the potential for requiring the ultimate sacrifice in the service to others. We live in a very uncertain world and no place on earth is immune from violence as many sleepy, small and previously quiet towns have found out.

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As the last post points out there are lot of life danger jobs, many whose injury and death stats exceed most military units. Commercial fishing... Until human evolution moves further in the right direction, soldiers will be a fateful necessity. I don't envy their jobs, the civilian discounts they're offered are pretty trifling... But I used to be sent as an employee into regions that are deemed 'combat zones' by the military and I didn't get pay enhancement...


IMHO - when it comes to entitlement attitude - the military is the most aggressive labor union in the country (like AFSME... with weapons:D)



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So long as they are not violating Federal, State or local law any company has the right to establish whatever policies they believe will advance the goals of the company. Thank you all for your service and have a good Labor Day :)

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As stated earlier in this thread, I think the main reason why Celebrity decided to offer these discounts is because their competition has been doing it for years and they are trying to increase their passenger base. Another factor is attracting passengers who are more likely to spend a significant amount of money on sea days. However, it appears that Celebrity is getting a bonus they probably didn't anticipate because of all the people who feel their motives were purely altruistic.

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This is Sunday, so I suppose it is fitting to mention that parable of Jesus about the workers who were hired at different times. Each was offered a different pay scale and they wondered why.

And you remember what the answer was.


So yes, as a previous poster suggested, if you are happy with the price you paid, if you thought it fair and a good buy, why worry about what others are getting??


I like the price I paid for my next two cruises. They fit my budget. If you get yours cheaper, good for you.


Same with air fare. I shop for a good bargain, and once I get it, I don't sweat it if the price drops. It is a well know fact that nearly everyone on an airplane paid a different fare.




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