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Veendam A/C problems


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This has nothing to do with cruising or HAL but the last poster reminded me of a night at Friendlys.

We were seated in a booth , the people behind us consisted of a Mother, Her teenage daughter and younger daughter maybe 10 yrs,. old.

The teenage girl was for her age obese (not making fun of anyone)

The younger girl was on her way to that.

My BF's backs were to them and I could see everything.

The waitress took their orders first. Then came to us. What got me nervous was that the waitress didn't write anything down, all memory .

Needless to say she got their orders wrong (behind us). I said Uh Oh .. that means ours will be screwed up too. Mine was fine , My BF had one thing missing but he didn't care.

The waitress went over to their table to see if everything was alright.

The teenage daughter very rudely said to the waitress (in a tone if she were my kid she'd be doing dishes and sweeping the floors) ... WHERES MY CHEESE ? Theres no cheese on this , I ordered it with cheese.

Waitress apologized and wanted to change it for her. Waitress a young sweet girl maybe 18 .

Then the Mother was arguing with her teen ," I'm not paying $10.00 for that sandwich if it's not what you ordered, send it back.

Waitress came back and the mother started a scene now.

Finally the mgr (who also was the cook) came over and said How can I help you? The teenager told her thinking she was the mgr . that the waitress messed up the order and didn't write anything down.

Mgr says "tell me how you'd like it and I'll make it just as you'd like".

Ok... here comes the new plate of food (mind you the kid ate the entire plate of fries while waiting for her new plate with more fries.

"WHERES THE BACON" ? Theres no bacon on this sandwich I ordered it with Bacon... She took the bun off the sandwich and lifted the sandwich under the waitress's face .... (RUDE) OMG it keeps getting worse.

We're laughing to ourselves as we can't believe they could complain about everything.

Now it's time for dessert.

I nearly died when I heard them order their ice cream sundaes and the teen said to the waitress "Make sure their REAL scoops" and not spoonfuls , xtra fudge and cherries,

(Yes I remember this by heart as we still chuckle over it)

Ok... here comes the icecream but it wasn't real scoops (DUCK).. We're gonna get hit this time...

Waitress comes to us and we tell her everything was just fine/ perfect actually .

Teen daugher asks for a drink in her nasty tone. I'm boiling now as this poor waitress really kept her cool.

The Mother had her back to my BF and the two girls sat across from their MOM (facing me).

The teen was too busy with her spoon in the ice cream that when she went to pick up the tall glass of water it fell out of her hand and RIGHT into her mothers lap !!!

I couldn't hold it it I let out a laugh.

Now the little kid says "I (ME ) thought it was so funny blah blah blah"

I did..

Mommy goes to the bathroom to dry off and the daughters were laughing now .

Mom comes back and the little one says I was laughing about the water.

Next thing .. My BF says "I'll be right back" I said where are you going ?

He went to tell the MGR how rude they were to the young waitress and they basically verbally abused her all night and he didn't feel it was right if she got in trouble.

Then he proceeded to tell her (what I didn't hear) is .....

The Mommy wanted to come and pour a glass of water over my head because I thought it was so funny !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The MGR said ... Oh no. we'll move your table.

We were done at this point.


We overheard them tell the mgr "THis is the third restaurant we've been to today and no one got our orders right " !!!!! Habitual complainers...

I hope this makes you laugh .. When people complain sometimes they need to stop .

Things happen, life isn't perfect and sometimes you can tell alot about a person by how they handle a not so perfect situation :-)


If my cabin has no AC I'm sure I'll be mad but It won't make me not sail HAL ever again. I'd see if the problem was fixed before booking or try another of their ships. IT's Vacation time.. Enjoy . We're going to Bermuda.



I hope I made someone laugh over this... I still am ...


Good for your BF for taking the time to tell the mgr that it wasn't the waitress's fault. I don't know how she kept her cool. I would never last in a job like that. Rude mom, rude kids. You know what they say about the apple not falling far from the tree...

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I understand your feelings about paying extra for an "S" and feeling you deserve A/C. I believe you do, too.


But it bothers me that you suggest an "S" is more deserving of A/C than the most inexpensive inside cabin. I'm sure you didn't mean it to sound that way, but I've seen some other posts that suggest the same thing. You have paid for a much larger cabin, a wonderful large balcony, more amenities and added services.


But A/C should come as standard throughout the entire ship from the very cheapest to the most expensive cabin. Everyone who boards the ship paid for a comfortable cabin.


I'm sorry my bad phrasing made you feel that way, because I meant the exact opposite. Like I said - everyone deserves the basics, and it doesn't get more basic than a/c or heat.


The only time I had an a/c problem was on Maasdam in 2005. It was ship wide. The problem was "solved" by diverting a/c from the restaurants and a couple of other public venues, so *all* the cabins got cooling. On that occasion, it was a PITA to chase the front desk and maintenance to make sure our cabin was on the list for a fix. Travelling with elderly parents, I swore I'd never book them into anything less than an S, so the concierge could deal with the PITA factor. As I said on the "Good Grief, Now It's the Maasdam" thread:


" I'm sure the concierge will take care of it, since there seems to be some discretion on air distribution. (Not suggesting cold air should be stolen by people in suites from people in inside cabins! Hopefully, the "public venue theft" will again be possible.)"


I thought the concierge could do better than a fan and a bottle of wine. "Take some of the a/c from the Neptune Lounge, and divert it towards cabin 020! They're sweltering in there!"


(Someone who understand HVAC will probably now post explaining "public venue theft" isn't possible, and it couldn't have happened the way I thought.)


My abject apologies to you Heather, and anyone else who construed my post as you did.

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Would someone put the OP out of their misery already. Enough is enough.


Do what I just did, after reading that we are all tired of this, Click on the Red Triangle at on the right hand side of the OP's post and ask the Hosts to remove or move the thread.


If enough of us complain it should be moved or removed. Either way, I will be happier.


This is ridiculous rehashing...



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While the OP may be posting his dissatisfaction in more than one thread ... sorry, but he is not violating any board guidelines, so there is no basis for thread removal.


None of us is required to read any thread or post ... and we all have the same rights to express our opinions, impressions, and angst unless any of that does violate the board rules. Pretty easy, really, to just scroll on past what one prefers to ignore.


As for me, I spend less and less time here on the HAL board ... because, of late, there has been less light and frivolous and more down and dirty.

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...and, it should go without saying inside cabins 029, 031, 037 and 039 should get that Neptune Lounge a/c, too. Only difference should be they since don't have a concierge, they'll have to get the attention of maintenance themselves. Stand there, breathe down maintenance guy's neck while they adjust the a/c, then test the temperature of the air coming out of the vent.




No one should have to do this.


Bottom line: this needs to get fixed.

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There have been multiple individuals who have "perhaps" had negative experiences with HAL and I don't blame them for being upset. However, they use that as an excuse to discourage others. I have read about the problems on the Veendam over & over & over again but guess what? I'm still going on my cruise. I have been poked at, made fun of etc for the type of stateroom I've chosen, the fact that there is a group on my cruise and traveling on the Veendam when I failed to cave into the pressure as I have seen others do and cancel my booking I'm made to feel as if I'm less than intelligent. Just leave an honest review describing your issues and be done with it. I promise...when I return from my cruise I will leave an honest review. I will answer any questions but I will not continue to moan & groan about the imperfections.

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Do what I just did, after reading that we are all tired of this, Click on the Red Triangle at on the right hand side of the OP's post and ask the Hosts to remove or move the thread.


If enough of us complain it should be moved or removed. Either way, I will be happier.


This is ridiculous rehashing...





Thanks Joanie - I knew there was a way to report this, but could not remember how

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Such "slings and arrows" attacking other posters when it is The Attackers who are sorely factually mistaken. (provable even to themselves IF they were to read the entire thread BEFORE posting)



I AGREE WITH pizzadog!! Please, give this a rest or at least go back to one of the oh so numerous threads regardig the Veendam. Do not, I beg of you, keep starting new threads.




You have lost track of where you are:

1. This IS a Veendam thread

2. Person you are complaining about is NOT the OP and did not start this thread.


I am surprised at the amount of problems the OP encountered.

(and no, I don't work for HAL or any other cruise line, I don't have stock in HAL, I'm not a TA)


Also, NOT the OP


Life is too short to dwell on the negative all the time. The OP needs to stop!


Reminder: just who it is that needs to "stop" and read this thread:

The OP of this thread merely asked a question.


I also thought you were "done" with HAL. Not sure why you keep posting basically the same criticism about your experience.


Perhaps, just maybe, they would like HAL to *gasp* actually FIX the problem for the benefit of all. Thus negating the need for any such threads.


Enough already not just for this OP but for many of them. I don't think I can take another thread. It amazes me how long someone can go on & on & on & on & on..........about the same thing.



Nor did anyone but yourself put your finger on that mouse and click on this thread.

Yet, sadly you don't think HAL should "go on & on & on & on & on..." with basic maintenance ?


To ALL: Just because this hasn't happened to you personally doesn't mean that so many first hand posters can be so wrong.

I wouldn't wish these problems on you, but you should drop the Pom-Poms with your conjecture, and give the first hand reports/reporters the benefit of the doubt.

That is unless you never want to be taken seriously yourselves.



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Such "slings and arrows" attacking other posters when it is The Attackers who are sorely factually mistaken. (provable even to themselves IF they were to read the entire thread BEFORE posting)





You have lost track of where you are:

1. This IS a Veendam thread

2. Person you are complaining about is NOT the OP and did not start this thread.




Also, NOT the OP




Reminder: just who it is that needs to "stop" and read this thread:

The OP of this thread merely asked a question.




Perhaps, just maybe, they would like HAL to *gasp* actually FIX the problem for the benefit of all. Thus negating the need for any such threads.





Nor did anyone but yourself put your finger on that mouse and click on this thread.

Yet, sadly you don't think HAL should "go on & on & on & on & on..." with basic maintenance ?


To ALL: Just because this hasn't happened to you personally doesn't mean that so many first hand posters can be so wrong.

I wouldn't wish these problems on you, but you should drop the Pom-Poms with your conjecture, and give the first hand reports/reporters the benefit of the doubt.

That is unless you never want to be taken seriously yourselves.




Great post!


Smooth (and hopefully climate controlled) sailing to you..

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This thread was merged with another thread that I posted on earlier. When I posted the threads were not merged as of yet. When you posted the thread may have been already merged. When two threads are merged there is no way for others who came along later to know what was posted when. So yes, I am aware that this particular thread was not created by the OP that created the tread that I posted on and no I was not rererring to this OP. We must be careful when we make comments.


Such "slings and arrows" attacking other posters when it is The Attackers who are sorely factually mistaken. (provable even to themselves IF they were to read the entire thread BEFORE posting)





You have lost track of where you are:

1. This IS a Veendam thread

2. Person you are complaining about is NOT the OP and did not start this thread.




Also, NOT the OP




Reminder: just who it is that needs to "stop" and read this thread:

The OP of this thread merely asked a question.




Perhaps, just maybe, they would like HAL to *gasp* actually FIX the problem for the benefit of all. Thus negating the need for any such threads.





Nor did anyone but yourself put your finger on that mouse and click on this thread.

Yet, sadly you don't think HAL should "go on & on & on & on & on..." with basic maintenance ?


To ALL: Just because this hasn't happened to you personally doesn't mean that so many first hand posters can be so wrong.

I wouldn't wish these problems on you, but you should drop the Pom-Poms with your conjecture, and give the first hand reports/reporters the benefit of the doubt.

That is unless you never want to be taken seriously yourselves.



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The posts you quoted were all addressed to what was once the first post of yet another new thread on this same subject. (The original post for that thread is now #86 on this thread.) While I share the concerns that others have expressed on the apparent ongoing A/C problems (Heather's posts basically work for me), it seems reasonable to me to assert that the 4 or 5 already active threads on the subject were sufficient and that the intended new thread, created by someone who started one of the ongoing other threads, served no useful function. Opinions obviously differ about how many simultaneously active threads are needed to air grievances on a particular subject, but those who think 4 or 5 are enough have as much right to express their opinion as those who want to start a new thread every day on the same subject.



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I am re-posting the original question for this thread, which I thought was reasonable. Please stop refering to me, the so-called "OP", as the cause of any negative responses. Another thread was merged with this one and I don't know what comment/question started that thread! The whole idea of this forum is to encourage the exchange of information.




Would someone who has recently cruised on the Veendam please comment on the current status of the air conditioning in the staterooms. There have been many posts in the past regarding hot areas on the ship but nothing that seems to be recent. Since the itinerary is currently Bermuda with several days stationary in port without the benefit of the cooling effects of movement, it would be especially critical.



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I'm sorry my bad phrasing made you feel that way, because I meant the exact opposite. Like I said - everyone deserves the basics, and it doesn't get more basic than a/c or heat.




My abject apologies to you Heather, and anyone else who construed my post as you did.


No need at all to apologize! :) As I mentioned, I was sure you didn't mean it to sound like that. There were others, though, who sort of implied it as well so I thought it was a good time to say something.


Thanks Joanie - I knew there was a way to report this, but could not remember how


I'm trying to figure out what you want to report. There's nothing offensive, personal or non-cruise related here. If a thread (or subject) bores you, don't click on it; don't read it; move on.

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I am re-posting the original question for this thread, which I thought was reasonable. Please stop refering to me, the so-called "OP", as the cause of any negative responses. Another thread was merged with this one and I don't know what comment/question started that thread! The whole idea of this forum is to encourage the exchange of information.


Your post was quite reasonable! Doubt anyone thinks it wasn't. I think you can rest assured that those recent comments saying "Enough already!" that appear to be directed at you were not, but at the original poster of the new thread now merged here. FWIW, the original post for short-live thread that was merged into yours now appears as #86 here.

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